Dominican Republic

2024 Dominican Republic Global Money Week


  • Central Bank of the Dominican Republic


  • Banco Central de la República Dominicana, AFP Crecer, ALAVER, Asociación de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación Bonao de Ahorros y Préstamos (ABONAP), Asociación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación de Bancos de Ahorro y Crédito y Corporaciones de Crédito (ABANCORD), Asociación de Bancos Múltiples de la República Dominicana, Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorros y Créditos (AIRAC), Asociación Duarte de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación La Nacional de Ahorro y Préstamos, Asociación Peravia de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos, Banco Ademi, Banco ADOPEM, Banco BACC de Ahorro y Crédito del Caribe, Banco BDI, Banco BHD, Banco Caribe, Banco López de Haro, Banco Popular, Banco Santa Cruz, Banco Unión, Banco Vimenca, Banesco, Banfondesa, Banreservas, Bolsa de Valores de la República Dominicana, Centro de Capacitación en Política y Gestión Fiscal (CAPGEFI), Cooperativa Médica de Santiago, Dirección General de Contabilidad Gubernamental, Dirección General de Impuestos Internos, JMMB Bank, Banco de Ahorro y Créditos, S.A., Liga Dominicana de Asociaciones de Ahorros y Préstamos (LIDAAPI), Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo, Ministerio de Hacienda, Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Mypimes, Motor Crédito, Banco de Ahorro y Crédito, Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas (ONE), Parval Puesto de Bolsa, Prodominicana, Banco Promérica, Promipyme, Qik Banco Digital, Scotiabank, Superintendencia de Bancos, Superintendencia de Pensiones, Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores, Tesorería Nacional, Transunión, VISA


  • 50


  • 5 000


  • 250


  • Not reported

As every year, the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic carried out the "Global Money Week", with an inter-institutional fair where entities present their advances in economic and financial education. Talks, workshops, educational games, guided tours of the Numismatic Museum were organised. The main objective of the GMW was promoting the development of economic and financial education in the Dominican Republic and the inclusion of children and young people in the financial system. Among the 145 activities organised for GMW in Dominican Republic, some are worth highlighting. The conference “Black Swans: a growing challenge for the news media” aimed at journalists was organised. The "Economists of the Future" was an award ceremony with prizes shared for the academic competition Economists of the Future 2024. Educational workshops and games were offered by all participating organisations. A financial theatre was organised, aimed at young children from the fourth to the sixth grades of primary school. Different activities included learning about savings through plays, workshops and talks. Various educational talks were held throughout the week for children and young people on savings, entrepreneurship, financial education, investment, credit card management, payment system, monetary policy, the role and functions of the Central Bank and personal finance. During the GMW, the launch of the National Survey of Inclusion and Financial Education (ENIEF 2023) was also organised.

2023 Dominican Republic Global Money Week


  • Central Bank of the Dominican Republic


  • Asociación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos; Asociación de Bancos Múltiples de la República Dominicana; Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorros y Créditos (AIRAC); Asociación Duarte de Ahorros y Préstamos; Asociación La Nacional de Ahorro y Préstamos; Asociación La Vega Real (ALAVER); Asociación Peravia de Ahorros y Préstamos; Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos; Banco Ademi; Banco ADOPEM; Banco BDI; Banco BHD; Banco Caribe; Banco Central de la Rep. Dominicana; Banco Lopez de Haro; Banco Múltiple Activo Dominicana; Banco Popular; Banco Promerica; Banco Santa Cruz; Banco Unión; BANDEX; Banesco; Banfondesa; Banreservas; Bolsa de Valores de la RD; Capgefi; Dirección; General de Contabilidad Gubernamental; Dirección General de Impuestos Internos; Liga Dominicana de Asociaciones de Ahorros y Préstamos; Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo; Ministerio de Hacienda; Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Mypimes; Oficina Nacional de Etsadisticas (ONE); Prodominicana; Scotiabank; Superintendencia de Bancos; Superintendencia de Pensiones; Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores; Transunion; VISA


  • 41


  • 5 700


  • 500


  • Not reported

As every year the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic carried out the "Global Money Week". In 2023, the Interinstitutional Fair was organsied once again in person. It consisted of talks, educational games, guided tours of the Numismatic and Philatelic Museum. The objective was to promote the development of economic and financial education in the Dominican Republic and the inclusion of children and young people in the financial system. Among the 91 activities which took place, some deserve a special mention, namley: The conference to journalists, "Artificial Intelligence: from trend to reality. Its impact on communication"; "Economists of the Future" 2023 prizes; games offered by all participating economic entities; Economic theater, aimed at the children of fourth to sixth grades; Educational talks given to children and young people on savings, entrepreneurship, financial education, investment, credit card management, Payment Systems, Monetary Policy, what does a Central Bank do? and Personal Finance and the release of the first "Guide to developing your economic and financial skills".

2021 Dominican Republic Global Money Week


  • Central Bank of the Dominican Republic


  • Asociación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación de Bancos Múltiples de la República Dominicana, Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorro y Crédito, Inc. (AIRAC), Asociación la Nacional de Ahorros y Prestamos, Asociación La Vega Real (ALAVER), Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos, Banco ADEMI, Banco ADOPEM, Banco BHD León, Banco Caribe, Banco Central de la República Dominicana, Banco Popular, Banco Santa Cruz, Banco Unión, Banesco, BANFONDESA, Banreservas, Bolsa de Mercado de Valores de la Republica Dominicana, Centro de Capacitación en Política y Gestión Fiscal (CAPGEFI), Dirección General de Contabilidad Gubernamental, Dirección General de Impuestos Internos, Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Mipymes, Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo, Ministerio de Hacienda, Proconsumidor, Prodominicana, Scotiabank, Superintendencia de Bancos, Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores, Superintendencia de Pensiones, Tesorería Nacional, Visa


  • 32


  • 7,360


  • 5,300


  • Not reported

To celebrate GMW2021, Dominican Republic launched a new website for the National Strategy for Economic and Financial Education as part of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy. In addition, series of lectures and talks were organised as part of the programme.

The Central Bank and CAF Development Bank led discussions with university students on their essays about “Ideas for the Future.” Banco Popular offered talks on “Saving Makes Us Well” and “Build Your Dreams in 5 Steps.” Banco BHD León organised a lecture on “Financial Personality,” Banco Santa Cruz’s held session on “Seven Financial Habits That Can Change Your Life”, Tesorería Nacional spoke about “The National Treasury Is My Task”, and Banco ADEMI planned a workshop on “Financial Education.” Other sessions included topics such as “A High-Flying Dream” and “How to Manage Your Finances in A Sustainable Way” by Asoc. Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos. In addition, Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores held a talk about “Getting To Know The Stock Market”, and Superintendencia de Bancos focused on topics such as “Taking Care Of Your Money Is Taking Care Of Your Health”, and “Put Your Pocket In Order.” Also, ''Export and Investment for Development'' lecture was led by ProDominicana, while Asociación de Bancos Múltiples de la República Dominicana planned a lecture on “Banks: What Are They, What Do They Do And What Is Their Function?” Bolsa de Valores talk was about “Contributing To The Dominican Capital Market: The Best Decision A Professional Can Make.” Banreservas organised lectures on “Child Savings” and “Preserve Young People”, Visa’s session focused on “Tools To Start And Manage Your Business With Visa”, Asoc. Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos lectures were about “How To Navigate Safely In The Networks” and “Personal Finance Management.” Ministerio de Hacienda did a lecture on “A Journey Through The Universe Of Public Finances,” whereas DGII lectures focused on “What Is This Thing Called Tax” and “Facilities And Opportunities Regarding Law No.46-20 Reintroduced By Law 07-21.” Banco Caribe storytelling was about “The Secret of the Stones.”

Similarly, other sessions took place during GMW2021. For example, Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Mipymes held a presentation on “The Economic Education Tools” in coordination with the Franckfurt school and a talk on “Financial Tools For Life And Business.” Superintendencia de Pensiones discussed “System of Pensions In The Context Of The Dominican Socioeconomic Reality: Challenges And Opportunities” and launched the “SIPEN's children's stories - Collection Learning To Save.” Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarrollo organised an event on the “Journey To The Digital Transformation Of The Ministry Of Economy, Planning And Development. La Nacional de Ahorros y Préstamos focused on “How To Plan Your Future In 5 Steps”, Banco ADOPEM on “Healthy Emotions For Young People” and “Develop Your Entrepreneurial Spirit.” CAPGEFI talked about ''Governmental Financial Administration” and “How Public Institutions Buy And Business Opportunities With The State.” Whereas, Dirección General de Contabilidad Gubernamental’s lectures focused on “Governmental Accounting In The Field Of Public Finances” and “Governmental Regulatory Instruments That Every Accountant Should Know.” Proconsumidor held a lecture on “Establish Financial Health”, BAFONDESA on “Activate Your Finances: Small Steps To Achieve Big Dreams” and “Savings Culture.”

Moreover, other lectures were held as part of the Global Money Week programme in the Dominican Republic. Banesco session focused on “Financial Culture with the Savings Guru”, Scotiabank’s on “Leadership And Coaching In The Financial Sector” and “Impact Of Finances On Your Personal Well-being.” Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorro y Crédito, Inc. (AIRAC) held sessions on “Impact of Credit Unions on Young People” and “Saving is Fun”, while Asociación La Vega Real (ALAVER) talk focused on “Digital Reputation.”

The Central Bank organised a conference led by the CEO Corporate Excellence, Centre for Reputation Leadership.

2019 Dominican Republic Global Money Week


  • Banco ADOPEM (Participating)
  • Central Bank of Dominican Republic


  • 124 Schools, 20 Media Organisations, Ademi, Además, Argentarium, la Asociación de Bancos Comerciales de la República Dominicana (ABA), Asociación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos (ACAP), Asociación de Bancos Comerciales de la República Dominicana (ABA), Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorro y Crédito, Inc. (AIRAC), Asociación La Nacional de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos, Banco ADEMI, Banco BDI, Banco Caribe, Banco Múltiple Activo, Banco Popular, Banco Santa Cruz, Banco Unión, BANESCO, BANFODENSA, BANRESERVAS, BCRD, BDI, BHD León, Bolsa de Valores de la República Dominicana, CAPGHEFI, Caribe, Ciencia Divertida, Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII), El Centro de Capacitación en Política y Gestión Fiscal (CAPGEFI), El Centro de Exportación e Inversión de la República Dominicana (CEI-RD), La Nacional (ALNAP), La Tesorería Nacional de la República Dominicana, La Vega Real (ALAVER), La Vicepresidencia de la Republica, Las Superintendencias de Bancos, Mercado de Valores de la República Dominicana, Ministerio Comercio, Ministerio de Economía Planificación y Desarrollo, Ministerio de Hacienda, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Ministerio Industria, Ministerio Mipymes, Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas (ONE), Pensiones, Popular, ProConsumidor, Progresando con Solidaridad, Progresando con Solidaridad (PROSOLI), Renta un Cuento, Reservas Santa Cruz, Superintendencia de Bancos, Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores, Superintendencia de Pensiones (SIPEN), Tesorería Nacional, Unión, Visa


  • 10 000


  • 1 300

Central Bank of Dominican Republic
For Global Money Week 2019, the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic organised a programme of activities aimed at promoting economic and financial education nationwide. The activities organised included talks, workshops, and dynamics, prepared for each audience and adapted to each age group. An example was the economic trivia dynamic, where students had to answer questions on the day’s theme and solve cases. The themes included inflation, monetary policy, what is money and the financial system, payment systems, international reserves and exchange market. Aside from these activities, an inter-institutional fair was organised. This fair allowed different participating institutions to exhibit their projects and achievements in economic and financial education and offered them the opportunity to distribute informative and educational materials. A conference with journalist, titled “Fake News: Something Irremediable?” was organised for university students. Furthermore, the Award Ceremony of the “Economists of the Future” academic competition provided an opportunity for multiple educational centers to be awarded. Finally, students were able to visit the Numismatic and Philatelic Museum.

Banco ADOPEM (Participating)
As part of the National Campaign organised by the Central Bank, Bank ADOPEM and the NGO ADOPEM organised their own activities to celebrate GMW2019. The activities organised included seminars on “Finance for Youths” and “The Importance of Saving”. Additionally, the child and youth friendly savings account, MIA, was launched, as well as the EDUCA-T financial education programme. The launch featured videos, material distribution, and interactive games.

2018 Dominican Republic Global Money Week


  • ADOPEM Bank
  • Central Bank of Dominican Republic


  • ADEMI Bank, ADOPEM Bank, ALAVER, Argentariun, Asociacion La Nacional de Ahorros y Prestamos (ALNAP), Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorros y Créditos (AIRAC) (Savings and Credit Association of Rural Institutions), Asociación La Nacional de Ahorros y Préstamos (National Association of Savings and Loans), Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos (APAP), Asosiación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos (Savings and Loans Association of Cibao), Association of Commercial Banks (ABA), Association of Rural Savings and Credit Institutions (AIRAC), Banco del Progreso, Banco Popular, Banesco, Bank of Reserves, BDI Bank, BHD-León Bank, CAPGEFI, Caribe Bank, Centro de Exportación e Importación (CEIRD) (Center for Imports and Exports of the Dominican Republic), Children Interational, Cibao Association of Savings and Loans, Ciencia Divertida, Director General of Internal Taxes, JMMB Bank, La Vega Real Association (ALAVER), Ministerio de Hacienda, Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, Ministry of Finance, Ministy of Industry and Commerce, MMB Bank, National Bureau of Statistics (ONE), National Treasury, ONE, Popular Bank, Pro consumidor, ProDominicana de Exportación e Importación, Progresando con Solidaridad/Vicepresidencia de la República (PROSOLI) (Progress through Solidarity/the Vice-presidency of the Republic), Progreso Bank, Prosoli, Renta un cuento, Reservas Bank, Santa Cruz Bank, Stock Exchange of the Dominican Republic, Superintendence of Banks, Superintendence of Pensions, Superintendence of Securities, Superintendence of Valores, Training Center on Fiscal Policy and Management (CAPGEFI), Unión Bank, Valores Stock Exchange, Vice President of the Republic, Visa


  • 5 500


  • 2 500

Central Bank of Dominican Republic
Throughout the Global Money Week 2018, The Central Bank of Dominican Republic and its partners reached 5,450 children and youth through visits to the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic. During the Week, financial literacy awareness sessions were offered to the children, youth and adults, including workshops and games. 60 journalists were involved in a workshop on “Socially Responsible Journalism” and other educational sessions. Throughout the Week, young people were able to engage themselves at the Juan Pablo Duarte numismatic and philatelic museum to learn. Furthermore, during GMW2018 university students had the opportunity to attend conferences on economics and finances, which they enjoyed very much.

ADOPEM Bank and ADOPEM ONG participated in the “5ta Semana Económica del Banco Central,” (5th Economic Week of the Central Bank) which took place March 12-16 in Santo Domingo. The opening act’s attendees were Executive President Mercedes Canalda de Beras-Goico, Member of the Board of Directors Ricardo Canalda, Executive Vice President of Business Eva Carvajal de Toribio, Vice President of Operations Fernando Pérez, Vice President of Technology Juan Francisco Terrero, and Marketing Manager Patricia Alvarez. The activities scheduled for adolescents included the talks "Retos y Habilidades para el nuevo Milenio,” (Goals and Abilities for the New Millenium) given by European School of Management President Sharon Aiko Manno, and “ La Importancia del ahorro,” (The Importance of Saving) given by ADOPEM ONG facilitator Laura Méndez and ADOPEM Bank Assistant Manager Julissa Camasta . Meanwhile, Raysa Castillo, a facilitator at ADOPEM ONG, also presented “La Importancia del Ahorro” (The Importance of Savings) at the Regional Office of Santiago. The bank also presented “La Cuenta de Ahorro Infantil MIA” (Child Saving Accounts), the educational credit programme “EDUCA-T” (Emphasis on Developing and Upgrading of Competences for Academic Teaching), videos and other educational materials, and games for students.

2017 Dominican republic Global Money Week



The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BCRD), in its purpose of serving the country, assumed as an additional dedication to its duties linked to the maintenance of macroeconomic stability on helping citizens understand the main economic and financial concepts that affect them on their daily life. The purpose is that when they get information related to these areas, they have learnt to interpret the data, the variations and their consequences, so that they acquire the best criteria to make their own decisions.

With this as an objective, the Aula Central was established, which is in an initiative based on the social institutional responsibilities of the BCRD. It attributes the rights of citizens to receive economic and financial information that serves as a mean for their administrative development. The training activities that are basis for the Aula Central (Central Classroom) programs connect to the duty of creating an economic and financial culture in the Dominican Republic that improves its citizens quality of life

The BCRD, in collaboration and co-ordination with Child and Youth Finance International, carries out this event every March to promote the development of economic and financial education in the Dominican Republic, as well as financial inclusion at all social levels. During this week, the BCRD, together with various public and private institutions, associations and commercial banks, will expose their projects and achievements at an interinstitutional fair. Additionally, educational talks and dynamics are carried out, visits to the Museo Numismático y Filatélico (Numismatic and Philatelic Museum), providing an educational area for children. In the framework of the activities, a 'Workshop on Economic and Financial Journalism' is also offered to journalists.

Furthermore, institutions like Banco Ademi will also be promoting financial education by offering workshops for both children, young people and adult. Likewise, ADOPEM NGO will promote the programme of financial education that they develop, the facilities offered and the execution of programs, projects and activities of training, entrepreneurship and human development.

The activities to be carried out in their stand will promote the different products and services they offer, mainly MIA and EDUCA-T children's account. Also, Savings Account, information of the courses and project center training, video placement and Financial Education spaces, that will be broadcasted all day on the screens designed for this instructive and material purpose.

During the visits students and the public will engage in playful and dynamic activities that will make financial education more different and entertaining. Lastly, JADOM will hold workshop for female entrepreneurs as well business simulation workshops and the young popular banker competition.

2016 Dominican Republic Money Week


  • Central Bank of the Dominican Republic


  • ADOPEM, Argentarium, Asociación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación de Bancos Comerciales (ABA), Asociación de Instituciones Rurales de Ahorros y Créditos (AIRAC), Asociación La Nacional de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación la Vega Real (ALAVER), Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos, Aula Hispana, Banco ADEMI, Banco BHD-León, Banco Caribe, Banco de Reservas, Banco del Progreso, Banco Popular, Banco Unión, Banesco, Bolsa de Valores de la República Dominicana, CAPGEFI/Ministerio de Hacienda, Centro de Exportación e Importación (CEIRD), Children International, Ciencia Divertida, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Progresando con Solidaridad/Vicepresidencia de la República (PROSOLI), Superintendencia de Bancos, Superintendencia de Pensiones, Superintendencia de Valores, Visa, Aflatoun, Children International - Republica Dominicana (Aflatoun Partner)


  • 14th - 20th of March


  • 4 250

Mr. Hector Valdez Albizu, Governor of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, inaugurated Global Money Week 2016 in the country. In his speech, he stressed the importance of contributing to economic education and financial inclusion, especially for the children and youth of the country. He reiterated the commitment of the Central Bank to provide continued support for initiatives undertaken in this direction.

This year's Global Money Week in the Dominican Republic was not short of creativity, one of the trademarks of this Caribbean nation. GMW activities included: Money Detective, a game aimed to teach children and youth about the importance of recognizing legitimate money and knowing the characteristics of the local currency, el peso. Children and youth learnt about variations of prices and other macroeconomic indicators in the Inflation Laberynth, and had the opportunity to showcase their economic knowledge in an Economic Trivia game where they learnt about, amongst other things, inflation, balance of payments and the currency exchange market. All of these activities, and many more, were part of what the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic and its allies prepared for the third edition of Global Money Week in the country.

Children and youth alsp learnt about the monetary policy in the Dominican Republic by playing interactive games in a specially designed game-hall at the bank, and also took a guided tour of the Numismatic and Philatelic Museum. Furthermore, for the second consecutive year, activities were conducted at the Central Bank's Regional Office in Santiago and included workshops, games and a theater play.

2015 Dominican Republic Money Week


  • Central Bank of the Dominican Republic,Bancos Popular, Banco BHD-León, Banco de Reservas, Banesco, Banco del Progreso, Banco Ademi, Banco de Desarrollo Industrial (BDI), Adopem, Superintendencias de Bancos, Superintendencia de Valores, Superintendencia de Pensiones, Asociación La Nacional de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación La Vega Real de Ahorros y Préstamos (ALAVER), Asociación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación de Bancos Comerciales (ABA), Ministerio de Industria y Comercio (MIC), Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas (ONE), Children International, Centro de Capacitación en Política y Gestión Fiscal (CAPGEFI) del Ministerio de Hacienda,Vicepresidencia de la República, a través de su programa Progresando con Solidaridad (Prosoli), Ciencia Divertida, Peképolis, Argentarium, SigSim


  • 9th - 17th of March


  • 3 000

Global Money Week which is also celebrated as the Economic and Financial Week was celebrated with great fervor. The Central Bank brought together 26 public and private institutions from the economic and financial industry during the 205 celebrations. This was an increase from 2014 when the number of participating organisations was 18. Every day, 600 people, including children, youth and adults, participated in 50 activities organised.

Mr. Hector Valdez Albizu, Governor, the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, inaugurated 2015 Global Money Week. In his speech, he stressed on the importance of contributing to economic education and financial inclusion, especially for the children and youth of the country. He reiterated the commitment of the Central Bank to provide continued support for initiatives undertaken in this direction.

He also presented the progress made by the Working Committee for the formulation of the National Strategy for Economic and Financial Education. The first phase saw the publication of the National Survey of Economic and Financial Literacy.

During the week, there were varieties of activities held for people from all ages. Lectures explaining mission of the Central Bank, inflation, payment systems, financial system, the National Currency and personal finance were conducted. The participating institutions also organised talks on savings, the development of SMEs, entrepreneurship, and inclusion of disabled people into the financial system, among others. A children’s area was created during fair where the played Financial Bingo. Both these new initiatives were well received and widely appreciated.

Children and youth learnt about the monetary policy by playing interactive games in a specially designed game-hall at the bank. They also went on a guided tour to the Numismatic and Philatelic Museum and watched an economic cinema. Many activities were for the first time conducted at the Regional Office of Santiago.

The closing ceremony witnessed two major events. One, the graduation ceremony was held for the 540 teachers who were taught economics and finance in 2014 by the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic. And, two a panel discussion on “The progress and challenges of economic and financial education” was conducted where executives from various organisations participated. The events received an outstanding response from the participants and the press.

2014 Dominican Republic Money Week



  • 10th – 14th of March


A host of activities took place in Dominican Republic during Global Money Week thanks to a multi-stakeholder effort from: Banco del Progreso, Banesco, Banco Ademi, ADOPEM, Banco Popular, Asociación La Nacional de Ahorro y Préstamos, Asociación de Bancos Comerciales de la R.D., Asociación Popular de Ahorros y Préstamos, Asociación Cibao de Ahorros y Préstamos, Minister of Industry and Commerce, Banks Supervisory Authority, National Office of Statistics, Central Bank of Reserves, Banco Peravía, Children International, and national advisor and business celebratory Alejandro Fernández W.

Activities during Global Money Week in the Dominican Republic included different workshops, games, a financial fair and more! The Central Bank put together a series of lectures explaining its role in the country’s economy. Children and youth learnt about monetary policy by playing interactive games in a specially designed game-hall at the Central Bank. Children then had a chance to join a guided tour of the Money Museum. During this fun activity they had the opportunity to see the permanent numismatic and philatelic collection of the Central Bank.

The older youth from 38 schools and colleges toured the Financial Fair which showcased what is currently being done in the area of economic and financial education in the Dominican Republic. Each of the organisations participating on the initiative had a informative and interactive stand to inform children and youth about their financial education project or programs Youth could then engage their knowledge in entrepreneurial experiments in one of the several entrepreneur themed workshops. Other workshops held during the week focused on topics such as the payment system, inflation, savings for children and youth, the smart use of credit products and services, the history of Dominican Republic bills and coins, economic journalism and how to take care of personal finances.

Children International’s field office in the Dominican Republic hosted a variety of activities in celebration of Global Money Week and Aflatoun Day. This included a visit to the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic with 50 children and youth and seven adults, who participated in the activities planned by the Central Bank including lessons on the systems of the bank, entrepreneurship, savings, and inflation.

Youth also participated in the International Aflatoun Skype calls with other children and youth from Mexico, Colombia and Brazil. Other activities that took place throughout the week included piggy bank making, the presentation of a play on savings, story making and storytelling about the importance of saving water, and discussions with children, youth and community members on topics such as savings and children’s rights. In order to promote financial education with a wider audience, Juana Fabían, the Aflatoun Facilitator in the Dominican Republic, appeared on a television show to discuss Global Money Week and the Aflatoun programme.

Learn more:

2013 Dominican Republic Money Week


  • Banco Central de la República Dominicana
  • Banco ADOPEM


  • 15th of March


  • 1 000

“The Central Bank is carrying out a programme of economic and financial education called Central Hall, by which seeks to explain, simply and clearly, the economy and finance. That will help, we believe, to make people understand better the economic measures taken by the Government, and can weigh them in their proper perspective, judiciously, with knowledge, with complete and timely information.” Luis Martín Gómez (representing Central Bank Governor Hector Valdez Albizu)

The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, through its project “Aula Central” for economic and financial education celebrated the Global Money Week with the participation of 300 volunteers and 1000 children and youth from public and private schools in the country. The welcoming remarks were made by the Director of the Communications Department of the Central Bank, Luis Martín Gómez, representing the Governor Hector Valdez Albizu, who stated the importance of economic and financial education to society, especially for children and youth.

Schools that attended the activity were Pan American Union UTESA, Santa Teresita, Saint Jude and Saint George. In addition, high schools and U.S. Mauricio Báez, San Juan Bautista school, the National School of Arts and Crafts, the educational community and the Foundation Lux Mundi Aflatoun-Children International.

During the activity, participants attended lessons on inflation, the payments system and bank notes in the Dominican Republic, and ended with a tour of the Money Museum of the Central Bank. In addition, they received books on inflation and a collection on childhood financial education to enlighten young people on issues relating to the economy. ADOPEM celebrated Global Money Week with a savings awareness activity which engaged children and youth.

Within a coloured platform area children and youth were gathered and participated in an interactive mini lecture on the importance of saving, practical savings tips, and the motivation for this culture. The MIA Savings Plan with practical examples was presented. Children were given the opportunity to put their names to their dreams and goals which could motivate them towards savings.