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2024 Morocco Global Money Week


  • Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education - Fondation Marocaine pour l'Education Financière (FMEF)


  • The Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education, The Ministry of National Education, Pre school and Sports through schools, Universities, The Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social Economy, through Vocational training centers, The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests, through Vocational training centers, The Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, through youth centres, The Office for Vocational Training and Work Promotion through Vocational training centers, The Central Bank of Morocco, through its branches and agencies, The Moroccan Capital Market Authority, The Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare, The Digital Development Agency, The Professional Association of Moroccan Banks, through banks, their agencies and foundations, The Moroccan Federation of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies, through insurance companies and their agencies, The National Federation of Microcredit Associations, through micro-credit associations and their agencies, The Casablanca Stock Exchange, The National Agency for the fight against illiteracy, The second chance schools, VISA Maroc, ONGs


  • 123


  • 753 317


  • 8 141


  • 2 595 561

The 12th edition of GMW in Morocco was a real success, confirming the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors, and between educational and financial institutions for a successful campaign.

Coordination, innovation, and inclusion were the guiding principles in the preparation and implementation of the campaign, with a single goal: to connect young people to the world of finance and enhance their financial literacy and interest in this field. As every year, the FMEF and its partners (Ministries, financial sector regulators, banks, insurance companies, micro-credit associations, civil society, other financial institutions) organised a diverse programme. GMW's activities in Morocco included visits to financial institutions, information and training sessions, seminars, media campaigns, mobilisation of mobile agencies to reach rural areas, production and distribution of ludo-pedagogic materials (brochures, booklets, leaflets, magazines, comics, etc.), distribution of goodies (piggy banks, tote bags, notebooks and pens, etc.), broadcasting of videos and podcasts, design of platforms (mobile applications, websites, ATMs, etc.), quizzes and challenges (Quizz Finance about capital market, comic strip competition on three themes: budgeting, saving and investing in the capital market, insurance quiz…), and a stock exchange championship.

A video testimonial concept was produced and broadcast on social networks. In this series of videos, young people answer questions on the subject of financial scams and share their advice on how to avoid online financial scams.

The GMW, held from March 18 to 31 in Morocco, was extended for over a month to reach a wider audience. Particular attention is always paid to the gender approach, the rural dimension and the integration of children and young people with special needs, in order to reach a diverse and inclusive public: primary, middle, and high school students, university students, young people enrolled in vocational training centers for crafts and agriculture, participants in literacy programme, young entrepreneurs, juniors and youth in youth centers, and children and young people in second-chance schools were among the key target groups.

This year, in collaboration with Aflatoun and Visa, FMEF also hosted a regional conference for the MENA region on financial education for children and young people. This two-day event attracted over a hundred participants both in person and online, showcasing the fruits of collaborative efforts. As part of GMW, the conference featured young participants from Morocco and the MENA region, giving them a platform to voice their views on financial literacy and their specific needs for related skills, based on their educational backgrounds and circumstances. These young speakers impressed with their eloquence and insight into their experiences and their needs for innovative financial education programmes to support their socio-economic inclusion and future development. They also engaged with a panel of experts, asking questions particularly related to the 2024 GMW theme, "how to protect your money, especially in digital usage." The conference served as a platform for exchanging experiences and best practices among national institutional stakeholders and those from various MENA countries (Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, etc.) regarding financial education initiatives for children and youth. Discussions also covered the integration of financial education at the national level through school curricula, training programmes, and extracurricular activities.

2023 Morocco Global Money Week


  • Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education - Fondation Marocaine pour l'Education Financière (FMEF)


  • The Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education; The Ministry of National Education; Pre school and Sports through schools; Universities; The Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social Economy, through Vocational training centers, The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests, through Vocational training centers; The Office for Vocational Training and Work Promotion through Vocational training centers; The Central Bank of Morocco,through its branches and agencies;The Moroccan Capital Market Authority; The Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare; The Professional Association of Moroccan Banks, through banks, their agencies and foundations; The Moroccan Federation of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies, through insurance companies and their agencies; The National Federation of Microcredit Associations, through micro-credit associations and their agencies; The Casablanca Stock Exchange; The National Agency for the fight against illiteracy; The second chance schools; VISA Maroc; ONGs


  • 119


  • 614 643


  • 4 065 155


  • NA

The 11th edition of Global Money Week in Morocco, organised by the Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education (FMEF), was a great success. Held from 20th March to 2nd April, the programme included a series of exciting and informative events organised in collaboration with a wide range of partners from the public and private educational and financial sectors. Students had the opportunity to participate in visits to financial institutions, which enabled them to acquire invaluable insights into the world of finance. Additionally, information sessions led by professionals from the financial sector were held directly in classrooms, providing students with practical knowledge and guidance. To further promote financial education, tailored training sessions were organised for vocational students, micro-entrepreneurs, and potential project developers. These sessions aimed to empowering them with the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully navigate the complex financial landscape.University students participated in engaging seminars and webinars related to advanced financial concepts, such as inflation and purchasing capacity, green finance, fintech, payment systems and methods, insurance, investment. These sessions enabled stimulating discussions and helped foster a better understanding of finance among the next generation of adults.To make learning about finance a fun and enjoyable experience, the FMEF distributed interactive educational booklets. These booklets, featuring games and interactive activities, helped children and young people grasp financial concepts in a pleasant and attractive way. This edition of Global Money Week emphasised inclusion and gender awareness. Efforts were made to ensure that children and young people from all backgrounds, including those in rural areas and with specific needs, were able to benefit from visits to financial institutions and educational sessions.Alongside the direct activities, a dynamic digital campaign was launched on the FMEF's social media platforms, as well as those of its partners. This campaign deployed innovative content and diverse formats to engage young internet users and their wider ecosystem, ensuring wide coverage and maximum impact.The 11th Global Money Week in Morocco was a testament to the dedication of the FMEF and its partners in promoting financial literacy and empowering children and young people. Through immersive experiences, information sessions, and a captivating digital campaign, this edition succeeded in inspiring the next generation to make informed financial decisions and build a secure future.

2022 Morocco Global Money Week


  • Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education - Fondation Marocaine pour l'Education Financière (FMEF)


  • Bank Al Maghrib (The Central Bank of Morocco), Moroccan Capital Market Authority, schools


  • 14


  • 651,823


  • 16,858


  • 3,511,814

The Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education (FMEF) is a national GMW coordinator in Morocco and celebrated this year’s Global Money Week Campaign from 21 March to 3 April. During the week, both educational and financial sectors aimed connecting children and young people to the world of finance.

Morocco has been taking part in GMW since the first edition in 2012 and proudly celebrated the 10th anniversary of GMW in 2022. For this special edition, the programme mobilised all stakeholders inclusively. Diversity and inclusion is reflected in the association of its new stakeholders, the development of actions and innovative initiatives for the diversified targets of children, juniors and youth and their ecosystem. Through activities over 635,233 beneficiaries were directly reached.

Based on the future-oriented theme “Build your future, be smart about money," the programme included:


  • visits to financial institutions and information sessions in the classroom by speakers from the financial sector;
  • training sessions for vocational training students, based on the digital material prepared by the Foundation, micro-entrepreneurs and project leaders;
  • seminars and webinars for higher education students;
  • targeted thematic competitions: "Best drawings" competition open to middle school students, this competition, which is titled “The world of money through the eyes of children” and was aimed to unleash the creativity of children and juniors on a theme related to finance;
  • best essays competition, open to high school students, was about writing a short content on the topic of “My story with money” with a dramatic structure;
  • best piggy bank competition addressed to trainees was organised in craft training centres and required participants to make a handmade piggy bank from different materials including wood, pottery, glass, silver, copper or leather.

Furthermore, daily publications on topics related to financial education were shared by the partners. ATMs were branded with the official event banners. Videos on financial education topics were produced and published among online competitions organised by the partners. In the insurance sector, a quiz on social networks was conducted by the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority, which allowed participants to win prizes. The authority also provided a number of comic books explaining insurance-related topics in a fun way. Bank Al Maghrib (The Central Bank of Morocco) distributed booklets for children and juniors containing games and practical information. The Moroccan Capital Market Authority initiated competition through the mobile application "Quiz Finance" for the benefit of high school students followed by awards ceremony in May.

In parallel to the actions and other initiatives conducted throughout the country, a special GMW digital campaign was conducted on the social networks of the FMEF and its partners. Diverse range of contents and activities adapted to the selected themes were addressed to different audience groups. Many videos, testimonies, games, quizzes, tips on savings, investment, capital market, stock market, insurance and budget management where shared. Moreover, two influencers were engaged in the digital campaign to highlight the financial education messages and highlight any publications. The themes covered were both personal and professional financial management related as well as included sharing of experiences and best practices.

In addition, and as usual, the FMEF produced a press release presenting GMW activities that had been planned by the Foundation and its partners. This was shared throughout the media to announce the beginning of the campaign week.

2021 Morocco Global Money Week


  • Fondation Marocaine pour l'Education financière / Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education


  • The Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research; The Ministry of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicrafts and Social Economy; The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests; The Office for Vocational Training and Work Promotion; The Central Bank of Morocco; The Moroccan Capital Market Authority; The Supervisory Authority of Insurance and Social Welfare; The Professional Association of Moroccan Banks; The Moroccan Federation of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies; The National Federation of Microcredit Associations; The Casablanca Stock Exchange


  • 4,007


  • 5,620,000


  • 1,610,000


  • 7,000,000

In Morocco, GMW2021 took place from 22 March to 9 April in order to reach a wide audience considering the circumstances of the pandemic. The Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education, national coordinator of GMW, encouraged partners to adopt programmes that prioritise digital and distance learning activities while maintaining face-to-face activities when conditions permitted. These activities included information sessions in classrooms based on digital pedagogical resources for primary, middle and high school students; sessions for vocational training students; young micro-entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs; webinars for colleges and university students on the following topics “Monetary Policy”, “Capital Markets”, and “Insurance and Social Security.” Over 230,000 people were reached through these initiatives.

Other GMW activities included a piggy bank competition organised by Al Barid Bank on social networks that invited children, accompanied by an adult, to design a piggy bank. Three winners were selected. A video on savings for children by Crédit du Maroc and two videos on digital banking and the functioning of a bank branch by Attijariwafa Bank were organised. A digital "Finance Quiz" competition for students was held by the Moroccan Capital Market Authority.

Several educational materials (comics, dedicated video clips, guides ...) were published by financial market regulators, such as Bank Al-Maghrib, the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority and the Moroccan Capital Market Authority to promote their respective missions and explain several financial concepts in a ludic way.

The FMEF also conducted a special campaign on social networks during the whole period of the event and received 5.8 million impressions and 460,000 interactions. A specific editorial plan was defined including quizzes, challenges on the theme of savings, a special "Savings for young people" video, stories, reports and testimonies and several other activities. At the end of the campaign, the Foundation published a savings guide, which includes the publications on savings disseminated on this occasion.

A young social network influencer was also part of the Foundation’s digital campaign, she discussed throughout the campaign saving and its importance at a young age by inviting young people to share their tips and stories related to saving and achieving their financial goals.

At the same time, Global Money Week attracted significant media coverage through the Foundation's participation in numerous radio broadcasts and the publication of several press articles.

2019 Morocco Global Money Week


  • Fondation Marocaine pour l'Education Financière (FMEF)


  • 20 Banks, Autorité de Contrôle des Assurances et de la Prévoyance Sociale (ACAPS), Autorité Marocaine du Marché des Capitaux (AMMC), Bank Al- Maghrib (BAM), Bourse de Casablanca, Dar As Sikkah (BAM), Fédération Marocaine des Sociétés d’Assurance et de Réassurance (FMSAR), Fédération Nationale des Associations du Microcrédit (FNAM), Groupement Professionnel des Banques du Maroc (GPBM), Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale de la Formation Professionnelle de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique (MENFPESRS), Musée de la monnaie (BAM), Office de Formation Professionnelle et de Promotion de travail (OFPPT), Secrétariat d’État chargé de l’Artisanat et de l’Économie Sociale (SECAES)


  • 220 000


  • 2 500 000

Fondation Marocaine pour l'Education Financière (FMEF)
The Global Money Week celebrations in Morocco were once again organised by FMEF. This year, FMEF focused not just on children in primary and secondary schools, but also on students doing internships at professional training centers. University students and micro-entrepreneurs also participated in the campaign and were taught with educational materials, which were adapted to their needs. Trainers and representatives from FMEF conducted seminars on monetary policy in Morocco, insurance and social security. Additionally, awareness building workshops in schools and training centers were organised. Visits to the Bank Al-Maghrib money museum were organised. Furthermore, The Capital Markets Authority of Morocco, the Insurance Control and Social Security Authority, the Stock Exchange of Casablanca, as well as the Moroccan Bankers Association and the Moroccan Insurance Group organised tours through their establishments. To ensure that youth, who were not able to participate directly in the events, were still included in the Campaign, the media coverage and digital campaign was extremely extensive, through publications on practical information, quizzes and education videos. The celebrations continued throughout the entire month of April.

2018 Morocco Global Money Week


  • Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education (FMEF)


  • Casablanca Stock Exchange, Central Bank of Morocco (Bank Al Marghib), Dar As-Sikkah, Ministry of National Education (Higher Education) Vocational Training and Scientific Research, Ministry of Tourism, Air Transport, Crafts and Social Economy, Monetary Museum, Moroccan Capital Markets Authority, Moroccan Federation of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies-, Office of Vocational Training and Work Promotion, Professional Group of Banks of Morocco, Supervisory Authority for Insurance and Social Welfare


  • 250 000


  • 3 500 000

Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education (FMEF)
Morocco celebrated the 7th edition of Global Money Week, also known as “Journées de la Finance pour les Enfants et Les Jeunes au Maroc”. As every year, the Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education initiated and managed the Week in Morocco. All stakeholders throughout every region of the Kingdom were highly involved in this year’s celebrations. The week revolved around creating gender equality and rural-urban equality, as well as children with specific needs. The programme included visits to branches of the Central Bank, other banking and insurance institutions, the Money Museum, the Casablanca Stock Exchange, and the Dar As-Sikkah, producer of Moroccan currency. This year was the first year that FMEF initiated awareness sessions on financial education with the Authority of Insurance Supervisory and Social Protection and the Moroccan Capital Market Authority. Each organisation invited high school students for presentations. FMEF published financial education contents on multiple social media platforms, including a quiz on finance topics. Additionally, booklets were published for different age groups in both Arabic and French. The booklets simplified themes such as budgeting, income, expenses, savings, credit, different means of payment, stock exchanges, and financial institutions. Other events included awareness sessions for children with special needs, integration of students from vocational training centers, and the launch of a mobile app, “MIZANIYATI”, which broadcasts financial education content to Moroccan citizens.

2017 Morroco Global Money Week


  • Fondation Marocaine pour l’Education Financière (FMEF)




  • 880


  • 9100

The Moroccan Association for Financial Education (FMEF) has begun the celebration of the Global Money Week 2017 by organising a high level meeting in April 2017 dedicated to the Finance Days for Children and Youth (JFEJ) at the Global Money Week GMW. This event brought together all public and private stakeholders who work with the JFEF and was marked by the participation of Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI). In addition to the central leaders, this meeting also included the participation of regional heads of institutions involved in the organisation of the Children and Youth Finance Days in all regions of the Kingdom, namely 12 regional education authorities, more than 10 commercial banks, BAM agencies and representatives of insurance companies. The meeting was an opportunity to present the new project “Schoolbank”, which aimed to educate children and youth about financial inclusion. Within the framework of the FMEF partnership with CYFI, a specific action plan between the two parties has been put in place for the integration and adaptation of this programme in Morocco. Finally, the meeting was an opportunity to reiterate the commitment of all stakeholders in the development of financial education for children and youth in Morocco.

Participants were the Director of Development of the Casablanca Stock Exchange; the Managing Director of the Moroccan Banking Association (GPBM); the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and Higher Education and Scientific Research; the Executive Director of the Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education (FMEF); the Managing Director of Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI); the Director of the Moroccan Federation of Insurance and Reinsurance Societies (FMSAR) and the Director of Networks and Information Centers, who all recalled the importance of these days for the extension of financial matters to children and youth.

The organisation of GMW ensured maximum coverage of the whole country by ensuring the integration of two important dimensions: the rural and the gender approach. The efforts of all the partners taking part in this event have bee n multiplied in order to guarantee the success of these days and the objectives assigned to them.

This year, 150,000 children benefited from the programme of visits to financial institutions and the training sessions in institutions. Efforts were also made to reach more rural areas and to diversify information activities and affected schools.

The number of schools who participated this year across all regions of the country is 2262. The number of trainers exceeded 1900 and the number of banking agencies that welcomed our young participants exceeded 1460 agencies.

On the last day of GMW2017, 32 mute and deaf children, accompanied by three supervisors (of whom two communicated to them by sign language) benefited on the last day from a visit to a bank agency in the region of Agadir.

The FMEF also led a campaign on social networks, notably Facebook, which reached 5 million young people between the ages of 13 and 30 within the context of the Finance Days. This campaign came in the form of a quiz with several questions on personal finances.

Taking into account the results of previous surveys from JFEJ and recommendations from partners, the FMEF has developed a new booklet for elementary school pupils (7 to 11 years old) covering the following topics: budgets, savings, credit, the bank and the means of payment. These themes are portrayed in a very simplified way with illustrations to help children remember the concepts mentioned.

The new booklet offers children the opportunity to play games related to budget management, money and currencies under the section “Have fun!”. It also includes a questionnaire that will allow the FMEF to assess whether children feel the tool is effective.

2016 Morocco Global Money Week




  • 14th - 20th of March


  • 150 000

organised by the Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education (FMEF), the 5th edition of Financial Education Days reached more than 150,000 children and youth.

One of the objectives of the Week was to bring financial education closer to youth in rural areas and, this year, the participation rate there increased to reach 30%! Participants were able to experience a diverse and extensive programme, including a visit to the Casablanca Stock Exchange to familiarize themselves with this institution and its role. Over 400 banking agencies welcomed students during the Week, showing a large involvement from the banking sector in raising awareness on financial education, with 20 agencies from the Bank al-Maghrib coordinating the events. Furthermore, more than 200 banking professionals also went to schools to conduct financial trainings and raise awareness about the importance of financial education and inclusion. Students were taught about money, budget, savings, banking and insurance products and services. In addition, a press conference on financial education was held at the FMEF to attract media attention during these Financial Education Days.

2015 Morocco Global Money Week




  • 9th - 17th of March


  • 150 000

organised by the Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education (FMEF), the 5th edition of Financial Education Days reached more than 150,000 children and youth.

One of the objectives of the Week was to bring financial education closer to youth in rural areas and, this year, the participation rate there increased to reach 30%! Participants were able to experience a diverse and extensive programme, including a visit to the Casablanca Stock Exchange to familiarize themselves with this institution and its role. Over 400 banking agencies welcomed students during the Week, showing a large involvement from the banking sector in raising awareness on financial education, with 20 agencies from the Bank al-Maghrib coordinating the events. Furthermore, more than 200 banking professionals also went to schools to conduct financial trainings and raise awareness about the importance of financial education and inclusion. Students were taught about money, budget, savings, banking and insurance products and services. In addition, a press conference on financial education was held at the FMEF to attract media attention during these Financial Education Days.

“We never stop noticing the enthusiasm of the students. They highly appreciated this week. This is expressed by the change from 30,000 students in 2012 to 150,000 students this year” Atiqua Hafaoui, from the direction for school life within the Ministry, Morocco
“We aim, through this initiative, to raise awareness among youth on elementary concepts in financial issues. Moreover, these children will help us to spread this education to their parents, especially in the rural world where a major part of the families is still not familiar with the world of banks and money” El Hadi Chaibainou, CEO of the banking association Groupement professionnel des banques marocaines (GPBM), Morocco

2014 Morocco Global Money Week


  • Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education Central Bank Al-Maghrib Conseil Déontologique des Valeurs Mobilières (CDVM) Ministry of Economy Ministry of Education Groupement Professionnel des Banques du Maroc (GPBM) Federation Marocaine des Societes d’Assurances et de Reassurance (RFMSAR) Casablanca Stock Exchange


  • 10th – 14th of March


  • 80 000

Morocco has participated in Global Money Week since its inception in 2012. This year children and youth were invited to attend guided visits to a wide variety of financial institutions in order to broaden their financial knowledge. These visits were conducted at commercial banks, insurance agencies, the Casablanca Stock Exchange, Dar As-Sikkah (the Moroccan Mint), and the Moroccan Money Museum. In turn, financial experts from local banks visited the students at high schools and primary schools to conduct finance lessons in order to better equip the children and youth to make informed decisions about saving and spending their money wisely.

40 children primary and secondary schools were invited to attend the opening ceremony at the Casablanca Stock Exchange in honor Global Money Week. Representatives from financial institutions were also in attendance, such as the Director of the Banking Supervision, Director of the Financial Banking Association, and Director of the Casablanca Stock Exchange each addressed the students, explaining the importance of financial education, before they invited the children to open the stock market for the day.

The competition of KidzMondo consisted of handling a budget throughout the day by spending and making money in income-generating activities, including banking, hospitalization, education, media, social services, etc. At the end of the day, the winning child having gained the largest amount of money was selected, having proved his competency in managing his financial budget.

Learn more:

2013 Morocco Global Money Week


  • Bank Al-Maghrib (Central Bank of Morocco)


  • Ministries of: Economy & Education
  • DAPS & CDVM : Regulators of the financial system
  • FMSAR & GPBM : Financial Professional associations
  • La Bourse de Casablanca : The Casablanca Stock Exchange


  • 15th – 21st of March


  • 60 000

“Children in rural area are really impressed hearing about finance. For them those are symbols of the modern world and make them dream about a better life,” shared the organisers. Global Money Week was celebrated in Morocco with a number of guided visits to various financial institutions including commercial banks, Dar As-Sikkah (the currency industrial unit), insurance agencies, the Stock Market and the Money Museum. The week continued with official visits from bankers to high schools.

As a result, foundation has been established to create and promote financial awareness in the country.

GMW countdown 8

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