GMW National Coordinators
If you would like to organise a GMW activity in your country, please get in touch with your GMW National Coordinator. You will find below the list of the current GMW National Coordinating institutions.
The below listed institutions have agreed that their institution is listed as a GMW national coordinator on the GMW Website. Other countries, which are not on the list below, may also have GMW national coordinators. If your country is not on the below list, please get in touch with the GMW Secretariat for more details GMW_
- Albania – Bank of Albania
- Angola ‒ Banco Nacional de Angola
- Armenia ‒ Central Bank of Armenia
- Austria ‒ Oesterreichische Nationalbank
- Azerbaijan ‒ Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
- Bangladesh ‒ Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission and Daffodil International University
- Belgium ‒ FSMA - Financial Services and Markets Authority
- Bosnia and Herzegovina ‒ Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil ‒ Comissão de Valores Mobiliários
- British Virgin Islands ‒ BVI Financial Services Commission
- Brunei Darussalam ‒ Brunei Darussalam Central Bank
- Bulgaria ‒ JA Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso ‒ Ministère de l'économie, des finances et du développement
- Cabo Verde ‒ Banco Central de Cabo Verde
- Chile ‒ Comisión Para El Mercado Financiero (CMF)
- China │ Hong Kong, China ‒ Investor and Financial Education Council
- Colombia ‒ Financial Superintendence of Colombia
- Côte d'Ivoire ‒ Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de l'Alphabétisation
- Croatia ‒ Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia
- Cyprus ‒ Central Bank of Cyprus
- Czech Republic ‒ Ministry of Finance
- Democratic Republic of the Congo ‒ Banque Centrale du Congo
- Dominican Republic ‒ Superintendencia de Bancos
- Ecuador ‒ Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria
- Egypt ‒ Egyptian Banking Institution - Central Bank of Egypt
- El Salvador ‒ Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador - Central Reserve Bank
- Estonia ‒ Ministry of Finance
- Finland ‒ Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion
- France ‒ Banque de France
- Georgia ‒ National Bank of Georgia
- Greece ‒ Bank of Greece
- Guatemala ‒ Banco de Guatemala
- Honduras ‒ Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros
- Hungary ‒ Ministry of Finance
- India ‒ Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
- Ireland ‒ Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC)
- Israel ‒ Bank of Israel
- Italy ‒ Bank of Italy on behalf of the Financial Education Committee in Italy
- Japan ‒ Bank of Japan
- Jordan ‒ Central Bank of Jordan
- Korea ‒ Korean Financial Supervisory Services and Korea Institute of Finance
- Kosovo ‒ Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo
- Kyrgyz Republic ‒ The National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Latvia ‒ Financial and Capital Market Commission/ Latvijas Banka
- Lesotho ‒ Central Bank of Lesotho
- Libya ‒ Ministry of Education and Central Bank of Libya
- Lithuania ‒ Lietuvos bankas
- Luxembourg ‒ The Luxembourg Bankers' Association (ABBL)
- Madagascar ‒ Coordination Nationale de la Finance Inclusive - CNFI
- Malawi ‒ Reserve Bank of Malawi
- Malaysia ‒ Financial Education Network (FEN)
- Maldives ‒ Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA)
- Mali - Ministère de l'Entrepreneuriat National, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle
- Malta ‒ Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes (DLAP), Department for Curriculum, Lifelong Learning & Employability, Ministry for Education
- Mauritius ‒ Bank of Mauritius
- México ‒ MIDE, Museo Interactivo de Economía
- Moldova ‒ National Bank of Moldova
- Mongolia ‒ Central Bank of Mongolia
- Montenegro ‒ Central Bank of Montenegro
- Morocco ‒ Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education (FMEF)
- Mozambique – Central Bank of Mozambique
- Nepal – Nepal Rastra Bank
- Netherlands ‒ Money Wise - Ministry of Finance
- Netherlands │ Bonaire Dutch Caribbean ‒ Terramar Museum Foundation
- New Zealand ‒ Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission
- Nigeria ‒ Central Bank of Nigeria
- North Macedonia ‒ National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Oman – Central Bank of Oman
- Palestinian Authority ‒ Palestine Monetary Authority
- Panamá ‒ Superintendencia de Bancos de Panamá
- Paraguay ‒ Comision Nacional de Valores
- Peru ‒ Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP
- Poland ‒ Polish Financial Supervision Authority
- Portugal ‒ National Plan for Financial Education (the Banco de Portugal, the Portuguese Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority and the Portuguese Securities Market Commission)
- Romania ‒ Financial Supervisory Authority and the National Bank of Romania
- Saudi Arabia ‒ Capital Market Authority (CMA)
- Slovakia ‒ National Bank of Slovakia
- Slovenia ‒ The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
- South Africa ‒ Financial Sector Conduct Authority
- Spain ‒ Banco de España (Bank of Spain)
- Suriname ‒ Centrale Bank van Suriname
- Sweden ‒ Finansinspektionen - Sweden's Financial Supervisory Authority
- Tajikistan ‒ National Bank of Tajikistan
- Tanzania ‒ Institute of Accountancy Arusha Dar Es Salaam Campus
- Timor-Leste ‒ Banco Central de Timor-Leste
- Trinidad and Tobago ‒ National Financial Education Committee
- Ukraine ‒ National bank of Ukraine
- Uzbekistan ‒ The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Yemen ‒ Central Bank of Yemen
- Zambia ‒ Bank of Zambia, Bankers Association of Zambia and Pensions and Insurance Authority
- Zimbabwe ‒ Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe