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Global Money Week 2025 Launch




Global Money Week (GMW) promotes efforts aimed at improving the financial literacy of young people. The ultimate goal of the campaign is to ensure that all children and young people have access to high-quality financial education, they learn about money matters and are able to take smart financial decisions that can improve their future financial resilience and financial well-being. Throughout 11 editions, starting in 2012, the campaign has reached over 60 million children and young people in 176 countries worldwide.

The GMW2024 theme, “Protect your money, secure your future”, focuses on safe money management and highlights the importance of adopting a responsible and informed approach to personal finances, by being aware of potential risks in the financial sector and protecting one's hard-earned money. Such risks may include financial scams and frauds, including phishing, money muling and online shopping scams, and risks related to data privacy, such as identity theft. Young people are especially likely to fall victims of financial frauds and scams, due to their limited financial literacy and experience.

The GMW2024 Global Launch event took place in hybrid format on 18 March 2024 between 10:00 and 16:00 CET at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris.

This year, the Global Launch was organised in conjunction with the OECD/FinCoNet International Seminar “Tackling Financial Scams and Frauds”.

To download the agenda, please click here.




9.30 - 10.00



Launch of the Global Money Week 2024: Protect your money, secure your future

Yoshiki Takeuchi, Deputy Secretary-General, OECD

Connor Graham, youth representative, Enactus UK and Ireland, OECD Youth Organisations Sounding Board for Governance (YOUNG)

10.15 – 10.30

The role of financial education in protecting children and young people from financial scams and frauds

Keynote address: Mairead McGuinness, European Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union

10.30 – 10.40

Safe banking practices, educating the youth Special address Swaminathan Janakiraman, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India

Special address: Swaminathan Janakiraman, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India

10.30 - 12.00

Effective ways to protect consumers, especially young people, from financial scams and frauds

Moderator: Magda Bianco, Head of Consumer Protection and Financial Education Department, Bank of Italy; Chair of the OECD International Network on Financial Education; Co-Chair of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) Speakers


Friderica Widyasari Dewi, Chief Executive of Market Conduct Supervision, Education and Consumer Protection, Indonesia Financial Services Agency

Luis Gustavo Mansur Siqueira, Head of Financial Citizenship Promotion Department, Central Bank of Brazil

Dora Li, General Manager, Investor and Financial Education Council, Hong Kong, China

Christian Meijer, Head of MoneyWise, Ministry of Finance Netherlands

James Simmonds-Read, National Programme Manager - Exploitation Prevention Programme, The Children’s Society, UK 

This session will highlight examples of effective ways to protect consumers, especially young people, from financial scams and frauds. Speakers will share their countries’ approaches and experiences in raising awareness and increasing the financial literacy of consumers, especially young people, in relation to protecting their money from potential financial scams and frauds.

12:00 - 12:45

Lunch break

12:45 - 13:00

Emerging risks for consumers in relation to financial scams and frauds: OECD Consumer Finance Risk Monitor

Matthew Soursourian, Financial Consumer Protection, OECD

Based on data collected from over 40 participating jurisdictions, the Consumer Finance Risk Monitor analyses the constantly evolving issues and risks facing consumers of financial products and services. It examines consumer harms and complaints in five product markets (banking and payments, credit, insurance, investments and pensions) and describes regulatory and supervisory responses to address market conduct risks.

13:00 - 14:15

Taking a holistic view: cross-sectoral perspectives and experiences regarding financial scams and frauds

Moderator: Nisha Arora, Director of Cross-Cutting Policy and Strategy, Financial Conduct Authority, UK, and Chair of the G20/OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer Protection Speakers


Rilwan Shareef, Criminal Intelligence Officer, INTERPOL Financial Crime and Anti-Corruption Centre

Vijay Mauree, Programme Coordinator, International Telecommunications Union

Bartłomiej Dzik, Deputy Director, Market Research Department, International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network

Stefan Hall, Director, Digital Innovation and Impact, Consumers International

Tackling financial scams and frauds effectively involves coordinated efforts across different sectors. In this session, panelists representing a range of sectors will share their perspectives and experiences in terms of the trends and developments they are seeing and effective responses.

14:15 - 15:45

Latest experiences and developments in regulatory and supervisory approaches to tackling financial scams and frauds from around the world

In this session, financial consumer protection policymakers, regulators and supervisors from around the world will share their countries’ experience in terms of financial scams and frauds, and latest developments in terms of regulatory and supervisory approaches and actions they are pursuing to protect consumers.

Moderator: Juliana Mozachi Sandri, Head of the Department of Conduct Supervision, Central Bank of Brazil and Chair of FinCoNet Speakers


Véronique Martel, Director, Supervision – Commercial Practices, Financial Markets Authority (AMF), Québec

Nathan Bourne, Senior Executive Leader, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

Elías Vargas Laredo, Assistant Superintendent of Market Conduct and Interest Rates, Superintendency of Banks, Insurance and Private Pensions of Peru (SBS), Peru

Marine Mahistre, Deputy Head of Unit, Department of Treasury, France

Yuji Yamashita, Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, Financial Services Agency, Japan

15:45 – 16:00

Closing remarks

16.00 – 16:30
