Congratulations to All Participants – It was an Incredible Global Money Week 2021!
We are amazed by the efforts of all participants and countries that took part in this 9th edition of Global Money Week (GMW) during 22-26 March 2021! Despite very challenging times, organisations everywhere made great efforts in planning valuable digital events and, where possible, in-person activities. Many Global Money Week agendas, programmes, photos and videos were shared online! We are impressed by the numerous events that focused on the GMW2021 theme ‘Take care of yourself, take care of your money’ and engaged children and young people in learning about financial literacy skills to build financial resilience. It is now more important and relevant than ever to continue and enhance conversations with children and young people around money issues, so that they can feel confident in their skills and knowledge about managing financial matters.
We are thrilled to share with you that more than 100 countries and economies participated in the 9th edition of the Campaign.
This year’s edition was organised by the OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE) and with the support of the Italian G20 Presidency.
Global Launch of Global Money Week 2021
The Global Launch of Global Money Week 2021 took place on March 22. The event was held digitally and featured high-level global leaders and policymakers. If you missed it, you can re-watch the Global Launch below or find out more details about it here.
H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, United Nations Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, and the OECD’s Secretary-General Mr. Angel Gurría highlighted the importance of financial education for young people in these challenging times in their opening remarks.
A high-level panel of global policymakers discussed why financial education for young people is a priority for their countries, and shared how their institutions are celebrating Global Money Week this year. Key insights were shared by Magda Bianco, Head of Consumer Protection and Financial Education Department, Bank of Italy and Co-chair of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion; Anna Zelentsova, NIFI, Ministry of Finance, Russian Federation and Co-chair of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion; Mairead McGuinness, European Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union; Marcelo Barbosa, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), Brazil; Olano Makhubela, Acting Commissioner, Financial Sector Conduct Authority, South Africa; Gurumoorthy Mahalingam, Commissioner, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI); Flore-Anne Messy, Head of Consumer Finance, Insurance and Pensions Division, OECD; Executive Secretary, International Network on Financial Education. The event was moderated by Claer Barrett Consumer Editor from Financial Times.
Voice of Young People
Young people’s voices were also featured during the Global Launch of Global Money Week 2021. Many organisations sent videos of young people as they shared their thoughts about the importance of taking care of their money and what they would like to learn about money. Thank you to everyone who took part in this GMW2021 video initiative!
Please make sure to fill-out the GMW2021 Post-Form before 16 April 2021
We look forward to hearing about your GMW2021 celebrations, collect photos and videos! Therefore, please make sure to fill out the GMW2021 Post-Form to report on the events and activities that you organised during the Week in your country. In addition, this way we can include your events in the GMW Report 2021 and share your celebrations with others.
- If you were the national coordinator of GMW2021 in your country, then please complete this GMW2021 Post-Form here. To see an example of the ‘GMW2021 Post-Form for National Coordinators’ click here.
- If there was no GMW national coordinator in your country, please complete this GMW2021 Post-Form here. To see an example of the ‘GMW2021 Post-Form for Individual Organisations’ click here.
How can you send your photos or videos to GMW Team?
- Option 1: For only a couple of photos, please email them directly to us at GMW_
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PLEASE NOTE! Any media, especially photos and videos featuring young people, can only be submitted to the OECD if the appropriate consent has been obtained from the young people portrayed, their parents, legal guardians, and/or photographers as relevant, to ensure that these materials may be widely published. The Global Money Week Initiative is subject to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of the OECD website.
Please ensure that the photo/video permission request form filled in and signed by your organisation is submitted to the OECD alongside any photos/videos. Please note that, without this signed form, the OECD will NOT be in a position to use the submitted photos/videos for any of its GMW2021 reporting activities (website, annual report etc.)
Download photo request form here. Download video request form here.
GMW2021 news on social media
Each day so many updates and news were shared by participating organisations on social media! Make sure to follow GMW updates on and see where GMW has been tagged @GlobalMoneyWeek with the official hashtags of GMW2021: #GlobalMoneyWeek2021 #TakeCareOfYourMoney #LearnSaveEarn #GMW2021Preparations or #GMW2021Launch.
Country Highlights
Thousands of activities took place during this year’s Global Money Week from digital events to national launches and beyond! We are thrilled to share with you GMW2021 highlights from around the world!
*Please note! The GMW Secretariat would like to acknowledge and thank all institutions participating in GMW from around the world, even if it is not possible to mention each and every one. Your efforts are valuable and appreciated.
Highlights from the OECD International Network on Financial Education and other national authorities
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This was the seventh year when the Bank of Albania (BoA) participated in GMW. All events for this year’s campaign were organised in cooperation with the Albanian Association of Banks (AAB). The virtual launch of GMW2021 was held on March 23, and several other online events took place throughout the Week. Activities included: open hours about financial education for primary school students; drawing competition focusing on the theme of GMW2021 ‘Take care of yourself, take care of your money’; European Money Quiz ‘Kahoot’; ‘The best video’ competition for high school students; a Facebook contest for university students on ‘The impact of COVID-19 on the economy and for personal finances during the pandemic’; online lectures; radio and TV talk shows to raise public awareness of the financial literacy, and so much more. |
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To celebrate GMW2021 with COVID-19 guidelines in mind, the National Bank of Angola and the Capital Market Commission (CMC) organised various activities for children and youth, such as a webinars on personal finance, lectures on education and financial inclusion, radio and television programmes. Information about the Week was shared through newspapers and social media networks. In Angola, participating organisations included the Ministry of Education, Insurance Regulatory (ARSEG), MASFAMU, MINJUD, universities, and others. |
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To kick-start GMW2021 in Armenia, the Central Bank organised a live webinar about money management. Experts were invited to give speeches on money matters. Social media and news channels were used to share updates from the event. Throughout the Week the Central Bank of Armenia organised many activities, including webinars on personal finance and money management, ‘Learning by teaching’ programme where secondary school students taught younger children about money matters; ‘Brain-Ring’ financial-economic contest for students; an online ‘Savings Game’ for youth; art competition; ‘Wikipedia’ contest to search and learn from articles about money and personal finance management, and more. The Central Bank of Armenia is continuing the GMW Campaign with the ‘My Finance Month’ project, held until mid-May. |
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The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and its partners organised a series of promotions across social media promoting key messages with a specific focus on the link between financial wellbeing and mental health. To celebrate GMW2021, the Hunter School of the Performing Arts invited students to write about the financial implications of COVID-19 from an objective point of view. This included advice for navigating the pandemic financially: not being scammed with fake vaccines, government payments or job programmes explained, the implication of low interest rates, the impact on performing artists and ways this has been overcome, the effect of rent negotiations or mortgage negotiations on debt, the social and community cost of isolating. In addition, Moneysmart website here from the Australian Securities & Investments project was used as a guidance. |
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The Central Bank of Austria (OeNB) led GMW planning in the country and included several activities to celebrate the 9th edition of the Campaign. Firstly, GMW and financial education news were shared on the Eurologisch website here, and on the website of the Central Bank here. Secondly, a newsletter was sent out to promote GMW. It included an agenda about the Week and the Global-Money-Week-Quiz. Also, online lectures about dealing with money were made available on Euro-Aktiv-Online, and OeNB led broadcast on the topic of ‘dealing with money.’ Press releases and social media platforms were used to share news and updates from the Week. |
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The Central Bank of Azerbaijan in collaboration with the Ministry of Education announced a competition to increase students' knowledge and skills in financial literacy by acquainting them with ideas about the critique of waste, the value of money, saving and saving habits in Nizami Ganjavi's poems. Competition announced in two direction: 1. Paintings describing critique of waste, the value of money, saving and saving habits in Nizami Ganjavi's poems (for 7-14 years old children) 2. Essays about critique of waste, the value of money, saving and saving habits in Nizami Ganjavi's poems (for 12-14 years old children). |
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The National Bank of Belarus has been coordinating annual celebrations of GMW. This year’s events were organised in all regions of the Republic of Belarus. The Week started with a trade opening ceremony at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange. The main event of the National Bank of Belarus was a video blogger competition on the topic ‘Money Matters Matter.’ More than 500,000 children and youth attended both online and offline events from open days, online financial education lessons and lectures, hackathons, motivational online sessions for teachers and students, trainings, and presentations. The National Bank of Belarus developed materials on the topic ’Digital literacy in the financial sphere’ (see here). GMW2021 news were shared at Unified Portal of Financial Literacy here, and in the media. |
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To celebrate GMW2021 in Belgium, the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) organised many activities. ‘Get familiar with budget management’ topic was discussed with students in primary schools. Other activities included: educational games, Facebook Challenge, a course given by the Minister and hosted as Teams Live Event, and more. Youngsters took part in testing their knowledge of money with the Wikifin Quiz (together with Febelfin). |
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Many organisations took part in this year’s edition of GMW in Brazil, led by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM). The Campaign started with the Launch Event on March 22. The goal of the Launch was to raise awareness of youth financial education and conscious consumption from an early age so that young people can build financial resilience and financial well-being over time. The main activities and events included courses for students and teachers, educational games and videos for youth, podcasts, social media campaigns, and more. Many e-books, booklets and other materials were made available for both youth and teachers. |
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The Permanent Secretariat for the Promotion of Financial Inclusion from the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Development organised GMW2021 Launch on March 22. Many organisations were involved in the Campaign from ministries, banks, insurance companies, and others. Training sessions on financial education, mainly on budgeting and savings, were planned throughout the Week. Also, panel discussions between students and financial institutions were included in the programme. |
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The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) shared GMW news articles and raised awareness about the importance of talking to kids about money. FCAC also planned a promotion of on-demand webinar for youth about managing money and this was communicated across a wide range of stakeholders. |
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The Bank of Cape Verde organised financial education activities in schools and universities during GMW2021. These included radio broadcasts on savings, investments and other similar topics. Also, activities on personal finance matters, financial literacy and financial education contests, seminars and rallies took place during the Week. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, the Financial Market Commission collaborated with the Central Bank, the Consumer Protection Service (SERNAC) and the Ministry of Education. Joint GMW Launch was planned, and the CMF had designed a series of activities to engage students and young people to think about the money and its importance, especially during COVID-19 crisis. These activities included a challenge for students to send videos related to GMW2021 theme ‘Take care of yourself, take care of your money’ (cuídate y cuida tu dinero), an online survey through which everyone could test their knowledge about financial education and a money glossary. |
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Together with partners, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia organised a joint online presentation on “Financial Literacy” during GMW2021. All primary and secondary schools could follow the presentation online. The programme included speeches from stakeholders. After the event, individual webinars were coordinated with some schools. On March 22, representatives of the Croatian National Bank participated in the expert meeting for primary and secondary school teachers on the topic of financial literacy, which on March 25, in cooperation with HANFA participated in a debate with students of the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka on the topic "Alternative vs bank financing". On March 26, a student debate was organised by the Croatian National Bank on the topic "Should banks be socially responsible". |
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This year, GMW took place for the first time completely digitally, in respect of current safety measures. Primary and secondary schools, children's homes and other stakeholders joined the GMW. Financial education and financial experts from both the private and public sectors delivered financial education lessons. Around 20.000 young people participated in the campaign. The programme featured traditional online competitions and games, traditional educational programs of financial institutions. The GMW activities also underlined the importance of money management, how to improve our financial habits and decisions, how to be entrepreneurial today and how to become a responsible manager of our own money. |
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The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic organised the Economic and Financial Week in the country. The celebrations were aligned with GMW. Together with its partners, the Campaign was launched through an open video event that included speeches and introduced the programme for the Money Week. This year many talks, education games, and a conference with journalists took place. |
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Many organisations were involved in GMW2021 in Ecuador. Superintendencia de EconomÍa Popular y Solidaria collaborated with partners and organised interactive games, financial education talks for students from schools and universities. Banco Guayaquil focused on dynamic and interactive games about money history that were coordinated through a virtual classroom platform with animations and through Zoom. Risk Management Consulting offered a Financial Education Programme over a two-week period. Aval planned financial education webinar for both youth and parents as well as creative activities for children. |
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The Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI) and partners organised many activities during GMW2021. While most activities were held for children and youth, events specifically for women, people with disabilities, orphans and others were included in the programme. What activities were planned? Financial literacy awareness sessions, webinars, sports day, student visits to Talaat Harb Museum, banking product competitions, online entrepreneurship training programme, talks on ‘Shaping the Future of Financial Literacy’, GMW ‘Voices of Young People’ video competition, daily financial tips on EBI social media platforms to promote financial wellbeing, and so much more. Everyone could download booklets and other resources on the EBI website. |
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The celebrations for GMW2021, organised by the Central Bank of El Salvador, included virtual events that were published on the Bank’s social media channels and though partner organisations. On March 22, a webinar was held on the topic of ‘What you can invest in as a youngster?’ followed by a national financial education contest for youth on Kahoot! Other webinars took place with the focus on ‘Family Budget Management’ transmission, ‘Use of money and technology’, and ‘Technological transformation in business, under a banking and the protection of the rights of electronic commerce users.’ Also, a puppet show was performed during a webinar on ‘The Importance of taking care of health and money.’ Awards were given for the online drawing contest, the ecological piggy bank contest, and more. |
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Banque de France promoted GMW2021 through national media. About 10 press articles were published to raise awareness on money matters, including budgeting, payment, credit, insurance, pensions, savings and investments. Some articles were dedicated to people facing financial difficulties, including students who have lost their part-time jobs since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. During 22-28 March, Banque de France and several partners organised games and quizzes on financial education. Throughout the Campaign, workshops and financial literacy awareness sessions were offered to children, students and adults. The Week finished with a conference gathering at the French IAE universities where students took part in discussions about Fintech, Green Finance, financial scams, and more. |
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Georgia planned numerous engaging activities for GMW2021! The National Bank of Georgia and Financial Education Platform organised a countrywide Facebook contest for schoolchildren on the topic of money and the world of money. During March 22-26, twice a day, at 18:00 and 20:00, one video contest question was posted on the Financial Education Facebook page. According to the correct answers, 15 winners were selected to receive gifts from the NBG. In Georgia participating organisations included Credo Bank, FINCA Bank Georgia, Liberty Bank, TBC Bank, Terabank, Basisbank, MFO Crystal, MFO MBC, Crystal Fund, National Youth and Children’s Palace, Junior Achievement, Banking Association of Georgia and universities (Ilia State University, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs). Everyone shared GMW news and updates on their social media. Additional financial education activities, such as online lectures and webinars, publications and videos targeting children, students and adults took place. The focus topics of activities were money, saving, money management, financial security, finance and entrepreneurship. |
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The Bank of Guatemala led GMW2021 planning in the country and collaborated with the Ministry of Education, the Superintendency of Banks and Directorate of Attention and Assistance to the Consumer (DIACO), and others. To celebrate GMW2021, the Bank of Guatemala distributed several educational videos on digital platforms and on TV. These videos included topics, such as smart consumption, savings, budgeting, financial health, importance of insurance, prevention of money laundering, financial education and personal finance, consumer rights, and so much more. |
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GMW2021 in Honduras was aligned with the Financial Education strategy for 2021 aimed at strengthening the financial culture of children and young people in the country. The National Commission of Banks and Insurance (CNBS) supervised institutions, Junior Achievement and other organisations took part in GMW2021. The focus of the Week was to educate children and young people about their social and economic rights and responsibilities; to encourage students to build smart saving habits from an early age in order to develop vital money management skills throughout their lives; to develop livelihoods or receive business training in order to help youth to obtain employment while establishing their own businesses or developing their professional careers; to generate synergy between actors in the financial system, public and private institutions to hold the Campaign through various activities, empowering everyone to guarantee the sustainability and continuity of GMW. |
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GMW was part of the Hong Kong Money Month (HKMM), a month-long celebrations in March. Therefore, the Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) launched GMW2021 on social media platforms to promote activities and resources organised with supporters while also running a mini-game around the GMW slogan ‘Learn.Save.Earn.’ The IFEC coordinated a territory-wide Money Management Challenge with different tasks for students from various age groups throughout March and beyond. For the kindergarten and primary school children the challenge was to create an ending to a financial education story on goal setting and savings. Students from the secondary school were challenged to develop a video script, short story or comic on building virtues to cultivate good money management habits. Those joining the tertiary student Challenge created social media content to raise awareness of financial education among peers. In addition, the IFEC hosted a Facebook live chat with the winning team of the IFEC Personal Finance Ambassador Programme and senior executives of the HKEX to exchange money management ideas in today’s digital age. The IFEC was also running a portal page showcasing GMW activities and publishing relevant resources. All events were promoted on social media, newsletters and through a local radio station. |
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This year’s edition of GMW in Hungary started with the 7th Opening Ceremony Online launch on March 1. GMW2021 was led by the Ministry of Human Capacities, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, Money Compass Foundation (founded by the Central Bank, MCF), Hungarian Banking Association, and Junior Achievement Hungary. In 2021, 171,500 students from 1,100 schools joined the Money Week online. More than 700 volunteers from financial institutions, public administration and enterprises were involved in the programme to give approximately 12,000 lessons about finance and/or enterprise. These teaching materials were developed by teachers for different age groups and include interactive elements to make sessions fun and available online. ‘Family budgeting’ was the highlighted topic for this year. More than 36,000 students participated in the financial educational online game “ZsetON” and the final was held on 26 March. |
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The national coordinator of GMW2021 in India was the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and participating organisations included the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority (PFRDA), National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE), and others. What happened during GMW2021? SEBI organised financial education webinars for the youth below 30 years of age. Similarly, NCFE conducted financial education webinars for school students. Quiz competitions based on basic financial education and recent updates related to government schemes were organised for students. Essay writing competitions were held for youth in different age groups. Financial education books were available to all participants. In India, a dedicated GMW2021 website was used to centralise digitally all events and activities that took place in different parts of the country. The Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) conducted a workshop for youth on investor education. |
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The Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) participated in GMW this year by delivering online GMW sessions to transition year students (4th year) in Secondary schools across the Republic of Ireland. These sessions were 40 minutes in duration and included a background to Global Money week and focus on the theme 'Taking care of your money, taking care of yourself'. The session then incorporated a discussion on financial 'needs versus wants' and explored what budgeting is. Finally, the session seeks to develop skills with the participants around how to budget effectively and highlight the relationship between effective budgeting and peace of mind. |
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At the initiative of the Bank of Israel’s Banking Supervision Department and the Ministry of Education, and through the banking system’s Financial Education Forum, financial education activities for youth, for the first time in Israel, took place as part of the GMW Campaign. What was planned? Interactive online games for youth on budget management, presentation on budgeting to encourage saving and the importance of monitoring bank account activity, and more. News and updates were shared through press releases and media interviews. A dedicated website was launched and the Campaign was promoted on social media. |
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GMW2021 was coordinated, for the first time at the national level, by the Committee for Financial Education in Italy. The Committee received about 60 membership proposals for about 80 events overall. Almost all adhesions came from institutions that have not joined GMW before. During the Campaign, financial education activities included webinars, web tutorials, digital classes, and online games for younger students. Most activities for children focused on basic economic and financial concepts, including the importance of saving, payment instruments, as well as cybersecurity and digital awareness. Activities for high school and university students covered not only the basic financial knowledge, but also behavioural skills for saving and spending decisions, financial planning and resilience, and options to help young adults approaching the labour market. |
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During GMW2021, the Bank of Japan held many online events for children and parents. Video streaming and digital games were mostly organised for children, whereas an online symposium focused for high school students and teachers. Also, everyone was welcome to join a virtual tour inside the Bank of Japan to explore the building and learn more about the bank. |
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Jordan launched GMW2021 with an animated video that was posted on the Central Bank of Jordan's Facebook page on March 22. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, concerns about the public health and safety measures implemented by the government, the activities for the GMW Campaign 2021 were mostly organised digitally. One of the many activities for children was a drawing competition where their art was made public online. Also, financial literacy animation videos, simple board games for youth, short videos for children including messages about financial literacy in Arabic and English were shared. |
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The opening ceremony of GMW2021 was held at the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (CBK) where the Governor launched the Campaign. Also, the winners of the essay competition on ‘The future of my finances’ received awards, and the programme of the week was introduced. The event was broadcasted in the national media. In addition, other activities that were organised during GMW included distribution of financial education books for students, lectures in different public and private universities, visits to different schools, and so much more. |
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The Kyrgyz Republic participated in GMW for the seventh time. The National Bank was the coordinator of GMW2021 in Kyrgyzstan. The celebrations were organised with the support of government agencies (the Deposit Protection Agency, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Finance, the State Tax Service), commercial banks, international, public, and other organisations. Within the framework of GMW, a number of interesting events took place for children, youth and adults. These included an Olympiad in finance, national ‘Family Budget’ drawing, video and most creative money box contest for children, online trainings, excursions, open days, interactive children's events, and a lot more. |
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Financial and Capital Market Commission, Bank of Latvia, Latvian Insurers Association, EKA University of Applied Science, Finance Latvia Association, Latvian Students Union, Global Shapers Riga, Financial Education Association, Swedbank, SEB bank, Development Finance Institution ALTUM, Consumer Rights Protection Centre, State Social Insurance Agency participated in GMW this year. This year, the central theme for GMW focused on financial security, resilience to frauds and investments to better inform everyone about these matters. The topics addressed different perspectives, involving a wide range of partners. A lot of attention was paid to financial literacy around private investments. The Finance Latvia Association and Latvian Students Union organised public financial literacy campaigns during GMW2021. The Bank of Latvia held seminars for teachers. |
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This year’s edition of GMW was organised through visual means to avoid large gatherings according to COVID-19 rules. The Ministry of Education collaborated with the Central Bank of Libya, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, State Audit Institution, online service companies, banks, civil society organisations, universities, and other institutions to plan different events. For example, educational institutions held many workshops during the national launch day. |
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The official global launch of GMW2021 event organised by the OECD/INFE was broadcasted live at the kick-off event in Madagascar during the presence of government authorities and local guests. Subsequently, the Minister of Economy and Finance delivered an official speech to open GMW2021 Campaign in Madagascar. Due to the current context linked to COVID-19, a majority of activities were organised remotely and virtually. Training of trainers sessions in financial and entrepreneurial education by the Ministry of Youth and Sports already started in February and continue beyond the GMW. A daily series of conferences for young people on various educational topics and a virtual financial, social and entrepreneurial education session was included in the programme. For entrepreneurs, a competition was planned. As each year, the GMW celebrations 2021 did not stop with the official Week, because Madagascar intends to continue it throughout the year. |
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The Financial Education Network, co-chaired by the Central Bank of Malaysia and the Securities Commission Malaysia, coordinated GMW2021 celebrations in the country. Financial literacy webinars, competitions, video sharing, demo lessons for teachers, social media campaigns, articles in digital and traditional media, launch of financial literacy game and prize-giving ceremony for financial literacy short video competition – all this took place during GMW2021 in Malaysia. |
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This year during GMW, the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) organised financial literacy webinars for secondary school students. Participating institutions gave presentations followed by interactive Q&A sessions. Similarly to previous years, speeches on ‘Learn.Save.Earn’ were given in schools across the country. GMW message was promoted as much as possible. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, the Ministry of Employment and Professional Training organised a launch ceremony where presentation of the annual financial education programme was shared with the audience. Other events and activities were held during the Week. |
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Malta included a diverse range of activities in the celebrations from an online Launch Event on the 22nd of March to European Money Quiz, Financial Literacy Challenge and teacher training courses. Also, other initiatives were included in the Week. For example, the ‘Be Wise, Pay Smart’ programme that explores the use of ATM and different methods of payments targeting vulnerable groups. In addition, a ‘Europe My Business’ programme that focuses on the relationship between the natural human and capital resources found in different countries as well as the business and trade which produce goods and services for consumers. |
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The National Bank of Moldova launched GMW2021 though online broadcasting. A virtual visit was organised to the NBM museum and coin exhibition. In addition, Moldova Banking Hub was launched during the Week. Many online lessons, trainings and workshops on ‘The role of insurance in risk management’ and ‘Digitalisation of insurance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic’ took place. The Academy of Economic Journalism for students from journalism universities was opened. Videography, podcasts, video broadcasting and posts on the organisation's website, TV and social media were used to raise awareness about topics, such as secure payments, cashless payments, online commerce, bank deposits, Republic of Moldova's financial market, PIN code management, insurer's Guide, family budget, 7 ways of avoiding impulsive shopping, and more. People could watch a series of show-interviews called ‘Money Speaks,’ participate in online training on Financial Education Marathon, take part in mini-debate tournament on public finance topic, and so much more. GMW news was shared through press releases and social media. |
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The Bank of Mongolia, together with the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Education Center, banks and universities focused on digital activities from virtual trainings, events and conferences during GMW2021. The national launch of GMW was held digitally through the Conference on the Financial Literacy Strategy for MSMEs, and the Global Launch of GMW2021. Also, other activities took place, such as online trainings, podcasts, competitions, interviews and social activities on money management and other financial literacy topics. The implementation of the national campaign is celebrated even after GMW in April. |
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To celebrate this year’s GMW, the Moroccan Foundation for Financial Education focused on digital events and planned several activities in collaboration with partners. What happened during GMW2021? Virtual tours of financial institutions, presentations on the basics of financial literacy for use in the classrooms, online training sessions for vocational training students and young entrepreneurs, webinars for university students, and a special two-week GMW digital campaign with influencers on social networks. In coordination with banking sector institutions, a ‘My Piggy Bank’ competition was organised for children to inspire them to design a piggy bank using recyclable materials. Also, young people shared their testimonials on how they have managed to save a sum of money through Savings Challenge on social media. In addition, Morocco's Central Bank, Bank Al-Maghrib, published several educational materials on social networks, aiming at explaining financial concepts and raising awareness among young people. The Moroccan Capital Market Authority (AMMC) shared video clips dedicated to middle and high school students, educational guides on financial instruments and organised competitions via their mobile application ‘Quiz Finance.’ As part of the campaign to explain the basics of Insurance, the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority (ACAPS) prepared comic strips that were broadcasted on social networks during the Week. |
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The Mozambique Insurance Supervision Institute (ISSM) organised radio activities publications on social networks of relevant insurance information within the scope of Bet on Insurance Project. At the heart of the celebration of GMW 2021, there was the dissemination of contents on the radio and social networks, as well as interviews and quiz aimed at young people with the right to prizes (t-shirts, caps, diaries, pen drives and pens). |
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To celebrate GMW2021, the Nepal Rasta Bank together with students rang the opening bell at the beginning of stock trading hour. Youth also visited the Capital Market. Financial literacy talk programme aired on the television, and a lot more happened. |
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In the Netherlands, the Dutch Money Week (‘Week van het Geld’) was organised by the Money Wise Platform (Wijzer in Geldzaken) that is an initiative of the Ministry of Finance to improve the financial fitness of Dutch citizens. In 2021, the Dutch Money Week celebrated its 10th anniversary. Its goal was to increase awareness for the importance of good financial education at schools. Participating organisations included the Dutch Ministry of Finance, Dutch Banking Association, Federation of Dutch Pension Funds, Dutch Association of Insurers, Dutch Central Bank, National Institute for Family Finance Information, Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, and others. This year the Dutch Money Week expanded its reach beyond primary schools towards secondary education and vocational training. Due to COVID-19 there was a shift from in-person to digital activities. Free teaching materials were offered in print and online here. The annual 5,000+ guest lectures by financial experts of banks and insurers were offered online this year. The central heart of the Dutch Money Week was the Studio from where 30+ programs were broadcasted via a YouTube Livestream here. Also, the launch of the Dutch Money Week and the Global Launch of GMW2021, both were live-streamed via the Studio on March 22. |
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The Central Bank (CNB) led GMW2021 celebrations in Nigeria. Events were planned before, during and after GMW. Organised activities included a social media challenge on the GMW2021 theme of ‘Take care of yourself, take care of your money’, field tour to the CBN currency museum, school mentoring programme, radio podcast, and the Grand Finale of the Social Media Challenge. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, the National Bank, Ministry of Finance, MAPAS, Insurance Supervision Agency and Securities and Exchange Commission – all taught basic financial terms, definitions and products in schools in 20 cities. The National Bank also published animated video on security features, educational article, and organised debate for preparation for the European Money Quiz. Macedonian Banking Association was the organiser of the EMQ on national level. Macedonian Credit Bureau published articles on social media with topics on fostering entrepreneurship. Komercijalna Banka coordinated a project ‘Financial Classroom’ for students in high schools. TTK Banka held online financial education lecture and quiz. Published materials for children and youth focused on saving, investing and money management. Junior Achievement Innovation Camp created an exercise where students learnt teamwork, how to turn their ideas into action and final concept. Global Shapers Skopje Hub coordinated trainings for financial education, after training for trainees by the National Bank. The joint announcement on the first day of GMW was shared on mass media. |
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Given the ongoing COVID-19 situation from 2020, the Comision Nacional de Valores of Paraguay (CNV) focused on organising five public webinars together with different stakeholders from market intermediaries, credit rating agencies, the stock exchange to financial institutions during GMW2021. The purpose was to enable every stakeholder to explain not only its goals, functions and operations, but also to highlight important information related to financial literacy and education within their own fields of expertise. News and updates were shared through social media, as well as traditional means of communication whenever possible (TV, radio, etc). |
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The Peruvian SBS together with more than 50 public, private and non-profit organisations organised GMW2021 in Peru. The Campaign is part of the National Policy for Financial Inclusion approved in August 2019 and aims to enhance financial education to children, youths and their families. This year’s GMW was held virtually. A dedicated digital platform here was used to enable participating organisations to provide financial education online. Through the platform experts from the academia, public authorities and practitioners attended the conference. They addressed the current issues and research regarding financial education and financial inclusion. Participants were able to take part in the ‘Financial Rally’ to collect points for attending the event, join presentations, review financial education materials and videos, etc. Additionally, every organisation shared GMW news, updates and messages via social network, institutional portals, mailings, and virtual talks. |
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Social media album titled "Important Lessons on Money and Security" encouraging adults to teach these lessons to children and youth in their circle was launched in the Philippines. The content was added to the album daily, from March 22-28, 2021, in support of the GMW celebration. The soc-med cards were posted under the account name "PisoLit" (on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), the financial education page of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Moreover an Online Trivia Game was conducted via EFLC Cotabato Facebook Page in line with GMW Celebration highlighting economic and financial learning concepts. Winners received cash prizes sent through digital payment platforms as promoted by the BSP. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority cooperated with the Ministry of Finance (MF), Bank Guarantee Fund (BFG), Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK), Polish Chamber of Insurance (PIU) and other institutions involved in financial education. Many participating organisations provided schools with the access to publications on financial literacy (including financial literacy class scenarios and free teaching materials), financial education programmes and a wide range of initiatives tailored to different age groups. In addition, NBP experts conducted webinars dedicated to financial education for school children and teachers, which were recorded and posted on NBP website. NBP regional branches also organised lessons, webinars, online courses for students, competitions, outdoor activities and exhibitions in almost all voivodeships in Poland. In addition, Narodowy Bank Polski (National Bank of Poland) conducted online lessons for more than 4,000 students across the country, prepared five radio broadcasts on the GMW Campaign (reaching hundreds of thousands), organised online meetings with seniors, lectures in three universities for more than 300 students. Also, they published two lectures of NBP experts, brochures and lesson scripts on a special GMW website. |
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National Plan for Financial Education led by the Banco de Portugal, the Portuguese Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority and the Portuguese Securities Market Commission organised GMW in Portugal. On March 22, the National Plan for Financial Education hosted a national launch. On March 23, the National Plan promoted an online debate between secondary school students on the importance of saving for increasing financial resilience. On March 24, during a similar online debate students discussed the safe use of digital channels for making payments and other financial operations. More than 400 youth from 8 schools discussed these topics in the classroom prior to the online debates, based on lesson plans developed by the financial supervisors. Several partners and schools across the country were involved in GMW with a myriad of activities, including financial literacy competitions, online quizzes, open classes and debates, educational games and other activities. In total, nearly 7,000 students from 100 schools participated in GMW activities in Portugal. All these initiatives were available on the National Plan website. |
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The National Bank of Romania, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Public Finance, Financial Supervisory Authority and the Romanian Association of Banks and many more institutions participated in GMW this year. The Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) and Bucharest Stock Exchange launched the Week at the Ringing the Bell Ceremony. Over 1,000 youngsters joined the event online. Together with ISF and Romania National Radio, ASF organised a national radio live contest to encourage youth to participate in financial literacy programmes. FinClub for teenagers and Student Club organised tow national activities for university students with a focus to improve their financial knowledge and skills. Start2Tech, Academic Laboratory, Financial Wellness and Start2Learn were included in the Week’s celebrations. Opinion leaders and influencers spoke in media events to help raise awareness about the importance of financial education. |
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Once again to celebrate GMW, the Russian Federation organised many events and activities in line with their National Strategy to improve financial literacy. The celebrations started with the national launch where an interactive open lesson marked the beginning of GMW. During the Week students participated in open lessons designed by Russian leading educators in financial literacy. A talk show on career opportunities for youth, nationwide online contests dedicated to financial literacy and long-term finance goals were shared on social media. The Campaign was led by the Center for Financial Literacy at Financial Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance with partners from the Central Bank, the Ministry of Education, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection, Federal centers for financial literacy and methodology, Regional Ministries of Finance, Regional Ministries of Education, universities, schools and other organisations. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, the Capital Market Authority (CMA) in Saudi Arabia used social media platforms to raise awareness about the importance of financial literacy. The Social Development Bank organised online training sessions, financial consulting, appearance on social media and a national campaign in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. |
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This year, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) marked the GMW celebrations by posting video presentations about the NBS and on topics, such as money through history, savings, counterfeit money, and inflation. The presentations and quizzes were available on the subdomain of the NBS Visitor Centre here from March 22. By viewing these interesting slides online, children and young people, as well as the older population, could explore the world of money, the role and objectives of the Serbian Central Bank, the evolution of money through centuries, and about common security features used for money. They could aslo also learn about the advantages of savings, what inflation is, and how the government and the central bank make sure that it does not escalate. |
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National bank of Slovakia organised online financial education for high school students to explain the difference between gross and net salary, what risks will be borne by you, if you do not declare the full amount of your salary, or if you do not postpone from the family budget to unexpected situations. How to make financial decisions appropriate to our domestic budget. Online Quiz “Do you have financial literacy at you fingertips?” was organised. The quiz consists of a unique combination of 10 questions, to which there are always three possible answers. The questions are based on real life situations in the field of financial literacy and financial consumer protection. In 2020, NBS unveiled a new web portal (see here) where people can access reliable information about the world of finance, including videos, interviews, warnings, and advice to help them in their financial decisions. During GMW 2021, articles focused on various thematic areas of financial education for children, pupils, students and the adult population were published. |
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On March 22, the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia organised a National Launch of GMW2021. The event gathered national experts on financial education and financial literacy for children and young people. The Launch focused on the review of the implementation action plan on the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the National strategy for financial education. |
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Money Smart Week South Africa 2021 (MSWSA 2021) joined GMW2021. MSWSA 2021 aimed to disseminate consumer financial education information to as many persons living in South Africa. Public relations, marketing, social media, virtual events, community radio and limited face-to-face interventions took place during the Week. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown regulations, face-to-face gatherings could only be implemented with limited numbers and strict restrictions in place. Digital events were live-streamed here. To reach millions of South Africans, the initiative incorporated community radio including a series of live reads and educational interviews conducted in various languages across South Africa’s nine provinces. The theme of MSWSA 2021 was ‘Creating a Money Smart Week South Africa’ and aimed to provide consumers with much-needed information about finances so that they and their families can lead and live a financially well life. This Campaign was made possible by the help and support of over 70 participants from the private sector, government institutions, financial regulators, tertiary education institutions and private training companies that shared their knowledge and expertise with as many consumers as possible across their own platforms. |
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In South Korea, GMW2021 was led by Korea Institute of Finance (KIF) and Korea Financial Education Forum. Activities in elementary schools included discussions about understanding money and banks, financial habits and decision-making from saving, consuming, investing, insuring and donating. In colleges, thoughts on how financial decisions fit for my life were shared. The Financial Education Council for Youth distributed e-musical programme for rational financial decisions and activities. Finance and Happiness Network focused on money management and entrepreneurship, pension, housing finance for young adults, adults, and orphan children. Korean Economics Education Council of Korean Economics Association and Korean Economics Education Association jointly organised a conference to discuss the need of real life relevant financial education in schools. On March 24, the Korean Financial Education Forum conference was held to share examples of successful cases of in-school financial education, whereas the Senior Council shared information about anti-financial fraud, digital financial services and retirement plan. |
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In Spain, nine organisations with partners and NGOs coordinated activities during GMW2021. Approximately 70 initiatives were planned and most events were held online. The main activities included workshops and informative talks, but also webinars, podcasts, social media posts and contests. The activities covered a range of topics about basic concepts of the economy, such as saving or budgeting, but also responsible consumption, sustainable finance, entrepreneurship, financial system or fintech. A large part of the planned projects were aimed at young people, although there were programmes that targeted general public, teachers, and people with disabilities or in a situation of economic vulnerability. Most of the organisers were formal collaborators of the Plan de Education Financiera, the national strategy initiative promoted by the Bank of Spain and the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). |
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All GMW2021 activities were organised virtually due to COVID-19 measures. The official digital launch of GMW2021 was coordinated by the Central Bank of Suriname and was made available on social media channels. The Central Bank Governor gave a welcome speech. All GMW events were shared on social media and the website of the Central Bank. Participating organisations included institutions from the financial sector, commercial banks, insurance company, and credit corporation. During the week, many activities took place, such as publishing an educational video, sustainable finance photo competition, video contest on the GMW2021 theme of ‘Take care of yourself, take care of your money’, money management crossword puzzle, and so much more. The Digital Financial Services Evaluation quiz and essay competition winners were announced on March, 26. |
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In Sweden, financial education is an ongoing project as it is part of the school curriculum from the first grade onwards. Many activities were organised throughout the year to raise children's and young people's knowledge in private economics. Throughout GMW2021, children and youth were reached through lectures, social media campaigns, and the Money Quiz competition. |
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Financial Literacy Network is a network of institutions from the fields of financial literacy, financial education and debt prevention. The common goal is to promote the financial literacy in the country. In 2021, Swiss Money Week was launched for the first time as part of GMW. Information about the two online opening events that kick-start the celebrations and other activities during the Week were shared here in German, French and Italian languages. |
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The National Bank of Tajikistan (NBT) cooperated with partner organisations and planned financial literacy month in the framework of the GMW2021 Campaign. National financial literacy contest ‘best drawing’, ‘best video’ and ‘best flash mob’ for children and youth were included in the Week’s programme. During GMW, credit organisations in Tajikistan conducted more than 100 trainings for 5,000 participants on financial literacy for students. Also, other activities, such as TV-shows, online-quiz-games, were organised. |
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Bank of Thailand participated in GMW too, by launching and using a new online game on financial education for your people as well as other financial literacy activities in Bank of Thailand Learning Center and the money and history Museum. |
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Celebrations commenced on March 22nd, 2021 with a series of six main virtual events. They included the following: 1. Central Bank Money Museum Virtual Tour 2. Tobago House of Assembly Financial Literacy Secretariat Youth Money Matter Forum 3. Bankers Association Financial Education Puzzle Challenge 5. Five Steps to Take Care of Yourself and Take Care of Your Money Social Media Posts and A Financial Education Outreach Session, Launch of an Investucate TT Animated Video 6.National Financial Education Committee Webinar: "Building Financially Resilient Youth." This year's target audience included students of both Primary and Secondary Schools, youth groups and parents, teachers and guardians. The GMW is coordinated by the National Financial Education Committee. |
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In 2021, GMW in Ukraine was celebrated during a two-week period from 15-21 March for schoolchildren and during 22-28 March for students from university and vocational training institutions. The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) organised various events including interactive online lessons on financial literacy topics for students, webinars for youth from universities and vocational training institutions, a film competition called 'Hryvnya! Camera! Action!', an online meeting with the author of a children's book on economic literacy, and a video excursion presentation on 'Top 5 Artifacts of the NBU Money Museum.' Also, many competitions were organised on 'Top 10 most active schools’ and 'Top 10 most active universities during GMW2021.' In addition, flash mob challenges were held on social media under topics, such as 'How are we celebrating GMW2021' and 'Dance like Moneyman.' The Moneyman, a hero of the NBU, was used on the special microsite for the GMW2021 Campaign. Quizzes on Facebook and Instagram, Kahoot! parties, games, and more happened! GMW2021 news were shared through a special website here and the NBU site here. Partners helped to feature GMW updates on their websites, social media channels and newsletters. |
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GMW2021 in Uzbekistan was organised by the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education in Uzbekistan, Youth Affairs Agency, the Capital Markets Development Agency, and many others. During the Week many activities and events took place. For example, online tests on financial mathematics, contest for teachers on ‘The best lesson on financial literacy’, a contest for TikTokers on ‘Saving game’, educational activities for children from orphanages, an Olympiad on financial literacy, a video contest on the topic of ‘Take care of yourself, take care of your money.’ Additional activities included presentations on capital markets, stock exchange activities for schoolchildren, and excursions for youth to the Republican Stock Exchange ‘Tashkent.’ Students and female entrepreneurs took part in the Central Securities Depository Seminar. GMW2021 events in Uzbekistan were promoted on website and @finlituzb on social networks. |
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The Zambian Financial Literacy Week coincided with the GMW Campaign. The nationwide Week aimed to raise awareness on financial matters for children, youth and adults. The Organising Committee was chaired by the Bankers Association of Zambia on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, and comprised the Bank of Zambia, Pensions and Insurance Authority, Securities and Exchange Commission, Insurers Association of Zambia, Capital Markets Association of Zambia, Association of Micro-Finance Institutions of Zambia, Rural Finance Expansion Programme, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, Financial Sector. GMW2021 theme was adapted to Financial Literacy Week as ‘Take care of your health, take care of your money.’ This was used to emphasise the need for citizens to understand and take personal responsibility for their health during the global pandemic. Many activities were included in the Week from children’s radio programme on savings to interschool activities where schools competed virtually through debates, spelling bee, visual arts and crafts. A public online platform was provided by the Secretariat to allow the general public to learn about available products and services locally. Also, TV programmes, market activities, research projects, social media challenges, visits to financial institutions and to government agencies, distribution of financial education materials, and more was included in the Campaign. The Governor of the Bank of Zambia hosted a virtual event with children and youth from across the country to celebrate the beginning of GMW. The traditional kick-off event was hosted as a virtual town hall meeting where the Ministerial message was shared. |
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To celebrate GMW2021 in Zimbabwe, the Insurance and Pensions Commission organised radio and social media campaigns, the ‘Piggy Bank’ project targeting primary schools children, and a five-day talk show for children and young people on YouTube. Other activities included story, voice, audio and art competitions and published educational newsletters. In addition, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe celebrated GMW2021. Online activities, such as financial literacy quiz and essay competitions targeting high school and tertiary students, financial literacy articles were published on social media, radio programmes, and many more events took place. |
GMW Celebrations Around the World
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During GMW2021, the School of Professional and Continuing Education Afghanistan (SPCE) of the University of Central Asia (UCA) together with Khurshid Private High School and Aga Khan Foundation Afghanistan conducted financial literacy awareness sessions to children, youth and adults. The seminars focused on different subjects such as money management, saving tips, planning for family expenses, and more. |
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Many organisations planned activities and events for GMW2021 in Argentina. BANCOR (Banco de Córdoba) organised an employment and financial learning day. Asociación Conciencia, together with Banco Galicia included their financial education programme into GMW2021 activities. The objective of the programme was to empower participants in making responsible economic and financial decisions. It was implemented through workshops aimed at youth and adults everywhere in the country. Some sessions were organised on Zoom and WhatsApp. Junior Achievement Argentina organised a cycle of activities for young people between 16 and 21 years old, including webinars and workshops on financial and economic education, led by experts in each of the topics. |
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This year’s GMW focus was on digital and virtual events in Bangladesh. Activities included webinars, seminars, workshops, different types of competitions (e.g. essay writing, Piggy Bank competition), visit to a money museum, and more. The activities were led by the Daffodil International University, Bangladesh Skill Development Institute, First Security Islamic Bank and Bangladesh Bank. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, the Bolivian Private Banking Association launched a series of webinars, where different topics were discussed, including credits, interest rates, insurances, personal finances, and more. |
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As part of the GMW2021 celebrations, the Young Minds team planned discussions with primary and higher education students to raise awareness about financial literacy. They engaged financial institutions in their activities. In addition, FinEdu Botswana organised a photo challenge on social media. However, their main focus was to use the radio programme to share GMW news, invite experts and parents to talk about how they are teaching their children about money matters and healthy habits during this COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, youngsters were given the opportunity to share their experiences with money matters. |
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Throughout GMW2021, many activities were organised in Bulgaria, such as innovation camps, open lessons for students, and webinars on financial literacy. The activities were led by JA Achievement in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance of Bulgaria and many other partner organisations. |
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During GMW, BeBetter organised a social media challenge to collect 150 stories about ‘How you can use 10 yuan or fewer to receive happiness.’ On TikTok, BeBetter was recording 15-second videos related to the GMW slogan ‘Learn.Save.Earn.’ and invited others to take part. Besides, an event in a bookshop was organised to recruit parents and children to participate Anti-Financial Fraud Action. The lessons learnt were shared with families and their communities to teach everyone about financial frauds. |
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Clever Finance Educacion Financiera led different financial education projects with banks, pension funds, NGOs and universities during GMW2021. Many schools took part in the online game called ‘Olimpiadas Bancoomeva’ where students were learning about the basic concepts of finance. Academia del Ahorro Porvenir organised a campaign on social media with the help of personal finance influencer, inviting people to learn about finance online. Fundación Mundo Mujer and Banco Mundo Mujer created website pages offering online games for students, so they can play and learn interesting facts about how to manage their money. |
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Young Entrepreneurs Network collaborated with other local organisations to host a three-day training course on money management in the context of COVID-19 in the Comoros. Also, an awareness day in a national school was held for students and their parents where they could discuss money matters with managers from banks and microfinance institutions. |
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During this year’s edition of GMW, AIESEC in Ethiopia collaborated with Equb Financial Technologies and organised a week-long digital campaign, exhibitions on the history of money, panel discussions on financial literacy and digital payment/Fintech in Ethiopia as well as visit to a local secondary school. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, Nasdaq Helsinki and the Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion planned an event that focuses on the current situation of the stock market and investing trends. The event ended with a ringing of the old stock bell to kick-start GMW. Youth Academy organised Zoom-events with an aim to teach the participants how to take care of their personal finances and how to act if they get into financial difficulties. Throughout the Week, the Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion held activities during day time and in the evenings. During the day, Bourse ambassadors gave presentations on savings, budgeting, and investing through Zoom to upper level students in 21 schools. During the evenings, the CEO of the foundation led lectures about how to start investing. Economy and youth TAT held four live events on Instagram with a hope to improve financial and entrepreneurial skills and attitudes of the youth. All participating organisations published content related to financial literacy topics, such as savings, budgeting and investing on the official Instagram page of GMW-Finland. |
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FunnyMoney organised a good-humoured launch event just 20 minutes before midnight on March 21st (#GMWGermany) to give speeches and share their programme for the Week in Germany. For the first time, a fully digital Campaign Week was planned. Together with co-organiser, numerous activities were planned, including educational videos and three interview releases, advanced training for teachers, Q&A sessions on social media, a web-based escape room game, expert panels on the prospects of financial education, a webinar series on the nature of physical money, fiat money and digital currencies, and a lot more. |
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AIESEC Ghana and partners organised a webinar to discuss the importance of financial literacy and how it can help our society to become more financially resilient and healthy, as well as highlight interventions of various stakeholders to improve the general financial literacy of young people and adults in Ghana. |
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The Hellenic Financial Literacy Institute led GMW2021 planning in Greece and collaborated with the Bank of Greece, Ministry of Economy, University of Piraeus, University of Patras, the University of the Aegean, Finance Elementary School in Athens, and others. Webinar about the National Strategy on Financial Literacy and Financial Education activities was organised as part of the National GMW Launch programme. Personal finance mini courses were given to the students at the University of Piraeus, Athens. Book launches and numerous other activities took place. |
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Fonji, together with the Ministry of Youth and Youth Employment, Ministry of Education, Plan international, National Fund for Youth Integration (FONIJ), the Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea (BCRG) organised TV shows to interact with Internet users, financial education games for children and visits to banks or microfinance institutions. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, Crescat published daily tips on good financial habits to engage people in the discussions about money on social media. On March 27th, a series of conferences was held for young people from upper secondary schools, universities and vocational training institutions. |
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Youth Finance Indonesia held webinars to celebrate GMW2021, focusing on developing youth entrepreneurship. This activity ended with a quiz game about entrepreneurship and prizes for the winners. Allianz Indonesia also participated in the GMW with many activities. |
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During GMW2021 Inuka Direct shared content on the radio and via podcasts, whereas Hesabu Dada Initiative collaborated with public authorities, education institutions, non-profits, financial institutions and financial industry associations and focused on financial literacy sessions, community talks and group discussions. Centonomy also participated in GMW2021 and some of the activities included: Instagram Live Conversation on the Centonomy Campus Edition Page, Kahoot Money Game Night, Online Zoom Webinar for Kenyatta University Students. |
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Each year, the Money Week – Woch vun de Suen is organised in Luxembourg. Similarly to GMW, it aims to teach children about money matters and responsible money management. Understanding the value of money, teaching them to manage money better and thus raise awareness of the importance of budget control for their future are the priorities of this project. The first training programme of 2021 dedicated to financial vulnerable people, the Zuumer Academy was launched during the Week. The Academy consists of different modules of 1.5 hours each, held over 10 days on topics such as savings, payments, budget management, understanding risk, and other. These have been specifically created to help the students to manage their personal finances with confidence and to understand their relationship with their bank. In addition, Luxembourg took part in the European Money Quiz and launched an awareness campaign on banking/digitalisation for elderly people. The Week was led by the ABBL Foundation for Financial Education in collaboration with ABBL members, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Consumer Protection, the Chamber of Commerce, and others. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, at least 30 institutions, associations, organisations and influencers provided over 200 educational online activities and resources in different communities in Mexico. On March 24th, MIDE is hosted a conference on ‘The future of education. Strategies and recommendations for the current context’ shared by a professor at the International Education Harvard Graduate School of Education. The Launch was made available via Facebook live here. In addition, financial institutions and government organisations planned conferences, workshops and quizzes on topics such as savings, credits and entrepreneurship. Educational institutions organised debates, contests and simulators to talk about budget, financial inclusion, investment, among other topics. Different influencers addressed issues related to personal finances through Twitter reels, Facebook and Instagram stories @MuseoMIDE. Other organisations that participated in GMW2021 in Mexico were the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), BusinessKids, Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Garantías (Mexican Association of Guarantee Institutions), Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas (National Insurance and Surety Commission), Finfest Company SAS de CV, Bolsa Institucional de Valores, Actinver, KidZania, and many more. |
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The Stichting Terramar Museum collaborated with the Centrale Bank van Curacao en St Maarten, Biblioteka Nashonal Korsou, Counsil General USA, National Archeology Anthropology Management, International School Curacao, and the Ministerie Economische Zaken to organise the GMW. The Week included an introduction symposium about GMW and the importance of investing in financial education, online streaming of GMW activities with the aim to share, inform and inspire the Dutch Caribbean islands. |
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During GMW2021, AIESEC Rwanda collaborated with Entrepreneurial Solutions Partners and AMI Rwanda (African Management Institute Rwanda) to organise several events for youth including panel discussions, keynote speeches, workshops, financial literacy Kahoot! games, panel discussion on ‘Starting a Business in the midst of COVID-19’, and more. |
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UN Youth Seychelles, Central Bank of Seychelles, Ministry of Finance, Trade and Economic Planning, Sacos Insurance Group, Mauritius Commercial Bank, Financial Intelligence Unit, Enterprise Seychelles, Agency ABSA Bank (Seychelles), Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation, Ministry of Education, Independent School participated in GMW in Seychelles. Some activities included participation on the national TV programme 'Bonzour Sesel' to explain the GMW journey and activities, website launch including all information on GMW, Virtual Financial Education Workshop for educators, Virtual Financial Education Tour for the Economics Track, Virtual Financial Education Tour for the Financial Crimes Track, Virtual Financial Education Tour for the Business Management Track. |
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Future HOPE Salone and marampa youths supportive forum organised workshop with secondary school pupils, quizzes and debate on the importance of saving money. |
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During GMW2021, the Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association (FODER) cooperated with universities, schools, private sector institutions and other civil society organisations in order to increase financial literacy of children and youth. FODER organised multiple online financial literacy education seminars. Approximately 20,000 children and youth in Turkey with an age range from 9 to 26 participated. Also, an online financial literacy training series ‘Young People Know Their Budgets’ was planned for university students. Additional, photo and video competitions were organised on social media. Habitat Association updated their content of the Financial Literacy and Financial Risk Management trainings for entrepreneurs, a digital education campaign, enabling their trainings to reach a wider audience. Trainings were conducted on different platforms, such as YouTube, in order to increase accessibility. |
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I Profile Foundation organised an online-based event in partnership with Future 4 Kids Africa. Participants record and videos were shared on online platforms during the global money week focusing on different financial literacy topics. A final event was held on 27th March 2021. |
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To celebrate GMW2021, Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) rang the bell followed by a presentation given to students. Also, news were shared on social media. Similarly, AIESEC LLC involved youth in their pre-event marketing campaign, event launch, financial literacy day, career preparation day, entrepreneurship day, financial market day, and other celebrations. |
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To participate in GMW2021, Hazel Grove High involved all year groups with their GMW activities. After the Week more activities will take place in June and finance classes are planned for the year 9 students. Monifieth High School focused on promoting financial support to parents and carers. |
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The World of Money and YWCA Metropolitan Chicago coordinated financial education activities in New York State and the State of Illinois to raise the urgency of youth financial education. They leverage relationships with schools, school systems, youth organisations, own national and global World of Money 3,000 member community all year round. In addition, coordinating activities with the virtual World of Money Online Institute. Press release and social media were used to share updates during GMW. Vasthys Friends hosted an episode on their children's entertainment platform that highlighted the mission of Global Money Week. Through song, dance, and book reading young people were taught about managing money. During GMW2021, Grant D Morse PTA taught money management skills to youth. Operation HOPE launched in October 2020 a 1MBB Initiative with Shopify to create 1 Million new black businesses in 10 years due to the 40% loss of African American Businesses due to COVID19 in 2020. During Global Money Week 2021 financial education and entrepreneurship was promoted in both the African American Community and throughout our HOPE Inside Network to all Americans. |
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The Institute of Banking Studies launched GMW2021 with the opening of a training course focused on financial, banking basics and money savings for university students on March 22. The goal was to train 30 - 40 students in this course. Other activities during the Week included online webinars, visits to schools, training programmes, workshops, and more. News and updates were shared on social media. For this year’s GMW, the Institute of Banking Studies collaborated with the Central Bank of Yemen, Sana'a University, Saba University, AL Rasheed Schools, Alnahdhah Schools, Alsabeen Schools, International Bank of Yemen, Yemen Kuwait Bank, and other Yemeni banks. Also, YFoundation organised a video making competition, drawing and daily question competition for children, and so much more. And, in many more countries worldwide! |
Please note! Any mentions of examples referencing particular financial education programmes, firms, financial products or services on the Global Money Week website, social media or other communication means do not constitute or suggest any endorsement by the OECD or their member countries.
*Images used in the GMW photo collages in this newsletter are from previous editions of the GMW Campaign.