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2024 Italy Global Money Week


  • Committee on Financial Education in Italy


  • Banca d'Italia, AIEF Associazione Italiana Educatori Finanziari, Anasf - Associazione nazionale consulenti finanziari, FEduF - Fondazione per l'Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio, Agenzia delle Entrate - Direzione Regionale della Toscana, First Cisl dei Laghi, MUDEM - Museo della Moneta della Banca d'Italia, Assogeco, Finetica Ets, Alleanza Assicurazioni, CONSOB, Forum ANIA-Consumatori, Museo del Risparmio - Intesa Sanpaolo, Organismo di vigilanza e tenuta dell'Albo unico dei consulenti finanziari, Agenzia Entrate - Direzione Regionale Emilia Romagna, AIFIRM Associazione Italiana Financial Industry Risk Managers, Associazione Nazionale Polizia di Stato Sez. Pontedera, Borsa Italiana, parte del gruppo Euronext, Cassa Rurale Alta Valsugana BCC, Commissione per ricambio generazionale e gender gap (istituita presso OCF), Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali e Quantitativi (DISAQ) - Università di Napoli Parthenope, Direzione didattica statale Giovanni Lilliu, FABI - Federazione Autonoma Bancari Italiani, ICS Alessandro Manzoni, INPS, ITC Santa Caterina Cagliari, IVASS Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni, JA Italia ETS, Liceo Classico Statale 'G. da Fiore' Rende, Sophia Aps, Unione Nazionale Consumatori Umbria ETS, Your Solution srl, Yunus Social Business Centre Università di Urbino


  • 34


  • 20 000


  • 5 000


  • Not reported 

The 2024 edition of the Global Money Week in Italy saw a total of 297 initiatives organised by 34 partners, which included members of the Committee on Financial Education in Italy (Edufin committee), various institutions, entities, and associations (GMW partners). These initiatives, slightly surpassing the 291 held in 2023, were listed in the official calendar available on the Edufin committee’s website.

The composition of GMW partners remained relatively stable, featuring predominantly those who had participated in previous years. However, there were a few new entries and exits, reflecting a dynamic yet consistent partnership network.

In line with past editions, the majority of the initiatives targeted high school students. Lower secondary school students were also a significant focus. Among the various formats, educational workshops were the most common, followed by in-person lessons, online classes, and conferences. Additionally, the official calendar provided references to multimedia content such as video tutorials, short videos, and podcasts, accessible at any time.

Over 90 percent of the initiatives concentrated on financial topics. These included discussions on money, payment instruments, planning, saving, and investing. Consistent with the overarching theme of GMW 2024 "Protect your money, secure your future", a notable emphasis was placed on online payments, cybersecurity, and the risks of fraud and scams.

GMW 2024 received robust support from the Ministry of Education and Merit. The Ministry encouraged schools across the country and Italian schools abroad to participate in the initiatives designed for them. This endorsement was crucial in broadening the reach and impact of the financial education efforts during the week.

2023 Italy Global Money Week


  • Bank of Italy on behalf of the Financial Education Committee in Italy


  • Adiconsum Verona APS, AEEE Italia, Agenzia delle Entrate, AIEF Associazione Italiana Educatori Finanziari, ALFAFIN, Alleanza Assicurazioni spa, ANASF, Arcipelago ODV, Associazione Legali Italiani, Associazione MicroLab, AssoGeco, Azimut holding spa, Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Capaccio Paestum e Serino s.c., Banca di credito popolare, Banca d’Italia, Cassa Rurale Alta Valsugana BCC, Centro Studi Aziendali e Tributari srl, Comitato per la programmazione e il coordinamento delle attività di educazione finanziaria, Comune di Pontremoli, Confcooperative FVG, Consob, Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale - Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di matematica - Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Economia - Università del Salento, Directa Sim, Direzione Didattica Statale Giovanni Lilliu, FABI, FEduF, Findomestic Banca SpA, Finetica ets, First Cisl dei Laghi, First Social Life APS, Fondazione Antiusura Exodus '94, Fondazione FIBA, Fondazione Maria Stella Maris, Forum ANIA-Consumatori, Global Thinking Foundation, inFinance, ING BANK N.V., INPS, Istituto Comprensivo Randaccio Tuveri Don Milani, Istituto Comprensivo Santa Caterina, Istituto Comprensivo Statale Giovanni Falcone, IVASS, Link Campus University, Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito, Mudem, Museo del Risparmio, Olbia Community Hub, Organismo di vigilanza e tenuta dell'Albo unico dei consulenti finanziari, PF Holding Srl, UniCredit S.p.A., Unione Nazionale Consumatori Umbria, Università di Napoli Parthenope, VIK school srl, Your Solution srl, Yunus Social Business Centre Università di Urbino


  • 57


  • 28 000


  • 7 000


  • Not reported 

The 2023 Global Money Week was coordinated for the third consecutive year by the Committee on Financial Education in Italy, with the organisational contribution of the Bank of Italy (Banca d'Italia), and hosted 291 initiatives from 57 partners, including institutions, organisations, and associations. Most of the partners had already participated in 2022, with 19 were new entries. Aligned with the 2023 Global Money Week theme, "Plan your money, plant your future," most events focused on savings and financial planning. The activities varied depending on age, with workshops for younger children such as creating fictional characters, educational workshops, competitions, and theatrical performances on financial and insurance education for secondary school students, as well as webinars and podcasts. The Global Money Week also hosted the regional stages of the Italian Economics and Finance Championships, individual competitions offered annually to all upper secondary schools and organised by the Ministry of Education (Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito). Parents and families were mainly involved in seminars, webinars and TV programs. Unlike the previous edition, the proportion of in-person events was significantly higher than online events, with online initiatives comprising around 30%, while in-person events accounted for almost 70%.

For the first time in Italy, a national launch event was organised in Rome by the Committee on Financial Education at the headquarters of Unioncamere. The event was a dialogue between students and people working to increase their financial literacy, with the aim of sharing experiences, questions, and curiosities. Short videos from participants in this event helped fuel the national social media campaign of GMW.

2022 Italy Global Money Week


  • Bank of Italy on behalf of the Financial Education Committee in Italy


  • AEEE - Associazione Europea per l'Educazione Economica, Agenzia Entrate - Direzione regionale Emilia-Romagna, AIEF Associazione Italiana Educatori Finanziari, Alleanza Assicurazioni S.p.A., Altroconsumo, ANASF - Associazione nazionale dei consulenti finanziari, Associazione culturale per l'alfabetizzazione finanziaria, AssoGeco, Banca d'Italia, Cassa Rurale Alta Valsugana BCC, CeRP-Collegio Carlo Alberto, Confcooperative FVG, CONSOB, Directa Sim, Direzione Didattica Giovanni Lilliu, Diritto del Risparmio, DISAQ - Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali e Quantitativi dell' Università di Napoli Parthenope, FABI Federazione Autonoma Bancari Italiani, FEduF, Findomestic Banca Spa, Fondazione Maria Stella Maris, Fondo Cometa, Forum ANIA-Consumatori, Giovani INformazione, Guglielmi and Partners srl, Inps, Intesa Sanpaolo (Museo del Risparmio), Istituto Comprensivo Santa Caterina, Jean Monnet Chair EUFIMAR Università di Genova, Junior Achievement Italia, Osservatorio Imprese e Consumatori, PF Holding S.r.l., S.r.l., Unione Nazionale Consumatori Umbria, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università Politecnica delle Marche - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali, Your Solution Srl, Yunus Social Business Centre Università’ di Urbino


  • 40


  • 15,000


  • 2,000


  • 30,000

For the second consecutive year, Global Money Week 2022 in Italy was coordinated by the Committee on Financial Education with the support of Bank of Italy (Banca d'Italia). Over 210 initiatives were hosted by 40 partners from different organisations and associations.

The number of initiatives has doubled compared to 2021. This year’s activities helped to directly reached around 15,000 children and young and about 2,000 adults (teachers and parents).

In line with the GMW2022 theme, "Build your future, be smart with money," most of the events focused in particular on savings and financial planning. Numerous webinars and podcasts focused on pensions and insurance issues. Students and their families received advice on how to manage their money while taking into account the future consequences of their decisions. The importance of considering a long-term horizon in dealing with financial issues was also the topic of an international webinar co-organised by CePR-Carlo Alberto, the Dutch Money Week and the Committee on Financial Education.

Similarly, to 2021, this year’s GMW edition was more digitally focused. Over 60% of the initiatives were carried out online, around 30% of activities took place in-person and 10% were held in hybrid form.

For children, workshops were organised, such as those dedicated to planting a vegetable garden and the creation of fictional characters, fairy tales, stories in traditional and digital format. Youth, on the other hand, were able to access webinars, theatrical performances, cineforums, video tutorials and podcasts as well as online challenges and quizzes. During the week, national selection was hosted for the European Money Quiz. The campaign was a great opportunity to organise financial education classes in schools. Parents and families were involved mainly in webinars and TV programmes.

2021 Italy Global Money Week


  • Comitato per la programmazione e il coordinamento delle attività di educazione finanziaria (Committee on Financial Education)


  • Agenzia delle Entrate-Direzione regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, AIEF Associazione Italiana Educatori Finanziari, ALFAFIN Associazione culturale per l'alfabetizzazione finanziaria, Anasf, Associazione Europea per l'Educazione Economica AEEE Italia, Associazione Legali Italiani, Associazione My Mind My Investment, Assogeco, Banca d'Italia, Cassa Rurale Alta Valsugana BCC, Collegio Ghislieri, Confcooperative Friuli Venezia Giulia, Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali e Quantitativi - Università di Napoli Parthenope, Directa SIM, Diritto del Risparmio, eQwa S.r.l. - Impresa Sociale, Essenia UETP S.r.l., Eureka!, FABI Federazione Autonoma Bancari Italiani, Findomestic Banca SpA, Finetica Onlus, Fondazione Maria Stella Maris, I. C. Santa Caterina Cagliari, ICS 'S. Alessandra' Rosolini, Jean Monnet Chair EUFIMAR Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Università di Genova, Junior Achievement Italia, KnowDo IT, Manageritalia Lombardia, Museo del Risparmio, Osservatorio Imprese e Consumatori, PF Holding Srl, SoldiExpert SCF, Unioncamere, Unione Nazionale Consumatori Umbria, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Università del Salento, Università della terza Età di Quartu Sant'Elena, Università di Catania, Università di Verona, Yunus Social Business Centre Università di Urbino, 120 schools


  • 160


  • 6,900


  • 1,900


  • 30,000

In Italy, Global Money Week was coordinated, for the first time at the national level, by the Committee on Financial Education and in particular by the team in charge of financial education for youth, led by the Bank of Italy (Banca d'Italia). 40 partners proposed activities and joined for the first time the Global Money Week Campaign.

Digital activities such as webinars mainly for high school and university students, online classes and games for younger students reached more than 6,900 children and youngsters. Approximately 1,900 adults, teachers and parents participated in the Week. Due to the media, newspaper articles and websites, the number of people involved in GMW2021 is estimated to be 30,000.

In line with the GMW2021 theme, “Take care of your money, take care of yourself” most events had a special focus on financial resilience, providing students and their families with advise on how to manage their finances during the crisis. The importance of saving and financial planning was the fil rouge of many activities.

Due to the pandemic, more people have started using computers, tablets and smartphones. Therefore, many partners offered digital workshops for young students to explain basic concepts of cybersecurity and raise awareness on how to protect their online transactions, especially payments. The use of gamification and challenges among students helped to explain difficult issues effectively, engaging students in stimulating activities and raising their curiosity. University students were involved in webinars on risks and protection tools for digital investors. GameStop was used in several webinars organised by universities as a case study to explain financial markets price fluctuations, the role of social media, the risk-reward relationship, and the risks related to the use of customers data.

Saving and investing decisions were at the centre focus for activities targeting university students and adults. A few webinars were devoted to explaining how financial behaviour might be affected by individual bias and how this bias can affect market functioning.

GMW2021 was also an opportunity to illustrate financial education projects for schools. Many GMW partners proposed videos or web tutorials to be used directly by the students or teachers to learn the basic of most financial decision-making. Online financial education classes were also organised in several schools during the GMW.

2019 Italy Global Money Week


  • Bank of Italy
  • Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio - FEduF
  • Labins Social Cooperative


  • 58 Schools, Ciofs FP Castellanza, Crèdit Agricole, IIS Aldini Valeriani, IIS Belluzzi Fioravanti, IIS Fratelli Taddia, IIS M. Bellisario,, Institute of Higher Education "Carlo Ignazio Giulio" (Metropolitan City of Turin), Institute of Higher Education "Giovanni Giolitti" (Metropolitan City of Turin), Institute of Higher Education "Sebastiano Grandis" (Province of Cuneo), IPS Velso Mucci, Ist Capirola, Istituto Orio Vergani, Istituto Tecnico Oriani, IT Mattei, ITE Melloni, Liceo Bertolucci, Liceo Carlo Tenca, Liceo G. Giolitti - G.B. Gandino, Liceo Marconi, UBI Banca, UNIPOL Banca


  • 3 815


  • 7 821

Bank of Italy
GMW2019 was celebrated in Italy, with games on financial education and finance-themed film screenings, organised by Banca d’Italia. Financial literacy awareness sessions were offered for children, which included sessions on the functioning of central banks, basic concepts on economics, and tips on behavioural skills that affect our decisions on spending and saving. Two games were played during this event, namely a popular Italian card game,”Mercante in Fiera” (“The Merchant at the Market Fair”), where players try to win as many cards as possible by answering questions regarding their financial competence, and ‘The Imaginary Friend’ game, in which children created a hypothetical budget for an imaginary character, thus learning about the difference between needs and wants. Book vouchers were awarded to the winners, in addition to goody bags, containing educational gadgets and material on financial education. Additionally, finance-themed film screenings were organised, including "It's a Wonderful Life" (Frank Capra, 1946) and "The Big Short" (Adam McKay, 2015). All the movies were followed by discussions led by economist.

Labins Social Cooperative
Throughout GMW2019, Labins S.C., together with their partners, reached over 200 children and youth directly, through financial literacy and saving activities. The activities offered included research seminars on the GMW theme, “Learn.Save.Earn.”, and savings, singing, and photo competitions. Students were given ten weeks, prior to the start of GMW, to create their own classroom savings group and to save as much money as they could. The winners were awarded to the “Golden Savings Group”. The students, furthermore, participate in two research competitions, namely “10 Ways to Save €1” and “The World Map of Savings Groups”. The objective of the competitions was to help students save money and to learn how savings groups work all around the world.

Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio - FEduF
Throughout Global Money Week 2019, the Financial Education Foundation, along with its partners, reached more than 1,200 children and youth through their numerous events and activities. Two performances were organised, one on money management and the other on behavioural finance. The Foundation additionally organised Financial Education Days, on topics such as money management, gambling, saving, digital payments, and mobile wallets. Finally, in order to reach schools all over Italy, a financial education quiz was offered online.

2018 Italy Global Money Week


  • Bank of Italy
  • Financial Education Foundation (FEDUF)


  • Agenzia delle Entrate, American Express, ANASF, APSP, Banca d'Italia, Banco BPM, Comitato Torino Finanza, Doxa, Hype, INPS, Museo del Risparmio, Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano, RBC Investor & Treasury Services, UBI Banca, 10 branches of the Bank of Italy, 26 schools, 17 schools


  • 1 813


  • 5 063

Bank of Italy
During Global Money Week 2018, Banca d’Italia reached 800 children and youth all over Italy through games held by experts on financial education. Financial literacy awareness sessions were offered for children between the ages of 11 and 14, which included sessions on the functioning of the central banks, basic concepts of economics and tips on behavioural skills that affect our decisions on spending and saving. There were two games, which were used in the event, including: A popular Italian card game,"Mercante in Fiera" (“The Merchant at the Market Fair”), was played between classes who battled each other to win as many cards as possible, by answering questions regarding the presentation previously delivered and their financial competence; The Imaginary Friend game, in which children created a hypothetical budget for an imaginary character discovering the difference between needs and wants. In both cases, students participated in quizzes and questions and played special crucipuzzles. Vouchers to buy books were awarded as prizes to all schools and students were offered a backpack containing educational gadgets at materials on financial education.

Financial Education Foundation (FEDUF)
To celebrate Global Money Week 2018, the Financial Education Foundation and their partners reached more than 900 children and youth through workshops and lessons in schools on financial planning, budgeting and saving, digital payments, mobile wallets, and financial apps. On March 12, "Financial Overconfidence", an artistic performance was performed in front of youth and adults. The play focused on behavioural traps, which are easy to fall in when making economic choices. Feduf and Banco BPMOne artistic performance on financial overconfidence was given to youth and adults. On March 15, "Pay 2.0", two lessons on how to use digital payments, mobile wallet, and financial apps were organised with FEDUF, UBI Banca and Hype for secondary school students. To reach schools all over Italy, the Foundation also created an online financial education online quiz. At the end of the Week, a workshop called "A Career in Digital Finance" was hosted by FEDUF and American Express for children to explore the digital evolution of financial services and its impact on job opportunities. In collaboration with DOXA, the Foundation organised a round table discussion on financial education with a research institute and financial experts. Youth also had the opportunity to visit the Savings Museum and Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano, where students participated in GMW2018 tailored activities.

2017 Italy Global Money Week




  • 700


  • 1 000

Throughout Global Money Week 2017, the Financial Education Foundation, along with partners, reached 700 children and youth through visits to 10 schools in Italy.

Financial literacy awareness sessions were offered for children and youth (aged 12-18), which included sessions on financial markets and saving management, entrepreneurship, planning and budgeting as well as electronic payment tools.

High-level discussions were organised together with two Italian universities, where students had the opportunity to attend seminars with bank representatives, CEOs and the chair of the European Banking Federation Financial Education Project Group.

Additionally, Feduf involved a colleague from the Spanish Banking Association as a first attempt at a knowledge exchange with another country during this international event.

There was very positive feedback from participants involved in the Global Money Week 2017 activities, with 94% of participants stating that they would recommend a friend to join a meeting on financial education.

2016 Italy Global Money Week


  • Financial Education Foundation



  • 14th - 20th of March


  • 11 980


  • 10 000

During Global Money Week in Italy, 25 lessons for primary and secondary schools took place focusing on money management, earning, spending, saving, planning and budgeting, entrepreneurship, business plans and a sustainable economy. Banks participating in the Financial Education Foundation gave lessons, and two meetings were targeted towards teachers and trainers, in order to “train the trainers” to enable them to utilize existing financial education programs during their own lessons.

In relation to becoming sustainable citizens, "Let’s save the Planet" lessons for primary schools were organised by Feduf, the Foundation Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition and Banca Popolare di Bergamo. Educational insights on sustainable development and the economy, on the planet's resources and on the words of sustainability: reuse, recycle and reduction, were given during the session along with a focus on nutrition patterns that protect health and the environment, domestic consumption, food waste and the equivalent waste of money. Several other lessons were organised as well:

  • “You Choose what I want” for secondary schools was organised by “Taxi1729” and Banca Popolare di Bergamo. During this artistic performance on behavioural finance, kids were presented with the drivers of choice, economic drivers of choice in particular, with a focus on examples of cognitive traps in which it is easy to fall. The performance illustrated concepts through logics and mathematics, plus cognitive and behavioural psychology.

  • “Money Doesn’t Fall from the Sky” for I degree of secondary school students was organised by the Bank of Italy. Educational insights were given regarding what the Bank of Italy is and what it does, monetary and financial stability, brokerages and the importance of savings.
  • “Economics and Me” for I degree secondary school students was organised by Junior Achievement Italy. It emphasized that understand economics is not just about knowing how to manage savings, but also to choose how to live and work in a modern market system. Starting from their own inclinations, students discovered how to plan and manage a budget and how to evaluate a job opportunity.
  • “Ready, Steady... Work!” for II degree secondary school students was organised by INPS and Itinerari Previdenziali. Educational insights was provided on issuing the curriculum vitae, the safety of a clear work contract, the contribution, the basic pension, the choice between employees and self-employers, how to start a start-up, what is VAT as well as what is and why supplementary pension is important.
  • "Sowing the seeds of legality" for I and II degree secondary school students organised by Equitalia. This session was based on extreme interaction and "active listening techniques". Furthermore, the guidelines and the basic concepts of the Italian Constitution, as well as on their interpretation, was focused on "art.53" - The Value of Tax Legality.

In addition to these particular sessions, interactive sessions focusing on questions and answers in relation to savings, inflation and aspects of behavioural economics took place along with a meeting for teachers, principals and trainers. Economics and social sciences were focused on at school, looking at the necessary steps for a new Social Economic High School by AEEE Italy and SIE, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education - Directorate for Educational Ordinances and Evaluation of the national education system. During the meeting, the promoters and Dr. Carmela Palumbo, Director for Educational Ordinances and Evaluation of the National Ministry of Education, deepened the topic of the parting which occurred between the Social Economic High School and the Human Sciences High School, considering the letter posted by scientific societies to the Minister Stefania Giannini.

2015 Italy Global Money Week


  • Banca d’Italia (Bank of Italy), Italian Financial Education Foundation, Partner Guardia di Finanza (Italian Finance Police), Partner Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency), Partner Explora – Children Museum of Rome


  • 9th - 13th of March


  • 1 600

The Bank of Italy organised a financial education event within Global Money Week on 17 March en titled “I save today, I choose tomorrow.” A total of 138 students and 19 teachers from six middle schools in the Rome area attended the initiative.

The event started with a brief presentation of the importance of Financial Education and themes such as saving money and having a mindful approach when spending it, both on personal and Governmental side. Useful examples such as the Marshmallow Test and the Italian tale Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi were used to deliver the message to the students. After the presentation, a short speech to greet the students by the Bank of Italy’s Governor, Mr. Ignazio Visco, focused on the importance of being able to carefully manage money, especially in the light of the current financial conjuncture. Things became very hectic after the Governor’s speech, when the young students were called to play a famous Italian card game. The classes battled each other to win as many cards as possible, by answering questions regarding the presentation previously delivered and their financial competence. Monetary prizes were awarded to three of the six schools. The school with the best score was also awarded a chance to visit the banknote printing facilities of the Bank of Italy.

La Fondazione per l’educazione finanziaria e al risparmio (Italian Education Foundation) also organised a series of events dedicated to Global Money Week. Most of the events consisted of lessons for junior high school students, primary school students and high school students.

The lesson Saving the Planet (Saving the Planet is a school programme acknowledged by the EXPO School Commitee) focused on development and sustainable economy. Students have been encouraged to think about the necessity to adopt responsible behaviours in order to save social, economic, environmental and food resources. Money and Tales was held for primary-level school children. Activities for children aimed at educating to saving and economics through fables and storytelling. They had the opportunity to visit the Children Museum of Rome and playing “Economiamo “ a fun “grown-up” experience: children have to work to earn, spend for their needs and amusement, pay taxes and, if they wished, donate a part of their savings to charity.

For the older students, the lessons instead focused on Legality and Economics, Revenue at school or Currency and money. The two lessons focused on legality and economics through concrete examples of everyday life to show the importance of loyal economic behaviours for individual and social well-being. Students have been encouraged to think about their role as citizens and about rights and duties they have which also affect the economic citizenship. The currency and money lessons allowed students to become familiar with the payment instruments they deal with every day. An introduction about the Euro currency has been followed by in-depth examination about bank accounts, payment cards and new payment technologies. The revenue at school lessons covered the basics of civil life in order to teach children the importance of respecting rules, even the fiscal ones, for community well-being. Principles of the Italian Republic Constitution have been explained as well as the Italian tax system rules.

2014 Italy Global Money Week


  • Patti chiari, Tuscany Region (Regione Toscana), Tuscany School Office (Ufficio Scolastico Regionale della Toscana)


  • 10th - 12th of March


  • 435

Patti Chiari is a consortium of Italian banks and financial intermediaries. They organised fun and interactive performances in order to increase children’s financial awareness. Children in Italy were invited to join in on a game of The Challenge of Cincilli. This interactive educational performance required the children (aged 5-8) to help 5 squirrels cross a forest full of trials and temptations with only 5 cincilli (coins). Through entertainment these children and youth were taught about the importance of being money conscious.

Econosofia was a finance-themed performance that was centered around the impact which our consumer culture has had on the children’s lives. The play gave the children a chance to think about how times have changed through the feelings, hopes and collective fears of a country that is dependent on consuming. These thoughts were expressed through the dialogue between 3 characters Aldo, Barbara and Charlie.

2013 Italy Global Money Week


  • PattiChiari Consortium – Italian Banking Association


  • Intesa Sanpaolo, Museo del Risparmio Ufficio Scolastico Regionale del Piemonte


  • 18th - 22nd of March


  • 800

The same initiative has been organised the weeks before and after in Roma (4th - 8th of March - 780 children), Napoli (11th - 15th of March – 1400 children) and Milano (8th - 12th of April – 630 children). The total amount is 3.610 children reached.

“One primary school class brought a large cloth and wrote on it “Does money makes you happy?” as well as paintings and poetry they wrote. We used it for the lesson; children told us about the meaning of their paintings and also discussed about the levels [of importance] a person should give to money.”

High school students from Italy had the opportunity to attend workshops at Intesa Sanpaolo headquarter focused on welfare, entrepreneurship, business plan, financial planning, money management.

Students also had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Savings in Turin, where workshops for secondary and primary schools were hosted. The visits started with discussions on topics such as the history of money, savings and investment decisions followed by presentations about the main characteristics of the most popular financial instruments: stocks, bonds, derivatives, insurance contracts, mutual funds, pension funds.

Moreover, the principles for informed financial choices (the difference between real and nominal return, the relationship between risk and return, the benefits of a diversified portfolio) were presented to students.

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