Mongolia flag

2024 Mongolia Global Money Week


  • The Central Bank of Mongolia


  • Promotion Centers of Metropolitan Small and Medium Production and Service, 21 branches of Lifelong Centre under the Ministry of Education and Science, National Police Agency, Mongolian Banking Association, UNICEF, Deposit insurance corporation of Mongolia, Sparkassenstiftung Mongolia, 17 central bank branches, 12 commercial banks, Money market fund,, Transcapital non-banking financial institution, Ashid asset management LLC, “Rotaract club Tsetsee Gun”, 6 schools


  • 67


  • 186 564


  • 337 775


  • 1 610 925

The Bank of Mongolia led the Global Money Week 2024 campaign. On March 20th, the Bank of Mongolia officially launched GMW2024 with an opening ceremony in Bayn-Ulgii province, which is the westernmost of the 21 aimags (provinces) of Mongolia and the country's only Muslim and Kazakh-majority province. This year the Bank of Mongolia partnered with the Promotion Centres of Metropolitan Small and Medium Production and Service, 21 branches of Lifelong Centre under the Ministry of Education and Science, National Police Agency, Mongolian Banking Association, UNICEF, Deposit insurance corporation of Mongolia, Sparkassenstiftung Mongolia, 17 central bank branches, 12 commercial banks, Money market fund,, Transcapital non-banking financial institution, Ashid asset management LLC, “Rotaract club Tsetsee Gun”, 6 schools. The Bank of Mongolia, together with its partners, reached over 1.6 million children and youth indirectly and more than 520,000 people through in-person visits to schools, universities, vocational training centres and bank branches. In addition, a range of other activities were organised, including a social media contest, posters, special training for school children and other radio shows. Furthermore, involving the National Police Agency in 2024 Global Money Week led to a significant increase in direct and indirect reach.

2023 Mongolia Global Money Week


  • The Bank of Mongolia


  • Promotion Centers of Metropolitan Small and Medium Production and Service, 21 branches of Lifelong Centre under the Ministry of Education and Science, Mongolian Banking Association, Deposit insurance corporation of Mongolia, Sparkassenstiftung Mongolia, 17 central bank branches, 12 commercial banks, Monpay, Credit guarantee fund, Lemon Press media agency, Financial squirrel kids book series, Let's run club, Ashid asset management LLC,  “Rotaract club Tsetsee Gun”, 18 schools


  • 79


  • 81 230


  • 49 504


  • 1 006 752

The Bank of Mongolia led the Global Money Week 2023 campaign. On March 13th, the Bank of Mongolia officially launched GMW2023 with an opening ceremony in Dundgovi province. The ceremony was organised outside of the capital city for the first time. During the ceremony, the keynote speech was given by the Governor of the Central Bank of Mongolia and The Mongolian Bankers Association. The Bank of Mongolia, together with its partners, reached over 1 million children and youth indirectly and more than 130,000 youth through in-person visits to schools, universities, vocational training centres and bank branches. As part of GMW2023, Promotion Centers of Metropolitan Small and Medium Production and Service, Lifelong Centre under the Ministry of Education and Science, Mongolian Banking Association, Sparkassenstiftung Mongolia, 17 central bank branches, 12 commercial banks, Monpay, Ashid asset management, Credit guarantee fund, Lemon Press media agency, Financial squirrel kids book series, Let's run club, 18 secondary schools, and Rotaract club Tsetsee Gun had collectively celebrated Global Money Week. In Mongolia, events and activities focused on the official GMW slogan "Learn.Save.Earn" as well as the GMW2023 theme “Plan your money, Plant your future”. With the support of German Sparkassenstiftung Mongolia, children had an opportunity to play an interactive “Savings Game.” In addition, a range of other activities were organised, including a social media contest, posters, bank tours as well as both in-person and online training to the general public. The closing ceremony was held on March 26th in the conference hall of the central bank. During the ceremony, the Chairman of Ashid Asset Management LLC - A.Batpurev gave a lecture on “Ways to improve financial literacy among Mongolian and help them develop financial capabilities”.

2022 Mongolia Global Money Week


  • Central Bank of Mongolia, Financial regulation commission, Deposit insurance corporation, Mongolian Banking Association


  • Promotion Centers of Metropolitan Small and Medium Production and Service, Lifelong Centre under the Ministry of Education and Science, Mongolian Banking Association, Sparkassenstiftung Mongolia, 17 central bank branches, 11 commercial banks, Rio Tinto, Unitel mobile network, Monpay, Univision LLC, Credit guarantee fund, Lemon Press media agency, Financial squirrel kids book series, Let's run club, schools


  • 71


  • 1,116,708


  • 1,420,313


  • 6,072,101

The Bank of Mongolia led Global Money Week 2022 celebrations. During the week, the Bank of Mongolia, together with its partners, reached over 6 million children and youth indirectly and more than 1.4 million youth through in-person visits to schools, universities, vocational training centres and to bank branches. As part of GMW2022, the Financial Regulation Commission, MBA, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Mongolia partnered with the Bank of Mongolia, the Ministry of Education, Scientist, Sparkasse Banking Found Mongolia, Credit Guarantee Fund and all commercial banks in the country and private organisations like Monpay NBO, Unitel-mobile operator, Univision-IP TV, Sanhuuch Herem-booking company, Rio Tinto, Lemon press-media company to collectively celebrate Global Money Week. From 14-27 March 2022 a range of activities were organised, including a social media contest, a TV show, bank tours, school visits and tours to the Central Bank Money Museum.

On 14 March, the Bank of Mongolia officially launched GMW2022 with an opening ceremony. The keynote speech was presented by the Governor of the Central Bank of Mongolia and The Mongolian Bankers Association. The closing ceremony was organised with commercial banks in cooperation with the “Let's Run Together” club and included a public run in the National Park under the theme of "Build your future, be smart about money and be eco!"

In addition, a range of other activities were organised, including a social media contest, posters, bank tours, special trainings, radio shows on “how to manage money wisely and deal with financial difficulties”, a photo shoot in traditional Mongolian costumes was taken at the Money Museum in the Bank of Mongolia, trainings on “Savings and Costs” were provided to employees of enterprises and high school students, Q&A competition was held at the National Park, some selected schools took Financial literacy bus tour, and more.

Unitel, which is one of the leading mobile phone operator supported the campaign activities by promoting Global Money Week 2022 campaign via SMS sent to their customers. Other partners and supporters joined the week on their social platforms using the #GlobalMoneyWeek2022 hashtag.

Lemon press-media announced an essay competition via Facebook under the theme of "Build your future, be smart about money." The judging committee selected the three best essays and awarded them with a savings account equal to 800 USD.

2021 Mongolia Global Money Week


  • Bank of Mongolia


  • Ministry of Education, Authority for Family, Child and Youth Development, Lifelong centre under the Ministry of Education and Science, Mongolian Banking Association, Women's federation of Mongolia, Deposit insurance corporation, Sparkassenstiftung Mongolia, 17 Central bank branches, 10 Media Organisations, 111 Schools, 17 Vocational Training Centers, 2 NGOs, 21 Universities, 11 Commercials Banks, 2 mobile network operator etc.


  • 181


  • 16,952


  • 8,562


  • 45,000

Throughout Global Money Week 2021, the Bank of Mongolia, together with partners, reached over 16,900 children and youth, through virtual trainings and different events in schools and universities. During the Campaign, financial literacy awareness virtual sessions were offered to children, youth and adults on the following subjects: “Money management”, "Personal finance and household budget", “Costs and Saving”, and “Electronic money.” Additionally, the TikTok song and drawing contest on “Saving is easy” for children was organised among other events planned.

In Mongolia, events and activities focused on the official GMW slogan "Learn.Save.Earn" as well as the GMW2021 theme “Take care of yourself, take care of your money.” With the support of partner organisations, children had an opportunity to plan an interactive “Savings Game.” Along with the Central Bank branches, the provincial government organised several events to promote Global Money Week, including the “Nauryz” festival.

The spread of COVID-19 limited many activities that have been carried out in previous years, however many stakeholders found ways to hold virtual events where possible. Partners and supporters joined the campaign on their social platforms using the #GlobalMoneyWeek2021 hashtag.

During the opening of GMW2021, two high-level online conferences took place. Namely, "Launch of Global Money Week 2021 in Mongolia" and "Conference on the Financial Literacy Strategy for MSMEs." Furthermore, at the end of the event, Mongolia received a financial literacy bus, along with many training types of equipment, from the international organisation, which was extremely useful in providing financial education training in rural areas and remote locations.

2019 Mongolia Global Money Week


  • Bank of Mongolia


  • 10 Media Organisations, 111 Schools, 17 Vocational Training Centers, 2 NGOs, 21 Universities, 52 Commercials Banks, Golden Fund for Development Association, Lifelong center under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sport, Mongolian Banking Association, Provincial government, Tsetse gun rotary club


  • 22 494


  • 45 988

Bank of Mongolia
During GMW2019, the Bank of Mongolia, together with its partners, reached over 22.000 children and youth, by visiting to schools, universities, vocational training centers and via visits to bank branches. Throughout the Week, financial literacy awareness sessions were offered for children, youth and adults on subjects such as “The History of the Banking Sector in Mongolia”, “Saving”, “Financial Risks and How to Prevent it”, “Household Budgeting”, and “Development of the Banking Sector in Your Life”. Additionally, educational courses were introduced in schools and colleges, where students learnt about different financial subjects via the “Kahoot” game, making the learning process more interesting and interactive. Various commercial banks organised financial lessons, as well as allowing students to visit the bank branches, to learn about the internal workings of the banks. The provincial government organised drawing and essay competitions between high schools and universities, based on the GMW2019 theme, “Learn.Save.Earn”. A 7-day session took place, titled “Money and Painting”, where each participant had the opportunity to present their art works. Using art as an educative medium allowed the younger students to learn about financial matters in an alternative way. The local government promoted Global Money Week through the “Nauryz” festival, as well as the Ice Festival.

2018 Mongolia Global Money Week


  • Bank of Mongolia, Mongolian Banking Association
  • XacBank, XAC Association/Golden Fund for Development


  • Capital Bank, Credit Bank, Education Delivery Center NGO, Global International School, Golden Fund for Development Association, Mongol Ideal Printing, Mongolian National Radio Broadcasting, Mongolian National Treasury Museum, Primary School №52, Savings Insurance Corporation, Tenger Capital, Tenger Insurance, Trade and Development Bank, XacBank, XacLeasing, XacSecurity, 5 Media Organisations, 75 Schools


  • 3 670


  • 117 000

Bank of Mongolia
During GMW, the Bank of Mongolia and Mongolian Banking Association reached over 20 schools in Ulaanbaatar and 700 students. GMW posters were distributed, as well as two series of comic books with content dedicated to understanding money as a tool and a handout on financial education. The Mongolian Gold Forum received over 500 participants. More than 600 handouts explaining money matters 600 were distributed.

Throughout GMW, XacBank, XAC Association and their partners reached 3,670 children and youth. XacBank and other financial organisation invited 460 children from secondary schools and implemented the financial education and national programs "Aflatoun" and ”Business study" respectively. For these programs, children received brochures describing bank products while bank staff provided them with explanations on the importance of saving and safe bank use. During the GMW 2018, financial literacy awareness sessions were offered for children, youth and for adults. The bank staff conducted a seminar on financial education. In the seminar, high school students discussed issues of personal usage of the bank products and their safety. XacBank has saving accounts for those over age 14. Nine secondary schools’ students organised the “Financial Enterprise Trade Fair.” Around 2,000 parents participated in the trade fair, as did 2,160 young children of 69 clubs. Additionally, “Financial Education Educators” workshops were provided, and consisted of high-level discussions, seminars, and more. 110 teachers participated and discussed the content and methodology of financial education. Several other activities were organised by various stakeholders in the country. For example, the Insurance and Financial Lease Company invited youths and to them presented their financial services. At the close of the week, news of GMW was distributed across various media channels. A team composed of youth created a short video of GMW events.

2017 Mongolia Global Money Week




  • 22 000


  • 150 000

Previously only led by the Mongolian Bankers Association, the Global Money Week celebration in Mongolia in 2017 has seen an immense increase in involvement by all major governmental bodies that are involved in the financial education and inclusion of young people in the country.

This year, Global Money Week has been led, organised, and endorsed jointly by 6 institutions, including The Office of the President of Mongolia (The Mongolian Presidential Office or MPO), the Bank of Mongolia (BOM or the Central Bank of Mongolia), Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports (MECSS), Mongolian Bankers Association (MBA), Deposit Insurance Corporation (DIC), and the Knowledge Dissemination Center (KDC). This is a result of incorporating Global Money Week (GMW) 2017 within the framework of the “National Programme for Financial Literacy” (NPFL) of the country. Although the main programs happened between 27 March and 2 April, the entire national campaign surrounding Global Money Week stretched from 13 March to 17 April.

In addition to this being the longest, biggest, and most multi-sectoral GMW campaign celebrated in Mongolia, the institutionalization of Global Money Week in the country’s NPFL has signaled a strong commitment from multiple stakeholders that this will be an annual event that will be consistently propagated across the country addressing financial education and inclusion of young Mongolians.

Mongolia has approached GMW through 2 mainstream activities:

  1. Activities organised by member organisations of Mongolian Bankers Association

  2. Co-hosted Events by the Mongolian Presidential Office, the Bank of Mongolia, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports and the Mongolian Bankers Association, Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Knowledge Dissemination Center

Stream 1: Through MBA Member-organised Activities

Since 2014, MBA has coordinated and encouraged 21 members to organise activities for young people in Mongolia during GMW. With participation of all member banks, activities included, among others:

  • Visits to schools to give talks about personal finance and & financial sector involvement
  • Facilitation of active and engaging activities such as debates, forums, and competitions
  • Organisation of visits to banks for secondary school students
  • Distribution of information through mass media channels such as TV/radio shows, internet, etc. whereby children and financial sector practitioners were able to actively engage with each other.

Stream 2: Co-hosted events by MPO, BOM, MECSS, MBA, DIC, and KDC

Nationwide campaigns were released by the leading organisations by distributing information as well as posters to secondary schools and high schools across the country. In addition, 2 competitions were also launched all throughout Mongolian schools under the GMW theme “Learn. Save. Earn.”:

  • Nationwide essay competition for secondary school teachers, and high school students – therefore engaging both students and teachers
  • Nationwide freelance drawing/poster competition for elementary & middle school students

Moreover, MBA organised Financial literacy lectures for the university students, banking officers, and soldiers. The member banks of MBA, which include Arig Bank, Credit Bank, XacBank, Trade and Development

Bank and Khan Bank celebrated the GMW with their customers and youths. Furthering this after GMW, MBA is aiming to provide financial literacy knowledge for the public, not only during GMW, but also consistently throughout the whole year.

These activities will all then be capped by an award ceremony on the 14th of April at the Central bank of Mongolia presented by the President of Mongolia, alongside the Governor of the Bank of Mongolia, CEO of Mongolian Bankers Association, Head of Savings Insurance Corporation, Head of Education Delivery Center NGO.

2016 Mongolia Money Week




  • 14th - 20th of March


  • 15 800


  • 15 000

With the launch last year of Mongolia's National Financial Literacy Programme, the Mongolian Bankers Association (MBA) was given the leading role in the annual Global Money Week celebrations in the country. As part of GMW 2016, MBA partnered with the Bank of Mongolia, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Mongolia, Mongolian Stock Exchange, and all of the commercial banks in the country to celebrate Global Money Week! From the 14th to the 25th of March, a range of activities were organised, including a social media contest, a TV show, bank tours, school visits, visits to the Central Bank and the Mongolian Stock Exchange, and a training for the MBA Financial Education Working Group.

The Mongolian Bankers Association has announced a short-video/Vine Facebook contest under the theme: "Financial Education in My Life". Submission of videos was closed on March 20th. The judging committee selected the two best videos and awarded them with a savings account equal to 500USD.

The MBA and its members together with the Central Bank of Mongolia organised a talk show with the theme "Why is financial literacy important?" - the show was aired on the most viewed TV channel in Mongolia during peak time. The talk show guests were high-level representatives of the MBA, Central Bank, Ministry of Education, school teachers, parents and NGOs. They discussed the current level of financial literacy of Mongolians in general (and specifically children) and pointed out problems that the country has encountered with the development of financial literacy. Further, they discussed the importance of the National Financial Education Programme and suggested and agreed on strategies/activities to successfully implement the programme.

Some selected school students visited the Bank of Mongolia and the Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE) as part of the GMW celebrations. Students rang the bell to open the market for the trading day at the Mongolian Stock Exchange. The students were also given a tour of the MSE and learnt about the financial sector and how the stock exchange operates. High school students developed their understanding of the banking environment, how the Central bank operates and the Central bank’s monetary policy.

Some of MBA member banks including the Xacbank, Trade and Development Bank, and National Investment Bank brought primary and mid-high school students to the bank offices and discussed important financial literacy concepts. In addition, they introduced the operation of the banks and organised a bank tour. Further, banks also showed a video on the Mongolian Sustainable Finance Initiative to promote the long-term goals of Mongolia in the financial sector and the role of children today and in the future to achieve this. The visits to the banks and the corporate headquarters of these commercial banks were also identified by the participating banks as a way to introduce and help the children choose their profession and career in the future

Other MBA member banks also visited schools were they organised lectures about money, savings, and financial literacy in general. They also organised interactive activities in which students could participate.

Launched within Global Money Week, the National Investment Bank created the character “NIB Little Financier” with the aim of imparting financial knowledge to children. The character is aimed at improving financial knowledge of children in line with the Central Bank of Mongolia and World Bank’s programme on “improvement of the basic financial knowledge of citizens.” The programme was launched on March 14th and is expected to conclude on June 1st, 2016. The following events were held for this promotion:

    1. organised special events and training for children
    2. TV programme "Bong’s adventure" linked to a cognitive programme in schools
    3. NIB character, along with the Bong’s characters, visited schools and gave knowledge about savings to children
    4. Demonstrated savings by opening a personal wish box for the children of the 4th grade of the above schools
    5. Conducted training for parents, teachers in the subjects of money and savings

As the MBA is one of the key stakeholders of the National Financial Literacy Programme, the institution established a working group on financial literacy that included representatives of all member banks and organisations of the MBA. The kick-off meeting of the working group was organised during GMW 2016. MBA also organised trainings for the working group on topics including: what is financial education for the youth? Why is it important? Role of banks in creating financial literate young people? What should and shouldn’t banks do? Why is commercial financial education wrong? etc. Furthermore, the working group discussed their work plan for 2016.

2015 Mongolia Money Week



  • 9th - 17th of March


  • 1 900

Building on the successful Global Money Week celebrations in 2014 under the leadership of the Mongolian Bankers Association and the support of the Bank of Mongolia, Global Money Week continued to be celebrated by various institutions in Mongolia. The participants celebrated the week in line with their organisations’ corporate social responsibility initiatives and programs. This year’s celebration in Mongolia focused strongly on stressing the importance of savings, developing healthy money management habits, building a better understanding of financial products, and growing children’s enthusiasm for investing in their future.

The two leading participants in this year’s celebrations were the Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia and Xacbank, leading financial institutions in the country.

Trade and Development Bank, the oldest and largest bank in the country with 51 branches, organised various activities in 20 schools in Ulaanbaatar and 7 in the countryside. The bank hosted over 800 students through talks on money, banks and savings account. A fun contest related to money was conducted where children were challenged to save and spend their money wisely for two months. The winner of the contest will be announced on June 1st, on the eve of International Children’s Day.

Xacbank has a special focus on children and increasing inclusion of young people in the formal financial system which they continued to promote through Global Money Week. Children from marginalized and rural areas of Ulaanbaatar City were the main focus of the events organised by XacBank’s CSR initiatives. The bank’s outreach programme covered rural provinces and remote areas in Ulaanbaatar City. XacBank organised social and financial education programs for children for who have been involved with them since 2009. About 850 children and their parents were involved through classes on money management and the importance of savings, and visits to the branches of Xacbank to learn more about how banking operates.

2014 Mongolia Money Week



  • 10th - 17th of March


  • 10 000


  • 500 000

Mongolian Bankers Association, Bank of Mongolia, and Mongolian Stock Exchange hosted a series of events between March 10-17, to celebrate Global Money Week 2014. Mongolian Bankers Association member banks, namely Capital Bank, Capitron Bank, Chinggis Khaan Bank, Credit Bank, Development Bank, Erel Bank, Golomt Bank, Khan bank, National Investment Bank, Trade and, and XacBank, participated in the national celebrations by organising different activities with children and youth.

To promote and raise awareness on the importance of children and youth's economic citizenship education among the public (MBA) organised an online social media contest on Facebook which featured a variety of creative financial awareness themed submissions in the form of photos, comics, drawings and cartoons. The MBA also visited schools educating school students about their financial rights and responsibillties.

During excursions to the Bank of Mongolia university and high school students gained an understanding of the banking environment, how the financial regulatory authorities operate, and about Mongolia’s monetary policy. The students also had the opportunity to speak with the Governor of the Bank of Mongolia to discuss financial topics and freely ask questions. Children and youth visited the Money Museum of Bank of Mongolia to learn about money through guided, interactive and entertaining tours.

High school students rang the bell which opened the Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE) day of trading. Furthermore, the students also enjoyed a tour of the MSE which provided them with an understanding of the economic environment, how the stock exchange operates and the role it plays in the economy.

Capital Bank visited various high schools to give financial educationbased presentations. Given Capital Bank’s focus on sustainability, the presentations also included focus on “Child participation for green development.” About 800 students in Ulaanbaatar city and 15 aimags (Umnugobi, Baganuur, Darkhan, Orkhon, Zamiin-Uud, Arkhangai, Khovd, Khuvsgul, Uvs, Bayan-Ulgii, Bayankhongor, Uvurkhangai, Dornod, Selenge, Dornogobi, Khentii) participated. Capital Bank also welcomed students to its branches to learn about how banks work. Furthermore, to promote the importance of youth's financial education/economic citizenship education among the public Capital Bank’s Global Money Week’s news was published on their official website, Facebook page and Mongolia’s top 7 financial websites.

Credit Bank visited schools with their “Every child is a financier” campaign. They also visited the “New Era” Laboratory School to teach them about the financial sector, savings and budgeting. Credit Bank welcomed the “New Era” Laboratory school to its branch, where they met the CEO, learnt about banks, and participated in a financial knowledge quiz. The focus of the visit was to improve the participants’ understanding of the bank’s purpose and services.

Erel Bank organised a series of bank visits for 4-7 graders where they received financial lessons on money, savings, savings accounts, and the bank’s role in society.

Khan Bank organised multiple events in order to increase financial inclusion for children and youths through its Khan Bank Foundation. Khan Bank employees from 520 Branches across the country organised a session for 5-7th grade students of Secondary Schools from 9 districts. Within the framework of this programme, Khan Bank contributed to the children’s financial education by teaching them comprehensive lessons in an interesting and effective way. More than 5700 students throughout the country have been engaged in the session including basic concepts about the value of money, spending money wisely, and saving. Moreover, in cooperation with the Mongolian Union of Pupils Khan Bank Foundation organised a session for children who have dropped out of school and are living in remote districts of the city. The children gathered at the Unofficial Education Center of Sukhbaatar district.

The Trade and Development Bank visited 4 schools, and reached a total of almost 200 children. During the visit, bank staff spoke to the students about money, finance, and their future, and played games related to the topic. They welcomed 16 students to its branch by showing them how the bank works, playing financial games with them and providing them with small gifts.

XacBank’s event focused on the children who are living rural area or remote area of Ulaanbaatar city. XacBank has provided financial and social education programme to these children since 2009. Activities were held in 15 rural provinces and 2 remote areas of capital city Ulaanbaatar. Almost 850 children and an equal number of parents participated in XacBank’s financial enterprise activity and bank excursion and lesson.

2013 Mongolia Money Week


  • Central Bank of Mongolia


  • Stock Exchange Market
  • Metropolitan Education Department
  • National Life Insurance LLC


  • 15th – 21st of March


  • 1 677

To date, Mongolian school children have had finance trainings, but never expected to visit the Central Bank and Stock Exchange Market, where only adults have access. During the Global Money Week, they had a chance to learn about the monetary systems, the history of money and stock exchange market as well as to identify their future careers. A 16-year-old student said that she would study very well to become the President of the Central Bank in future; another student, that he would begin trading in the stock market as soon as possible.

The Central Bank of Mongolia took the lead in organising Global Money Week events with the NGO Development Solutions (DS) as a facilitator. DS organised visits to the Money Museum at the Central Bank, visits to the Stock Exchange Market and to the National Life Insurance. Financial literacy trainings took place at schools in Ulaanbaatar city, Khentii and Gobisumber regions and reached more than 500 students. Small workshops were also organised for the school teachers.

A financial literacy survey among 1000 school children and teachers as well as parents was conducted. The initiatives of the Child and Youth Finance Movement were introduced to private sector companies, such as Rio Tinto LLC, Savings Bank, Khan Bank, and development organisations such as Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Mercy Corps, USAID and JICA.

“I learnt how to manage my pocket money using my kiddie cashbook as I attended the financial literacy class. I also understood that I had to help my parents save and spend wisely, “ said a 13-year-old student.

“I have obtained high-level financial literacy knowledge during the Global Money Week to teach my school children. I am looking forward to witness the next Global Money Week in Mongolia.“ Khishigmunkh, Teacher of Shine Mongol High School

GMW countdown 8

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