
2019 Cameroon Global Money Week


  • SNAES (Syndicat National Autonome de l'Enseignement Secondaire)


  • 2 Media Organisations, 21 Schools, Ministry of Secondary Education, Zenü Network


  • 378


  • 29 711

SNAES (Syndicat National Autonome de l'Enseignement Secondaire)
During Global Money Week 2019, SNAES (Syndicat National Autonome de l'Enseignement Secondaire), along with the Zenü Network and the Ministry of Secondary Education, reached over 370 children and youth indirectly, and more than 28,000 indirectly, by organising visits to banking institutions, governmental institutions, enterprises, and schools. Throughout the Week, financial literacy awareness sessions were offered to children and youth through conferences and discussions with experts in personal development subjects. Additionally, during the entire month, SNAES encouraged children and youth to participate in the GMW Challenge on social media. On Aflatoun International Day, Skype calls allowed schools in the country to connect and chat with Aflateens from Tanzania, Brazil and India. A festive closing ceremony was organised in the Adamaoua region under the patronage of the divisional delegate for secondary education.

2018 Cameroon Global Money Week


  • Camer Human Capital (CHC) Ltd
  • Pola Capital Afrique


  • Bizgo FM, CCOFIT, Centurion Law Group, DHL Buea Branch, Entrepreneurs for Tomorrow, Guanxi Invest SAS, Higher Institute of Management Studies (HIMS), Hovareigns Events, JPO Solutions, St. Theresa International Bilingual Comprehensive College


  • 467


  • 748

Pola Capital Afrique
The Pola Capital Team, in collaboration with several partners, celebrated GMW2018 by reaching out to 150 children and youth through social media, seminars, and essay writing competitions, which invited young people to share their knowledge and opinions about money. During GMW2018, financial literacy sessions were offered to children, youth, and adults on the theme of managing personal finance. High-level discussions, seminars, and conferences on topics related to money, and other educational sessions were organised for young people to attend. Throughout the Week, young people could take care of their money by building a budget plan and to make a difference between wants and needs to minimize their expenditure and save money. Furthermore, this year university students had the opportunity to attend webinars on crowdfunding and savings, organised in collaboration with Guanxi Invest SAS, a crowdfunding platform.

Camer Human Capital (CHC) Ltd
As part of Cameroon’s Global Money Week 2018 celebrations, the CEO of Camer Human Capital (CHC) Ltd, through the support of Centurion Law Group, organised a seminar on “Creativity and Innovation: Entrepreneurship for Youth” at HIMS, Buea. The presentation, which reached 400 young people, was led by the CEO in collaboration with partners from private and public-sector organisations. The seminar began with discussion on creativity and innovation and their role in entrepreneurship, which was followed by illustrations on the key steps in the creative process and a discussion on the four types of innovation. Students had the opportunity to learn about how to enhance their own entrepreneurial creativity. Additionally, the presenters illustrated some of the sources and principles of innovation for entrepreneurs, and addressed some of the major misconceptions. The objective of the seminar was to spur creativity and innovation among youths to encourage them to develop their entrepreneurial and livelihood skills. Additionally, CHC Ltd organised a workshop and provided locally made piggy banks (wood boxes) to over 123 children at St. Therese Secondary School in Buea, to celebrate the Week. Children were coached and mentored on financial education through demonstrations by the team on how to use the box for savings.

2017 Cameroon Global Money Week




  • 530


  • 600

GMW2017 created a dialogue where young people's voices were at the heart of the celebrations. In the city of Doula, AIESEC arranged for school students to visit another local school named Bethel Bilingual Nursery and a primary school where interesting sessions about saving were delivered. The students engaged with financial subjects through interactive activities, for instance they drew currencies from different countries. Before the first day of GMW was completed, the children partook in a debate with two themes - “why money is good” and “why money is bad” -  to test their newly acquired knowledge of finance. At the close of the week on the 31st of March, students from different schools payed a visit to the Douala Stock Exchange Market, to learn about its important role in the country’s development. The day was rounded up with Q&A sessions.

YES Cameroon in partnership, with Student for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship, SAGE Cameroon, organised a one day conference on Entrepreneurship and Financial Education for Global Money Week in Yaoundé. The Baptist High School attended this conference, and students were informed of the importance of Entrepreneurship in regards to their future careers. The students were very committed and engaged as they asked pertinent questions during the working session.

2016 Cameroon Global Money Week



  • Government representation in Bamenda (Divisional Delegation of Employment and Vocational Training in Bamenda, Divisional Delegation of Youth Affairs, Regional Division of Youth Affairs)
  • The National Employment Fund (NEF) in Bamenda
  • Banque des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale
  • Afriland First Bank</>
  • Bessia
  • M2B Conseils Sarl
  • MTN Cameroon
  • Publicity and Design Sarl
  • Ecole Supérieure de Gestion (ESG), JSF Polytechnic, University of Bamenda
  • Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) in Bamenda
  • Young Entrepreneurs Club (YEC), Jump Start Club


  • 14th - 18th of March


  • 19 034


  • 50 000

Cameroon participated in Global Money Week for the third year in a row – expanding the celebrations in 2016 to five regions within the country. A national coalition of NGOs, including CYFI champion, Fon Amos Anye, helped to achieve this initiative by bringing the GMW campaign to half of the country’s regions, and exceeding the outreach of all previous GMW campaigns in Cameroon!

Global Money Week started in Cameroon with a round table discussion, various games and theatre plays at the Lycée Technique de Koumassi in Douala. The essay competition on “money, savings and entrepreneurship” was publicly announced at the beginning of March so that students had enough time to write convincing papers.

On 15 March, Youth Business Cameroon (YBC) organised an open forum under the main theme of GMW 2016 “Take part. Save smart!” at the bilingual government high school of Nylon in Douala. Students were taught about savings, saving options and the importance of owning a bank account. Students in Dschang also visited the local agency of Afriland First Bank. These visits provided students with real-life experience of how these institutions operate and allowed them to better understand the financial system.

On 16 March, two cities, Buéa and Bafoussam, planned their key GMW events together with schools, universities and partners. Activities such as skits, presentations, debates about entrepreneurship and financial education, and quizzes on money-related topics were conducted, as well as bank visits, including a visit to the Central Bank (BEAC) in the nation’s capital of Yaoundé. Furthermore, with the help of MTN Cameroon, YBC organised a round table discussion in Douala which brought together experts, bankers and students from the Lycée Bilingue de Nylon Brazzaville. On 17 March, the same activity was organised in Douala with the Aflateen youth group of the Lycée Joss.

An Entrepreneurship and Financial Education Forum was organised in Yaoundé by YES Cameroon in partnership with the savings cooperative UNICS. The forum informed secondary and high school students of the value of entrepreneurship, financial literacy and management. Selected students then had the opportunity to visit the office of UNICS the following day. The students were very satisfied and left with a more developed impression of money and finance.

In Bamenda, the large closing ceremony of the 2016 GMW celebrations took place in the form of a conference on Youth Financial Inclusion for Economic Citizenship at the Presbyterian Hall Ntamulung. Present at the final event were more than 268 youths, adults, teachers, representatives from financial institutions, NGOs and governmental bodies.

GMW2015 Cameroon Global Money Week


  • The African Dream/ Cameroon Center for Microfinance Management (CCEMMED), and SEEDS
  • DSE Douala Stock Exchange
  • Syndicat National Autonome de l’Enseignement Secondaire (SNAES)
  • Le Club Aflatoun du Lycée Bilingue de Dschang
  • YES Cameroon
  • Youth Business Cameroon micro Entrepreneurs


  • Government representation: (Regional Delegation of Youth Affairs; Divisional Delegation of Youth Affairs; Regional Delegation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Handicrafts and Social Economy; Divisional Delegation of Employment and Vocational Training; Regional Delegation of Trade).
  • BICEC (Banque Internationale du Cameroun pour l’épargne et le crédit)
  • Caisse d’épargne, de Crédit et d'Investissement (CADECI)
  • Bamenda Police Cooperative Credit Union
  • Plan Cameroon-Bamenda Branch Office
  • Honor Bilingual College
  • JCI Douala
  • JCI Bamenda Royal
  • Institute of Professional Studies (IPS)
  • FLEXCOM Institute
  • FABTRAC Institute
  • The Catholic University Of Cameroon Bamenda
  • Educare Bilingual Nursery and Primary School-Nkwen
  • Government Bilingual High School Bamenda
  • Government Technical High School Nkwen
  • National Polytechnic Bambui
  • HIBUMS Polytechnic Bamenda
  • Lycée Bilingue de Dschang
  • Lycée Classique de Dschang
  • Collège Albert Camus de Dschang
  • Lycée de Zengme à Dschang
  • Fomuyoh Foundation
  • Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) Nkwen
  • Christ Memorial Baptist Church Musang


  • The Fomunyoh Foundation Radio
  • Ndefcam Radio-Bamenda
  • Radio Hot Cocoa
  • Radio Yemba
  • Radio Hot Cocoa


  • 9th - 17th of March


  • 7113

Once again Cameroon joined the Global Money Week celebrations, increasing the number of participating organisations and youth reached. Certain Global Money Week activities started much earlier in Cameroon. The African Dream/ Cameroon Center for Microfinance Management (CCEMMED), and SEEDS initiated activities as early as January. Their goal was to conduct a continuum of activities that would yield impact by March during Global Money Week. Another long-term activity was led by the Youth Business Cameroon (Y.B.C) During the Women’s day celebrations on 8 March. YBC took the opportunity to celebrate GMW by engaging with women in a financial talk to enhance their saving habits and discuss their entrepreneurial potential. More than 20,000 youth received financial literacy training, fostering a culture of saving in Cameroonian youth.

PROVICT in Partnership with Eddy Hope Foundation organised a talk on Career options and Money Psychology. The career talk guided the students on how to discover their potential and develop skills, and how they use these skills to earn money even while in school. During the talk, students weree also advised on how to choose careers which make use of their skills.

The Syndicat National Autonome de l’Enseignement Secondaire (SNAES) marked their participation to the celebration by a variety of activities. They organised banks visits where 80 children visited la BICEC (Banque internationale du Cameroun pour l’épargne et le crédit), and around 5000 youth and children were reached through other events in the Week such as radio talks, a documentary presentation on GMW and Aflatoun day, theatre sketches, the Aflatoun day celebration, quizzes and informal drama workshops.

2014 Cameroon Global Money Week


  • Cameroon Center for Microfinance Management and Entrepreneurship Development (CCEMED)
  • Abakwa Radio FM 99


  • 14th of March


  • 750

On Friday 14th March the Cameroon Center for Microfinance Management and Entrepreneurship Development (CCEMMED) alongside YOULEAD delivered educational talks on the following themes: financial literacy, how money works, and the different ways in which youth can begin to save. The talks were held at 3 different high schools in Bamenda, the Government Bilingual High School (GBHS), Longla Comprehensive College and City College of Commerce.

'Youth Entrepreneurship’ was the title of a seminar held in Bamenda on Saturday, the 15th March. The seminar focused on teaching youth how to generate business ideas, the character traits of successful entrepreneurs and how to conduct feasibility studies.

African Dream, a Cameroonian NGO, was given 30 minutes of prime time on the national broadcaster Abakwa Radio FM 99 to discuss financial literacy and savings to raise awareness for Global Money Week!

GMW countdown 8

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