
2021 Belarus Global Money Week


  • National Bank of the Republic of Belarus


  • Association of Banks, Association of Insurance Companies, Association of Professional, Participants in the Securities Market, Association of Financial Market Development, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Taxes and Duties, Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Republican Microfinance Centre, Belarusian Republican Youth Union, State Palace of Children and Youth, Union of Microfinance Institutions, media outlets, banks, credit unions, leasing companies, insurance companies, local authorities, schools, educational institutions (kindergartens, colleges, academies), and universities, 128 Savings Bank "Belarusbank" branches, 500 educational institutions


  • 546


  • 545,059


  • 155,012


  • 1,050,071

The National Bank of Belarus has been coordinating annual celebrations of Global Money Week since 2013.

More than 3,000 events were organised in all regions of the Republic of Belarus. About 500,000 children and youth took part both in online and offline events. These included open days, online financial education lessons and lectures, hackathons, digital motivational sessions for teachers and students, trainings, presentations, and so much more.

The ringing of the bell at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange opened GMW2021 celebrations in Belarus. After the opening ceremony, the staff of the stock exchange conducted an online lesson on financial literacy for children. The schoolchildren were introduced to the main points of the exchange's activities, were taught to understand the difference between stocks and bonds, and were given valuable advice on the possibility of making money with securities. The event was held online and live broadcasted.

The main event of the National Bank of Belarus was the video competition "Money Matters Matter" for bloggers. The contest theme was inspired by GMW2021 focus of “Take care of yourself, take care of your money.”

The National Bank of Belarus developed materials on the topic of "Digital literacy in the financial sphere." These can be accessed here. All GMW related information was posted on the Unified portal of financial literacy website here.

In addition, various stakeholders organised events for children and youth of all ages. These activities included master classes and lectures for students in higher education institutions, financial education lessons for schoolchildren, and cartoons for children in kindergartens. Commercial banks, financial institutions, and other stakeholders provided trainings, seminars, and lectures for children and youth across the country. Activities were covered in the media.

During GMW2021, 128 regional divisions of JSSB Belarusbank organised about 550 events in more than 500 educational institutions including schools, colleges, institutes and universities, reaching more than 50,000 participants.

2019 Belarus Global Money Week


  • National Bank of the Republic of Belarus


  • 20 Media Organisations, 24 Banks, 300 Educational Institutions (kindergartens, colleges, academies), 3000 Schools, 42 Universities, 5 NGOs, Association of Banks, Association of Insurance Companies, Association of Professional Participants in the Securities Market, Belarusian Republican Youth Union, Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Taxes and Duties, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Republican Microfinance Center, State Palace of Children and Youth, Union of Microfinance Institutions


  • 520


  • 1 070

National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
In the Republic of Belarus over 3,100 activities took place during Global Money Week 2019, including educational visits, lectures, workshops, financial education games, seminars, theater performances, and essay and art competitions. The Week was launched with an opening ceremony at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange, where children rang the Stock Exchange’s bell to open the Week. The National Bank organised a videoblogging competition on the theme, “Money Matters Matter”. The winners were hosted at the Bank's premises. Various stakeholders organised events for children and youth of all ages. These events included master classes and lectures for students in higher education institutions, financial education lessons for school children, and cartoons for children in kindergartens. Commercial banks, financial institutions, and corporate companies provided trainings, seminars, and lectures for children and youth all across the country. All activities were covered by media organisations.

2018 Belarus Global Money Week


  • National Bank of the Republic of Belarus


  • Belarusian Republican Youth Union, Local authorities, Republican Microfinance Center, State Palace of Children and Youth, Association of Banks, Association of Insurance Companies, Association of Professional Participants in the Securities Market, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Taxes and Duties, Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Union of Microfinance Institutions, 150 media outlets, 25 banks, credit unions, leasing companies. insurance companies, 3000 schools, 313 educational institutions (kindergartens, colleges, academies), 42 universities


  • 520 000


  • 1 080 000

National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
During Global Money Week2018, the National Bank organised and facilitated several financial literacy activities. A group of schoolchildren went to the JSC Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange bell and rang the bell, to open the trading session and the GMW2018 celebration in Belarus. Afterwards, children attended a financial literacy lesson given by experts of the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange. The National Bank ran a videoblogging competition on the theme of “Money Matters Matter”. The winners were rewarded at the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. Additionally, various stakeholders organised a variety of activities across Belarus for children and young people of all ages. Some of these activities included interactive games such as “Financial Football” for students in higher education, screenings of financial education cartoons for kindergarteners, and workshops in schools. Throughout the Week, employees from the National Bank visited schools and gave financial literacy lessons. Some students also had the opportunity to take excursions to the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange and commercial banks, which provided seminars and lectures for young people all around the country. Activities were organised in all regions of the Republic of Belarus and a lot were covered by mass media.

JSC Belarusbank was the most active participant that supported the celebration of the GMW2018! About 450 different events (lessons, excursions, open days, competitions, seminars, trainings, lectures, presentations) were held throughout the country with 54,000 children, pupils, students, and young specialists participating. About 60% of the events were held in rural areas, small and medium-sized settlements. On the Bank’s corporate site, the organisation created a virtual literacy exhibition – “The Vocabulary of Financial Literacy” –dedicated to the celebration of GMW2018. On every TV screen located in the bank's offices, advertising videos were broadcasted. Subjects of the videos included financial literacy and training videos on how to use Internet banking and M-banking. A game for High School students called “Study. Save It. Earn” was made available to all regional towns of the country. In Brest, the specialists of the branch together with the city committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union implemented GMW for the first time. Eight teams of the general secondary education system of Brest took part in the event. The organisers of the event were pleased with the fact that all the participants actively participated in all tasks. Branch №200-Vitebsk actively supported this campaign and planned a series of events in educational institutions in Vitebsk. Ten teams from 12 schools and 7 gymnasiums gathered in Vitebsk to participate in games, to learn how to save and earn. Eight teams of senior pupils of schools and gymnasiums also demonstrated the desire to increase financial literacy. In the capital, a competition for high school students took place in the Minsk State Palace of Children and Youth. More than 250 schoolchildren participated. Similar events took place in Gomel and Mogilev. The subject matters were related to banking business and finance.

2017 Belarus Global Money Week




  • 500 000


  • 700 000

For nearly five years, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus has coordinated the national financial education plan that was adopted by the Government in 2013. During Global Money Week 2017, the National Bank organised and facilitated a number of financial literacy activities.

On 27 March 2017, a group of schoolchildren and students rang the Stock Exchange bell that symbolically opened the trading session at the JSC Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange. After that, the children attended a financial literacy lesson conducted by the experts of the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange.

On 28 March 2017, a Skype conference between peers from Belarus, Romania and Macedonia took place. The schoolchildren from the 1st Minsk gymnasium discussed issues of personal budget planning, saving, entrepreneurship and spending with students from Transylvania College, the Cambridge International School in Cluj, Romania as well as students from the High Economic School Vasil Antevski Dren, Macedonia. Belarusian schoolchildren told their peers about a unique bank product for Belarusian schools –”Student’s card“, which is used as a pass into the school building, bank card and season ticket for children.

On 30 March 2017, the presentation of a new financial literacy book for children took place. The book was published by the payment system BELCART with the advisory support of the National Bank experts. Moreover, a financial literacy lesson in the sports and health camp “Dream Camp” was conducted by the National Bank experts. The topic of the lesson was “The Importance of Saving”.

Additionally, several other activities were organised by various stakeholders in the country, including interactive games such as “Financial Football” in high educational institutions, screenings of financial education cartoons for young children in kindergartens, workshops and seminars in schools, excursions to the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange, competitions and more.

Furthermore, commercial banks in Belarus provided training sessions, seminars and lectures for children and youth all around the country. Belarusbank alone conducted more than 30 visits to its branches and 30 educational seminars.

Activities in the Week were conducted in all regions of the Republic of Belarus and were widely covered by mass media. 

2016 Belarus Global Money Week

Global Inclusion Awards - Global Money Week Special Recognition 2016!



  • Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
  • Association of Belorussian Banks
  • Association of Financial Market Development
  • The Belarusian Association of Insurers
  • Association of Belarusian lessors
  • Republican Microfinance Center
  • The Belarusian Republican Youth Union
  • The Youth Entrepreneurship Support and Development Centre
  • Ltd.IGRIKA
  • BTRC Payment system BelCard
  • National Academy of Science of the Republic of Belarus
  • Belarusbank


  • 14th - 20th of March


  • 300 000


  • 600 000

More than 4000 activities took place throughout all regions of the Republic of Belarus during Global Money Week 2016, including more than 3000 educational visits, lectures and workshops for youth, financial education games, seminars, theatre performances, essay and art competitions and many more.

This year’s Global Money Week in Belarus was linked to the official denomination of the national currency that is scheduled to take place on 1 July 2016. The Week was used as a catalyzer for the massive informative campaign of young citizens about this important issue and raising the level of their financial literacy. Thus, in accordance with the agreement reached with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the experts of the National Bank, commercial banks, associations of financial market participants and other industry organisations arranged financial education visits, workshops and lectures in schools and talked to children about the denomination, the look of the new banknotes and coins, their security features, and answered the questions of children and youth. The objective of this year’s Week was very ambitious – to reach all the educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus!

The Week was traditionally opened at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange on 14 March with the “Ring the Bell” ceremony, which saw participation from more than 40 youth participants, together with all major national media and press houses including national television stations and newspapers. Another major event was the financial education event at the Minsk Regional Lyceum, with the participation of the top management of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

NGO Youth Entrepreneurship Support and Development Centre also actively participated in the Week by organising an online competition “Non-boring Finances”, an economic leadership challenge, and various financial literacy trainings. The Republican Microfinance Center also actively participated in the Week by organising several financial literacy trainings entitled “Plan your Future” in rural areas of the country.

2015 Belarus Global Money Week



  • 9th - 17th of March


  • 55 000

Global Money Week in Belarus began with the trade opening ceremony at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange on the 9th of March. The group of children rang the Stock Exchange’s bell to symbolically open the Week in Belarus.

National Bank of Belarus is coordinating the national financial education plan that was adopted by the Government in 2013, including annual celebrations of Global Money Week that are taking place in Belarus since 2013. Throughout the Week the wide variety of activities were organised by various stakeholders in the country, including interactive games “Financial Football” in high educational institutions, screenings of financial education cartoons for young children in kindergartens, workshops and seminars in schools, excursions to the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange, competitions and many more. The financial and economic games tournament for undergraduate students of Belarusian higher education institutions was also held at the National Bank on March 16th.

Commercial banks in Belarus were also active in this year’s Global Money Week and provided trainings, seminars and lectures for children and youth all around the country during the Week, for instance Belarusbank reached more than 40 000 youth with its activities. Also the National Bank’s representatives carried out a number of training events for children of its employees during the Week, and the social advertisements about financial education matters were placed on TV, radio and other media starting March 1st. Activities were conducted in all regions of the Republic of Belarus, including Minsk, Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Pinsk, Orsha and other cities.

More information about Global Money Week in Belarus and other activities of the national financial education plan of Belarus can be found on the national financial education website of Belarus.

2014 Belarus Global Money Week



  • 10th - 17th of March


  • 80

The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus conducted activities which enhanced the financial literacy and education of the younger generation for the second time under the auspices of Global Money Week. The educational activities took place in 10 education institutions in Minsk and included educational lessons, information breaks and open classes for schoolchildren (from the 1st to the 7th form). They told children about spending and saving money, the options available for them to earn money, and how to make good financial decisions. All children received gifts, pads, pens, calculators and a special book called "The Monetary ABC" that was issued in 2013. The book contains a bright and full-coloured comic with information for children on issues concerning making, spending and saving money.

About 80 young people from the institutes of higher education were brought together by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus to take part in a Competition on Financial Literacy.

Officers of the Principal Mogilev Region Division of the National Bank have been continuously working on developing and implementing a financial education curriculum for pre-school and elementary schoolchildren. Global Money Week was a chance for the children to show their teachers the financial knowledge which they have learnt throughout the year thanks to the National Bank.

On the 17th January 2013 the Council of Ministers of Belarus and The National Bank co-signed an agreement (schedule № 31/1) stating that they would co-share the responsibility of ensuring that state institutions and financial market leaders would enhance the population’s financial literacy in Belarus in the period of 2013 – 2018, especially for children and youth. The development of educational materials was a feature of this agreement, and materialised in the form of a guidance manual named “The Financial Literacy” based on the manual ”Financial Awareness“ that was written by the Russian Economic School and the production of a series of educational and entertaining promo-videos that revealed the key elements of the financial system. The multi-sectorial organisations that have joined forces are doing so with the hope that with an enhanced financial education future generations will be able to improve their own quality of life and feel confident to steer their future, this will directly affect the prosperity and stability of the Belarus’s economy and society.

2013 Belarus Global Money Week


  • National Bank of the Republic of Belarus


  • Belarusian Republican Youth Union; The Belarusian newspaper ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus’


  • 16th – 21st of March

Global Money Week in Belarus was celebrated with a week-long campaign led by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. Students from 20 educational institutions from the city of Minsk had the opportunity to participate in the interactive game “Financial Football”. The winning teams were invited to the National Bank where they received presents and glossaries with the main economic terms. According to the action plan submitted to the Main Office of the National Bank by its regional main departments, a large number of demo lessons, briefings, and public appearances of the bank officers in educational establishments, at parents’ meetings and the school staff meetings were scheduled for Global Money Week.

The National Bank of Belarus asked Belarusian banks to join in festivities devoted to Global Money Week and organised various events and activities aimed at promoting financial literacy. The event was supported by JSC “SSB Belarusbank” with the presentation of the glossary ‘Financial ABC from Belarusbank’. Also, JSC ”Belagroprombank“ celebrated birthdays of those who took part in the promo action ”Children’s saving programme ”Go Big!“ and gave bank payment cards to the participants in the children’s contest “I am Singing!”. JSC ”Fransabank“ created special section at its official website where general information about the genesis of financial relations as well as basic notions of the market for banking services can be found. Employees of the National Bank’s Mogilev Region conducted financial literacy lessons for preschool and primary-school children.

The newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus in collaboration with the National Bank and the Association of Belarusian Banks for Children Financial Literacy “The Monetary ABC” launched a comic strip which aimed to provide children with basic financial education.