
2024 Brazil Global Money Week


  • Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM)


  • CVM, Anbima, ANCORD, B3, Banco Central do Brasil, Banrisul, Cresol, Instituto Sicoob, Ministério da Previdência Social, Planejar, Sicredi, Ânima Educação, Anhembi Morumbi, ANBBE - Associação Brasileira de Brokers Estrangeiros, BSM, DSOP Educação Financeira, Escola Estadual de Tempo Integral Professora Cinthia Régia Gomes do Livramento, Escola Estadual de Tempo Integral Professora Roxana Pereira Bonessi, Escola Estadual de Tempo Integral Santa Terezinha, EfincKids - Educação Financeira para crianças e adolescentes, Escola Estadual Ayrton Senna, Escola Estadual Professor Antônio Alves Cruz, Escola Estadual Professor Ascendino Reis, Escola Estadual Professor João Camargo, Escola Estadual Professora Myrthes Marques Trigueiro, Escola Estadual Rilton Leal, Escola Técnica Estadual Cidade Tiradentes, Escola Técnica Estadual Sapopemba, ESEG, ESPM, FAAP – Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado, FIPECAFI, IBMEC, INSPER, Instituto Futuro para Todos, Link School of Business, Mackenzie, Matriz Comunicação, MUB3 – Museu da Bolsa do Brasil, Multiplicando Sonhos, OBECON – Olimpíada Brasileira de Economia, Priscilla Rossi Educação Financeira, RadiumWeb, Sacre Investimentos, SD Positivo, Sisprime do Brasil, Tangram Educação Financeira, Unicred, UFBA – Universidade Federal da Bahia, Universidade Paulista,Universidade Federal Fluminense, Universidade São Judas Tadeu, Zhaga


  • 52


  • 137 015


  • 1 600


  • 8 428 707

GMW Brazil was coordinated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), which developed, together with partners, initiatives addressing various topics: sustainable finance; financial planning; investments; digital security; private pension; junior pension; behavioural biases; financial scams and fraud; sports betting; investor protection. These initiatives included webinars, video launches, board games, podcasts, and informational booklets. 

The Ring the Bell Ceremony, on March 18th, was the stage for the launch event of Global Money Week Brazil, which featured participants from CVM, the Brazilian Stock Exchange, public school students and teachers, partners and influencers. After the opening ceremony, the Brazilian Stock Exchange was transformed into a large space dedicated to games about financial education and investments. Children up to the age of 9 participated in puppet shows and storytelling, reinforcing the week's theme “Protect your money, secure your future”. Participants were challenged to solve an “escape room” style financial puzzle and help Safira make financial decisions in a large board game, among other activities.

More than 350 people, including children and young people, received financial education concepts in a fun and engaging way. There were more than 900 visitors to MUB3, the Stock Exchange Museum, learning about the history of the Brazilian financial market and how the capital market works.

Many initiatives were carried out throughout Brazil. In all, more than 1966 initiatives were carried out and around 8.6 million people were reached. The number of people reached in the 2024 campaign surpassed last year's campaign by 122% and the total number of initiatives increased by 58% compared to last year's campaign.

Global Money Week in Brazil was promoted by more than 52 companies from different segments: regulators, banks, brokerages, cooperatives, associations, NGOs, private companies, private entities, universities, schools, public agencies.

2023 Brazil Global Money Week


  • Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM)


  • CVM; Banrisul; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie; Sicoob; Dado Educador; Financeiro; Cresol; ANBIMA; Ânima Educação; ONZE; PLANEJAR; EEF GRACIOSA COPETTI PEREIRA; Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL); UFF; B3; Banco Central do Brazil; Núcleo do adolescente e criança Aliança; ESCOLA MUNICIPAL MODELO; Escola Pinguinho de Gente e Escola Educar; Ágora; Sebrae; Fundação Mudes; Unicuritiba; ANCORD; UFF; Universidade Federal da Paraíba; Universidade São Judas; DSOP; Consultoria Natássia Campos & Pedro Cardoso; Escola Apice Eleva; Colégio Rocha Cardoso; ONZE


  • 31


  • 61 115


  • 8 500


  • 11 282 126

GMW Brazil, coordinated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), promoted initiatives addressing various topics: sustainable finance; household budget; conscious consumption; credit and debt; emergency and opportunity reserves; planning for the future; investments; risk management and insurance; pension; consumer rights; financial habits and behaviours; financial independence; financial scams and fraud; investor protection; and so on.

Many initiatives were carried out throughout Brazil. In all, more than 1245 initiatives were carried out and around 11.3 million people were reached. The number of people reached in the 2023 campaign surpassed last year's campaign by 364%. Overall, there were 1009 events (lives, webinars, lectures, seminar, workshops, financial guidance session, courses, etc.) and 236 marketing actions (posts on social networks, email marketing, banners, pamphlets, podcasts, radio interviews, TV programs, etc.). Global Money Week in Brazil was promoted by more than 32 companies from different sector, including regulators, banks, brokerages, cooperatives, associations, NGOs, private companies, private entities, universities, schools, public agencies.

Main highlights included lectures at CVM on sustainable finance and investments, the launch of the Investor Calculator, the “Coleção Financinhas”, created with the aim of disseminating financial education concepts to children and young people in a playful and intelligent way. activities about sustainability for children, lectures for high school and university students about financial planning and financial education, talk shows on financial planning and how to start investments, videos, booklets and podcasts on financial education on GMW Brazil website, financial education at school programme, a new project for young people from Multiplicando Sonhos (NGO) and a podcast on financial planning with a focus on retirement.

2022 Brazil Global Money Week


  • Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM)


  • Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Terra Investimentos Dtvm, Toro Investimentos, Via / banQi, Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Banco Modal (Modal Mais), MGC Holding, B3, CM Capital, IFPR, Cresol - Cooperativa de Crédito Rural e Investimento, Núcleo de Educação Financeira de Tubarão - Santa Catarina, TC (Traders Club), Escola Estadual Aderson De Menezes - Seduc Amazonas, PLANEJAR, ANBIMA, B3, Instituto Sicoob, ABAAI, Bullseye Serviços Online, Ânima Educação, Órama Corretora, Universidade Federal Fluminense, MEC, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Sebrae-MG, Prefeitura Municipal de João Pessoa (Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Trabalho - SEDEST), FIPECAFI, Onze, FIA, Saint Paul, FIESC SC, Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR), Ânima Educação, banQi / Via, Banrisul, Bullseye serviços online, Central Cecresp, Cooperativa De Credito De Livre Admissao Da Regiao Central E Oeste Mineiro Ltda - Sicoob Divicred, Cooperativa de Crédito de Livre Admissão de associados São José do Cerrito, Cooperativa de Crédito de Livre Admissão Sicoob Campos Novos, Cooperativa De Crédito Do Centro Do Estado De Rondônia – Sicoob Centro, Cooperativa de Crédito do Sudoeste Baiano - Sicoob Crediconquista, Cooperativa De Crédito E Captação Sicoob Unicidades, Cooperativa de Crédito Norte do Espírito Santo, Cooperativa de Crédito Sicoob Credcoop, Cooperativa de Crédito Sul Litorânea do ES - Sicoob Sul – Litorâneo, Cooperativa de Crédito Teixeira de Freitas LTDA - Sicoob Extremo Sul, Cooperativa De Crédito União Centro Oeste, Cresol, EMEF Prof. Gilson Silva, IFPR-CURITIBA, MGc Holding, modalmais - Banco Modal S.A., Núcleo de Educação Financeira de Tubarão - SC da CVM, Órama Corretora, Prefeitura Municipal De João Pessoa, Sicoob AC Credi, Sicoob Acicred, Sicoob Campos Novos, Sicoob Central BA, Sicoob Centro, Sicoob Coeepere, Sicoob Coopemata, Sicoob Coopemta, Sicoob Coopere, Sicoob Cooperemb, Sicoob Cooplivre, Sicoob Costa de Descobrimento – 3021, Sicoob Crediconquista, Sicoob Credigerais, Sicoob Crediluz, Sicoob Credimepi, Sicoob Credimonte, Sicoob Credivag, Sicoob Credlíder, Sicoob Credsaopaulo, Sicoob Cressem, Sicoob Nossacoop, Sicoob Primavera, Sicoob Rio Grande do Norte, Sicoob União MT/MS, Sicoob Unidas, Sicoov Crediserra, Sociedade Cooperativa de Crédito Coopere Ltda- Sicoob Coopere, TC - Traders Club, Terra Investimentos DTVM, Toro Investimentos, Univerdidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Universidade Federal Fluminense


  • 93


  • 554,697


  • 1,915,187


  • 2,469,784

Throughout Global Money Week 2022, the CVM along with more than 30 partners reached 500,000 children, youth and adults through several digital and offline activities such as lectures, live talks, workshops, podcasts, games, competitions, webinars, TV and radio programmes. Almost 1.9 million people were reached indirectly and roughly in total 2.5 million. Together with partners, the Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR) reached 60 youth through digital activities, financial literacy awareness sessions and conference.

During GMW2022, financial literacy awareness sessions were offered for children, youth and for adults, mostly through digital means. This included sessions on budget, conscious consumption, sustainability, behavioural finance, retirement, investments, entrepreneurship, citizenship and financial control.

High-level discussions, seminars, and other educational sessions were organised on the following topics:

  • Financial education (CVM, MEC and Rede da Paraíba);
  • Sustainable finance: what it means and why it matters for our future (CVM and LAB);
  • The future of finance and financial education with the metaverse (ABAAI and CVM);
  • Financial education as a public policy: scenarios, perspectives and challenges for promoting the well-being of young people (CVM and Instituto Ânima);
  • Financial education and investment funds (CVM and FIPECAFI);
  • Financial education in schools: an experience from three countries – Angola, Brazil and Portugal;
  • Regional Webinar OECD-CVM Center for Financial Education (CVM and Aflatoun);
  • Importance of behavioural economics in financial education (CVM and professors specializing in the subject);
  • Myths and truths about investments (CVM and PLANEJAR);
  • Financial education in Brazil: scenarios and perspectives (CVM, Instituto Sicoob and Instituto XP);
  • How financial education influences the sustainable economy (Ânima Educação);


Other important highlights from GMW2022 in Brazil include:

  • CVM used TikTok to carry out publicity campaigns for the Week, reaching more than 1,500 young people.
  • Metaverse for educational actions: CVM, in partnership with SEBRAE-MG, organised an event to discuss the role of Metaverse in education and trends in the financial area. This pilot project aims, among other actions, to develop educational actions and revolutionise the learning system in schools.
  • Lectures with digital influencers: several influencers specialised in financial education took part in GMW.
  • Financial education and awareness activities for indigenous peoples: financial education activities were carried out with children and youth from the Jaraki people, from Aldeia Lago da Praia, in the Municipality of Santarém, Pará.

2021 Brazil Global Money Week


  • Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM)


  • Banrisul, Instituto Cresol, Instituto Sicoob, Fundo de Bolsas, Grupo Ação Jovem (ONG), PLANEJAR, FECAP, ANBIMA, B3, ABRAPP, Eleva Educação, Guide, SUSEP, Tesouro Nacional, DSOP, Ministério da Justiça, PREVIC, CDL Itauna, Secretaria da Previdência, Colégio DOM, Ministério da Educação (MEC), Secretaria de Educação de MG, Infomoney, Valor Investe


  • 27


  • 1,400,000


  • 1,400,000


  • Not reported

Throughout Global Money Week 2021 the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) along with 26 partners reached 1,1 million children, youth and teachers trough several digital activities such as live shows, webinars, podcasts, TV show, radio programme, courses, and more.

During GMW, financial literacy awareness sessions were offered for children, youth, teachers and for adults, mostly through digital means. This included sessions for household budget, credit and indebtedness, emergency and opportunity funds, planning for the future, investments, insurance, social security, consumer law, conscious consumption, financial habits and financials, financial independence, sustainable finance, financial scams and fraud, investor protection, and much more.

Over 1,900 initiatives were divided into more than 660 events and about 1,240 posts on social media to attract people's attention to financial education and investor protection activities.

Furthermore, high school students and teachers from five Portuguese-speaking countries were able to attend a webinar about the importance of financial education. The youth could share their opinions and culture aspects about each country.

CVM also created a website for the GMW in Brazil. The site aims to be a hub of financial education where partners are invited to share content of financial education for young and teachers.

2019 Brazil Global Money Week


  • CVM Securities and Exchange Comission of Brazil


  • 4 Schools


  • 166 000


  • 70 200 000

CVM Securities and Exchange Comission of Brazil
To celebrate GMW2019, Brazil organised the 6th edition of the National Financial Education (“Enef”) Week and it was a major success. This year, over 15,000 initiatives were organised, doubling the amount of initiatives organised in 2018. This includes over 5,000 lectures and close to 2,000 workshops. The Week was opened by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), the Superintendence of Private Insurance (Susep) and the President of the National Committee for Financial Education (Conef).

The theme of this year’s Enef Week was on financial education in schools. Additionally, a project led by the Central Bank and sponsored by the Ministry of Justice, was disseminated, with the purpose of teaching basic financial education in public schools. The goal is to have the project implemented by 2020 throughout the country. Presentations on the project were made in the different capitals. Each presentation had a different theme, covering the various aspects of financial education for primary education. Examples of the themes are “Financial Action in Schools: how to evaluate the impact of educational actions?” and “How to further the professional development of the teacher?” Not only face-to-face events, but also social media and the special Enef website played a great role in reaching as many people as possible.

2018 Brazil Global Money Week


  • Colégio Nossa Senhora do Bom Conselho, Sesame Workshop, AEF-Brazil, BCB – Banco Central do Brasil, CVM – Comissão de Valores Mobiliários; PREVIC – Superintendência Nacional de Previdência Complementar; SUSEP – Superintendência de Seguros Privados; Ministério da Justiça, Ministério da Educação, Ministério da fazenda, ANBIM


  • Sesame Workshop local teams (Bangladesh, China, India and United States)


  • 1,230,182


  • 12

The 5th Edition of the National Week of Financial Education in Brazil included 7350 initiatives out of 344 institutions, reaching more than 4.1 million people throughout the country. During the week, several free educational actions took place, with the aim of disseminating financial, social security and insurance education, as well as contributing to the strengthening of citizenship and autonomy in all the states of Brazil. In addition, the number of actions developed throughout each ENEF Week has been growing every year. The 2018 edition showed a growth of 100.5% compared to 2017. Regarding the total number of participants, including face-to-face and distance actions, the 5th National Financial Education Week exceeded 4.1 million people, a 39.3% increase over the previous year.

Sesame Workshop
Global Money Week, an initiative of Child & Youth Financial International, one of Dream, Save, Do’s global advisory partners, is an annual financial awareness campaign built to inspire children and young people to learn about money matters, livelihoods and entrepreneurship. These themes closely align with Dream, Save, Do and so felt the Week provided a wonderful opportunity to promote their work. In preparation for Global Money Week, Sesame Workshop created and sent out a social media guide with sample posts and hashtags to all our local Dream, Save, Do production teams. Our Brazil team created several social media posts for Global Money Week that generated over 77,000 impressions. Sesame Workshop also coordinated events with local teams in Bangladesh, China, India and the United States.

Colégio Nossa Senhora do Bom Conselho
Colégio Nossa Senhora do Bom Conselho, concerned with the formation of critical and conscientious adolescents, offered the lecture “Financial Education in the Consumer Society” during Global Money Week. The lecture was delivered by André Perin Schmidt Neto, a lecturer of Indebtedness and Consumer Society at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) and Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). The aims of the lecture were:

  • To assist young people to receive knowledge and develop skills to make intelligent financial decisions throughout life;
  • To reflect on the risks of indebtedness in the current context of incentive to reckless consumption;
  • To realize the importance of conscious consumption.

The activity facilitated reflection, interaction between young people, teachers, and speaker in a perspective of consumption awareness in the current context.

2017 Brazil Global Money Week



  • 33


  • 200

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) participated in Global Money Week 2017 through educational activities. A two hour lecture entitled “Da Música às Finanças: Matemática, a Linguagem do Universo” (From Music to Finances: Math, the Language of the Universe) was given to 30 students of a public technical-vocational high school in the state of Rio de Janeiro, by a CVM capital market analyst. The lecture was held at the OECD/CVM Centre on Financial Education and Literacy in Latin America and the Caribbean in Rio de Janeiro.

2016 Brazil Global Money Week



  • Aflatoun
  • Plan International (Aflatoun partner)


  • 14th - 18th of March

This year in Brazil, students participating in Global Money Week had the opportunity to take part in a now traditional visit to Brazil’s stock exchange, BM&F BOVESPA. While at the stock exchange, they learnt how the financial markets function and as well as the role of stock exchanges within financial systems. Additionally, students learnt about banking products and services, and the importance of saving for the future by using formal financial services. The visit also included insightful stories about BM&F BOVESPA, its history and future and how BM&F BOVESPA became one of the world's largest stock exchanges and the biggest in Latin America.

The organisation Mais Ativos also joined the celebrations by visiting schools across the country with interactive workshops and learning sessions. In these lectures, children and youth learnt about the importance of having savings and a healthy financial behaviour, as well as about important factors to consider when thinking about personal finances. A key feature of 2016’s celebrations in Brazil was the focus put on, not only money preservation (savings), but on the preservation of the natural environment.

Global Money Week 2016 celebrations in Brazil paved the way to National Financial Education Week, which will be celebrated this year in Brazil from 16 - 22 May.

2015 Brazil Global Money Week



  • 9th - 17th of March


  • 20 044

The opening of Global Money Week in Brazil took place on 9 March in Brasilia. The opening ceremony was attended by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry for Social Issues, Deputy Minister of Education, Deputy President of the BCB, National Secretary for Consumer Protection and the Superintendent of SUSEP.

2015’s Global Money Week celebrations in Brazil coincided with Brazil’s National Week for Financial Education (Semana ENEF). Semana ENEF aims to disseminate the National Strategy for Financial Education (ENEF), a public policy launched in 2010, in order to promote the financial education and welfare of the population as well as to contribute to the strengthening of citizenship, efficiency and the smooth operation of the financial system. The strategy’s overall goal is to create capable economic citizens able to make informed decisions as consumers.

As usual, a special focus was given to children and youth within the activities of Semana ENEF. The National Committee on Financial Education (CONEF) and its institutional allies came up with a series of activities which ensured that children and youth were a big part of the celebration. During the week children, youth and their families from 21 states, in more than 90 cities, attended 505 activities, which included workshops, theater plays, computer games, quizzes, visits to businesses and conversations with personalities in Brazil's financial sector.

2014 Brazil Global Money Week



  • 10th – 17th of March


  • 1647


  • 25


  • 12 (tv, radio, newspapers and sites)

The Security Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) together with the Brazilian stock exchange, Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias & Futuros de São Paulo (BM & FBOVESPA) commenced their participation in Global Money Week on March 12, with a symbolic ring of the opening bell to mark the beginning of the fantastic week ahead. The event marked the participation of CVM and BM & FBOVESPA in this worldwide celebration and featured the special participation of the youth Vocational Association BM & FBOVESPA. On March 17th the CVM also gathered a group of young people between 14 and 18 years old and discussed the importance of making informed and independent financial decisions with them. The young participants were then divided into groups and were granted a virtual income, allowing them to make choices about different goods and services. After making their purchasing decisions, the participants made a budget and shared this with their peers. Sharing the results of their decisions fostered a debate on the impacts of the financial decisions on their lives. The event provided opportunities for the participants to discuss different financial concepts, such as financial planning, budgeting and saving. The participants were encouraged to reflect upon the importance of keeping track of their expenses, taking control of spending and saving. The objective was to raise awareness among youngsters about the importance of making informed and autonomous financial decisions. It was a great contribution to GMW from a country which is leading in the inclusion of financial education in school curriculum worldwide!

“I never thought that a class with calculations could be so fun! The volunteers were really engaged in giving examples aimed to make us understand that managing money is not just another one of our parents’ responsibilities”Girl, 11 years old.

GMW also marked the release of the first module on financial education by the BM&F BOVESPA Educational Institute. In addition, money-awareness was consolidated by the launch of the first Brazilian television channel entirely devoted to financial education. The channel, which is suitable for all ages, covers topics such as personal finance, retirement planning and sustainable finance, and has national coverage. During Global Money Week, Mais Ativos introduced their mascot "Dinheirinho" ("Little Banknote") at an event attended by 200 children. Another event took place inside tents, each of which had different fun and interactive activities such as mini lectures, storytelling, essay writing competitions and an arts and crafts workshop for the very young. An awards ceremony for the winners of the essay contest was held and each participant received a certificate indicating their participation in Global Money Week’s financially themed activities. Mais Ativos also conducted a teacher training workshop for elementary school teachers. Teachers were introduced to techniques on how to include financial education in their classroom activities, and given the resources and methods needed to provide students with a multidisciplinary approach to money and finance.

“To have the opportunity to develop this type of activity with our students was a privilege. The quality of the content, materials and engagement of volunteers positively caught our attention” Berenice Campos, School Director.

Amongst these activities there was also the collection and donation of books on financial education for schools and community libraries, with a discount on all book purchases made through the Mais Ativos website. They also released articles about the importance of financial education for children and youth written by Brazilian experts in this field. Press releases and news about GMW activities were posted in their social media channels.

“For us it was really great to be part of this celebration. For a strong development of our economy, it is vitally important to share financial knowledge in our society, and especially among children”Claudia Rheinfranck, Allianz Sustainability Manager and My Finance Coach volunteer.

Lastly, My Finance Coach in Brazil arranged 2 special class visits. Distributed in Indonesia, Malaysia and Germany, My Finance Coach handed out a worksheet highlighting the importance of saving and planning when it comes to achieving your goals. During the class visit the students were also taught a module on “Shopping”, which encouraged children to identify the difference between needs and wants, the influence of advertising, and consumer rights.

2013 Brazil Global Money Week


  • Mais Ativos


  • 15th, 18th, 19th, and 20th of March


  • 100

Global Money Week in Brazil began with the Banco do Brazil's initiative, “Day of the young worker” - an interactive way for young people to learn and practice essential banking activities. Coinciding with Brazil's National Week for Financial Education (Semana ENEF), the Week continued with lectures on finance and a special “Talk with the author” where Alvaro Modernell, specialist in Financial Education, delivered talks in schools. More than 100 kits with books about financial education for children and youth were distributed in schools and libraries across Brazil. During the week of celebrations, a special 25% discount on the online sales of books took place in order to stimulate young people to learn more about financial matters. Similarly, Mais Ativos published a number of articles during Global Money Week on the importance of financial education for children.

“The children from the elementary schools participating in Global Money Week were extremely eager to learn about financial education and kept asking questions, even after the event had concluded. It was really gratifying to experience their involvement with the theme,” said the organisers.

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