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2024 Zambia Global Money Week


  • Pensions and Insurance Authority, Bank of Zambia, Securities and Exchange Commission, German Sparkassensitifung, Bankers Association of Zambia and Ministry of Education


  • Insurers, banks, capital markets, microfinance companies, pension schemes, mobile service providers, schools, colleges, universities and NGOs.


  • 101


  • 100


  • 50


  • 5 000 000

Zambia hosted a public exhibition to mark the launch of the 2024 Financial Literacy Week/Global Money Week. The Launch was officiated by the Minister of Finance and National Planning and the keynote address was delivered by the Bank of Zambia Governor, while the opening remarks were presented by the Registrar of Pensions and Insurance Authority.

The event featured a range of activities including a march past, drama and poetry. Over 30 financial institutions and stakeholder partners set up informative displays, engaging the public on financial literacy topics. The Ministry of Finance and National Planning and Ministry of Education also launched financial education supplementary material, which has been embedded in the school curriculum during the exhibition. The organisers further increased its footprint in rural areas by undertaking physical activities and engaging with NGOs such as World Vision to ensure that financial education was provided to the rural population. The organisers also conducted a school art competition encouraging pupils to interpret the importance of various of financial services such as pensions, insurance and banking.

Financial institutions also carried out various financial education campaigns on social media, radio and television.

2023 Zambia Global Money Week


  • Ministry of Finance, Bank of Zambia, Securities and Exchange Commission, Banker Association of Zambia, German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation,Pensions and Insurance Authority, Insurance Brokers Association of Zambia, Technical Advisory Group on Microinsurance, RUFEP, Financial Sector Deepening Zambia, Capital Markets Association of Zambia and the Insurers Association of Zambia


  • Insurers, banks, pension schemes, NGOs, schools, universities, media, Ministry of General Education, individuals etc


  • 207


  • 100 000


  • 500 000


  • 600 000

During the Global Money Week 2023 commemorated as the Financial Literacy Week in Zambia, the National Working Group including the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Pensions and Insurance Authority, Bank of Zambia, Securities and Exchange Commission, German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation, Financial Sector Deepening Zambia, RUFEP, Bankers Association of Zambia, Insurers Association of Zambia, Zambia Association of Pension Funds, Capital Markets Assocation of Zambia, Insurance Brokers of Zambia and the Technical Advisory Group on Microinsurance along with partners reached over 100,000 children and youth through several activities that included quiz competitions (online, radio and physical), debate competitions, school and university visits and workshops.The week kicked off with a special short message from the Minister of Finance and National Planning, which was broadcast on the national public television and radio during peak time and shared through WhatsApp. The message focused on the various pillars of the financial sector namely banking, insurance, pensions and the capital market and the importance of financial education in attaining financial inclusion.The highlight of the 2023 campaign was a secondary school quiz competition involving eight schools from Lusaka that took place during the launch of the national event. The national launch was officiated by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of General Education. Participants included 16 secondary schools, 2 universities, 55 financial service providers including public pension schemes, private pension schemes, banks, insurers, NGOs, associations, financial sector regulators and the Ministry of Finance and National Planning. During the week the organisers engaged young people through social media platforms, workshops, school visits, debate and quiz competitions. Some organisations also arranged for financial education experts to sensitise their members on various financial education topics. Secretariat also developed social media post messages on insurance, pensions, saving and investments that were posted on various social media platforms. To ensure reach in all the provinces, the lead organisers adopted provinces and led activities which targeted children, youths and adults. Financial service providers also undertook activities in all their branches with some sending SMS messages to their customers during the week.Further, the slogan Learn.Earn.Save reflected the Zambian local context which centers it financial education programme on all the pillars of the financial sector i.e. banking, non-banking, capital markets, pensions and insurance. The slogan conveyed the key messages of the GMW Campaign and supported the goal of the Week by empowering children, youth and adults to not only learn to about earing money but also saving for rainy days. The slogan also provided an opportunity to explain how young people can start saving for retirement from an early age.

2022 Zambia Global Money Week


  • Bankers Association of Zambia - Bank of Zambia (Bankers Association of Zambia is the Secretariat for the National Financial Literacy Working Group)


  • AB Bank, Access Bank, Bank of China, First National Bank, Investrust Bank, First Alliance Bank, Indo Zambia Bank, Stanbic Bank, Zambia Industrial Commercial Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, NATSAVE, Zanaco, Atlas Mara Bank 70 schools, Professional Insurance, NICO Insurance, Madison Life , ZSIC Life, ZSIC General, Stanbic Insurance , Prudential Life, Lusaka Stock Exchange, DeVere Group , Stock Brokers Zambia , ABC, Zambia National Building Society , Madison Finance, FINCA, Entrepreneurial Financial Centre, Vision Fund, MicroLoan Foundation, Payment Systems Probase, Cellulant, Airtel , MTN Zambia, Zamtel, Digital Pay Go, CGrate, Pensions and Insurance Authority , Securities & Exchange Commission, Payment Systems Association of Zambia, Bankers Association, Association of Micro-Finance Institutions in Zambia, Zambia Association of Pension Funds, Capital Markets Association of Zambia, Financial Sector Deepening Zambia, German Sparkassenstiftung for International, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Cabinet Office, NAPSA, Zambia Revenue Authority , Rural Finance Expansion Programme, Hot FM, Diamond TV, Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, Zambia Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, King Spirit Media (Regional Radio Stations), ZKidPrenuer, World Vision International, Children International, WEAC Zambia, All Nations are families, Zambia Sugar


  • 141


  • 100,000


  • 200,000


  • 3,000,000

The Government launched the National Strategy on Financial Education (NSFE) to improve financial education among Zambians in July 2012. The strategy sought to promote financial inclusion in the country, to have a financially educated Zambian population and to have improved knowledge, understanding, skills, motivation and confidence to help everyone secure positive financial outcomes for themselves and their families.

In 2013, Zambia launched its first ever Financial Literacy Week, an adaptation of the Global Money Week campaign and with it committed to "Reshape the Future of Finance."

To mark the 10th Global Money Week and the 10th Zambia Financial Literacy Week in 2022, the governor of the Bank of Zambia, the Chief Executive Officer of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Acting Registrar of the Pensions and Insurance Authority together launched both campaigns on March 21. For the first time since the COVID-19 outbreak this in-person event took place with 300 children, youth and other participants.

While celebrating the 10-year anniversary, Zambia reported that the market players have developed approximately 20 new financial products for children and youth over the past years. Furthermore, there has been a significant increase in the involvement of children and youth in money conversations at households, schools and even in public media.

In 2013, students in their final year in secondary schools, colleges and universities are today part of the workforce earning an income in both the private and public sectors. Those youth are today’s adults and the National Financial Literacy Working Group hopes that they have been equipped adequately with relevant knowledge, understanding, skills, motivation and confidence to secure positive financial outcomes for themselves.

It was gratifying to see the efforts of the Financial Literacy Week 2022 embrace the critical role of children and youth in the various activities. In the main launch agenda, children from varying backgrounds were given an opportunity to engage with the financial sector executives, including the regulators. The Governor of the Bank of Zambia answered questions from children followed by an opening speech. In his address, the Governor reflected on the significant strides achieved by Zambia as well as reiterated his call to all stakeholders to continue focusing on children and youth in the financial ecosystem through the development of appropriate infrastructure, provision of affordable customer-centric products, delivery of financial literacy, and promotion of consumer protection for the underserved population, particularly in rural areas.

2021 Zambia Global Money Week


  • National Financial Literacy Working Group that comprises: Bank of Zambia (BOZ), Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), Pensions & Insurance Authority(PIA), Financial Sector Deepening Zambia (FSDZ), the Rural Finance Expansion Programme(RUFEP), Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), Insurers Association of Zambia (IAZ), Capital Markets Association of Zambia (CMAZ), Association of Microfinance Institutions of Zambia (AMIZ), Zambia Association of Pension Funds (ZAPF), German the Savings Bank Foundation For International Foundation (SBFIC)


  • National Financial Literacy Secretariat, commercial banks, microfinance institutions, insurers, media, capital markets, pension funds, NGOs, schools, finlit organisations, mobile network operators, and others


  • 154


  • 3,000


  • 5,000


  • 5,000,000

For the 9th consecutive year, Zambia organised the local adaptation of the Global Money Week as the annual Financial Literacy Week 2021 from March 22nd to 28th. In view of prevailing health restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all official activities were conducted virtually, although some stakeholders conducted in person activities throughout the country.

The week began with a kick-off event anchored by the Chief Executives from the financial sector regulators namely the Governor of the Bank of Zambia who serves as the champion for financial education in Zambia, the Registrar of the Pensions and Insurance Authority, and the Chief Executive of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Together they provided policy direction on the need to increase efforts in financial literacy and provided leadership for the market players they regulate to provide guidance for their organisations. The two-hour event included reflection on the past nine years, the major strides, the COVID-19 effect and the way forward.

In keeping with the spirit of Global Money Week, the “Voice of young people” initiative was shared. Each of the Regulators hosted and engaged with a limited number of youth at each of their offices as a symbolic gesture of partnering with young people as equal partners rather than simply beneficiaries of the Campaign.

Traditionally, the Secretariat plans an activity every day during GMW, but this year, the focus was on three main activities. The National Financial Literacy Working Group hosted a virtual Media Workshop that sought to give the media practitioners insights into financial inclusion in Zambia and the operating framework (i.e. Financial Sector Development Plan, National Financial Sector Policy, National Financial Inclusion Strategy and National Strategy on Financial Education and any other such documents) to enable them to produce quality content in relation to the financial literacy campaign.

Zambia hosted a CEO Roundtable Meeting that sought to build consensus on financial education and inclusion efforts. This virtual meeting was attended by banks, insurers, micro finance, pension fund managers, mobile network operators, capital markets, non-governmental organisations, and government representatives. The meeting reviewed the result of the 2020 Finscope Survey. The Finscope is a nationally representative household survey that provides information on the demand, access, use of and behaviour towards financial services by the adult population. This survey is undertaken over a cycle of 3-5 years and this was the fourth time that the survey is being conducted in Zambia.

Lastly, for the first time, Zambia hosted a virtual career fair with a main objective to showcase the financial sector to the tertiary institutions. This event provided available learning and career paths in the sector. The current youth unemployment is not unique to Zambia, but common across the globe. Research has shown that the financial sector has a significant skills gap and therefore providing information to learners that could improve their employability in the near future seemed appropriate. The event was anchored by the University of Zambia Business and Economics Association (UNZABECA).

2019 Zambia Global Money Week


  • Bank of Zambia, Securities & Exchange Commission, Pensions & Insurance Authority, Rural Finance Expansion Programme, Financial Sector Deepening Zambia, Savings Bank Foundation for International Cooperation (Germany), IAZ, CMAZ, AMIZ, ZAPF, BAZ


  • AB Bank, Access Bank, Africa Development Bank, African Life Insurance, Airtel Money Zambia, Association of Micro Finance Institutiion, Atlas Mara, Bank of China, Bankers Association of Zambia, Barclays, Betternow Finance, Bongohive, Camfed, Capital Markets Association of Zambia, Cavmont, CDC, Child Fund, Children International, Citi Bank, COMESA, Competition & Consumer Protection Commission, Daily Mail, Development Bank of Zambia, Ecobank Zambia, Entreprenuers Financial Centre, Entreprenuership Technology Park, FINCA Zambia, First Allaince Bank, First National Bank, FSD Zambia, HOT FM, Independent Schools Association, Indo Zambia Bank, Infinite Learning Consultants, Insurance Association of Zambia (IAZ), Investrust Bank, Junior Achievement, Kwacha Pensions Trust Fund, Laurence Paul, Liberty Insurance, Madison Asset Management Company, Madison Life Insurance Company Limited, Ministry of General Education, Ministry of Higher Education, MTN - Mobile Money, MUVI TV, NAPSA, National Savings & Credit Bank, Natsave, NICO Insurance, Personal Success Practitioners, Plan International Zambia, Professional Insurance Corporation Zambia, Prudential Insurance, Public Service Microfinance Institution, Public Service Pension Fund, QFM, Restless Development, Rural Finance Expansion Programme, Sanlam/Sancare, Savings Bank Foundation for International Cooperation, SES Zambia, Stanbic Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Times of Zambia, UNCDF, United Bank Africa, We Create Zambia, World Vision, ZACCI, Zambia Association of Pension Funds (ZAPF), Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants, Zambia Institute of Marketing, Zambia National Building Society, Zambia Revenue Authority, Zambia Women Accountants, Zanaco, ZANIS, ZIPAR, ZISC Life, ZNBC, ZOONA, ZSIC General


  • 35 000


  • 6 000 000

Bank of Zambia
Zambia commemorated the 2019 Financial Literacy Week (FLW) from 25 to 30 March 2019, as part of the Global Money Week 2019. The theme of the event was ‘Be Money Smart to Live a Better Life’ and targeted children, youth, adults, and the elderly. Under this theme, the key messages focused on managing money wisely, setting SMART financial goals, earning, saving, budgeting, retirement planning, investments, insurance, managing loans responsibility, digital financial services, and selecting appropriate financial services. The event was arranged by an Organising Committee of 13 institutions comprising of the Bankers Association of Zambia (Secretariat), Ministry of Finance, Bank of Zambia, Pensions and Insurance Authority, Securities and Exchange Commission, Rural Finance Expansion Programme, German Savings Bank Foundation for International Cooperation, Financial Sector Deepening Zambia, Lusaka Securities Exchange, Insurers Association, Capital Markets Association, Zambia Association of Pension Funds, and the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Zambia. The Organising Committee was supported by 70 participating institutions organisations, including media organisations. High-level support was also received from the Government, financial sector regulators, and the private sector. The launch of the 2019 FLW was done with a televised statement on national television by the Minister of Finance, followed by the main launch event and exhibition officiated by the Secretary to the Treasury (representing the Minister of Finance), executives of the institutions in the Organising Committee, chief executive officers and senior representatives of participating institutions. Throughout the country, official launch events, including exhibitions also took place in the provinces and were officiated by senior representatives of Government in the provincial administration and the Organising Committee. During 2019 FLW, participating institutions conducted various outreach activities through visits to schools, newspaper articles, social media, radio, television, branch visits, presentations in work places, visits to markets and community centers, exhibitions, debate competitions for schools and universities, distribution of piggy banks, branded stationary and t-shirts, as well as other provincial activities. The annual Global Money Week and Financial Literacy Week for Zambia are important events in the National Strategy for Financial Education for Zambia, with 2019 marking the 7th consecutive year the country participated in GMW.

2018 Zambia Global Money Week


  • Bank of Zambia, Bankers Association of Zambia, Pensions & Insurance Authority, Securities & Exchange Commission, Lusaka Stock Exchange, Rural Finance Expansion Programme, Insurers Association of Zambia, Savings Bank for International Cooperation
  • Junior Achievement Zambia , Prudential Life Assurance Zambia Limited


  • AB Bank, Access Bank, Banc ABC, Bank of China, Bank of Zambia, Barclays Bank, Bongohive Zambia, Cabinet Office of Zambia, CAMFED Zambia, Cavmont Bank, Childfund International, Children International, COMESA Secretariat, Eco Bank, Financial Sector Deepening Zambia, First Alliance Bank, First National Bank, Indo Zambia Bank, Investrust Bank, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of General Education, Ministry of Youth, National Savings and Credit Bank, Pensions and Insurance Authority, Plan International -Savenet, PSP Consultants, Restless Development, Stanbic Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, UBA Bank, UNCDF, Vision Fund, Zanaco, 15 non-bank financial institutions, 3 mobile network operators, 6 media organisations


  • 30 100


  • 12 000 000

Bank of Zambia
Zambia observed the 6th Financial Literacy Week, which is a nationwide, local adaptation of the Global Money Week. The campaign began in partnership with GMW2013 and has grown from a single event to a nationwide campaign, reaching millions of citizens. Three financial sector regulators, Bank of Zambia, the Pensions & Insurance Authority and the Securities and Exchange Commission, led the campaign and ensured the participation of their constituencies, as to reach all Zambians. The Minister of Finance, Honorable Margaret D. Mwanakatwe MP, launched the 2018 Financial Literacy Week on the National Television and Radio. This made it possible for the government to endorse the nationwide activities and a call to action stakeholders to align their weeks' activities to the campaigns objectives shared in the Ministerial speech. The Governor of the Bank of Zambia, who serves as the National Financial Education Champion, led the official Financial Literacy Week kickoff event. The event was attended by 112 Chief Executives from all organisations regulated by the Bank of Zambia, Securities and Exchange Commission and the Pensions & Insurance Authority. 300 students from primary, secondary and tertiary school attended and participated in the event. In addition to the main event, provincial administration offices around the country hosted individual kickoff events, as to ensure the celebrations reached all provinces. During the launch event in the provinces, an exhibition was organised to showcase the financial products and services available within the provinces. Provincial activities included outreach by the financial institution and representatives from the lead organisations who are assigned in the provinces to ensure the set objectives are met. Each provincial activity included a public exhibition, community outreach at markets & resource centers, school visits by financial institutions, inter school competitions such as debates and visits to financial institutions. The Financial Sector Exhibition was hosted in Lusaka at the Manda Hill Shopping Centre. The Governor of the Bank of Zambia, Dr. Denny Kalyalya, visited the financial institutions to learn about the financial products and services available for young people in line with the National Financial Inclusion Strategy. The efforts of individuals and organisations during the Financial Literacy Week celebrations will be recognized by the Governor at the 2018 Governors Awards in June!

Junior Achievement Zambia
During GMW2018, Junior Achievement Zambia, in collaboration with Prudential Life Assurance Zambia, reached 100 children directly through interactions with the CEO and staff of Prudential Life Assurance Zambia Limited, Bank of Zambia, Pensions and Insurance Authority and Ministry of General Education. Thirty adults engaged in the event where young people also received a certificate of participation in the Cha Ching Programme, sponsored by Prudential Life Assurance Zambia Ltd. Furthermore, a series of Radio Programs were conducted on Radio Christian Voice in Lusaka, which has an audience of about 5 million people in and around the Lusaka, Copperbelt, Central and Southern provinces of Zambia.

2017 Zambia Global Money Week


  • Bankers Association of Zambia (2017 Chair),   Bank of Zambia,   Pensions & Insurance Authority,   Securities & Exchange Commission,   Financial Sector Deepening Zambia,  Savings Bank for International Cooperation (SBFIC), Rural Finance Expansion Programme, Lusaka Stock Exchange,  Ministry of Finance,  Ministry of General Education,  Zambia National Commercial Bank, (Zanaco) , Savings Bank Foundation for International Cooperation, Junior Achievement


  • BANKS: AB Bank, Banc ABC  Bank of China,  Barclays Bank Zambia,  Cavmont Bank,  Citi Bank, Finance Bank,  First Alliance Bank,  First Capital Bank,  Investrust Bank, National Savings and Credit Bank,  Stanbic Bank,  Standard Chartered Bank,  United Bank for Africa,  Zanaco.
  • MICRO FINANCE / NON BANKS: Better Now Finance,  FINCA,  Madison Finance, Zoona,  Zambia National Building Society ,.INSURANCE Madison Life Insurance,  ZSIC Life.SECURITIES Madison Assets,  Deveere Group, Laurence Paul.
  • MOBILE NETWORK OPERATORSZAMTEL, MTN, AIRTEL.GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: Zambia Revenue Authority, Zambia Association of Pension Fund Manager, Public Service Pension Fund.NGO’s CAMFED Zambia,  Children International,  Restless Development.
  • MEDIAZNBC RADIO/TV, RADIO CHRISTIAN VOICE, HOT FM, RADIO PHOENIX, PRIME TV, ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL: Plus at least 1 media house in each province.SCHOOLSApproximately 100 primary/secondary ; 10 in each of the 10 provinces were directly engaged At least 3 tertiary institutions were reached in each province.


  • 25 000


  • 9 906 311

Zambia’s efforts in commemorating the Global Money Week have been recognized every year since 2013, the activity has been localized, and is now called the Financial Literacy Week. The Bank of Zambia’s Governor serves as the National Champion for Financial Education and annually leads the week-long commemoration. Through the office of the Minister of Finance, the yearly objectives for financial education, in line with government policy are shared through a Ministers address that is broadcasted across the country.

The 2017 Financial Literacy Week was no exception. Zambia launched its Global Money Week Campaign on Sunday 26th March 2017, through a televised address by the Minister of Finance, Hon. Felix Mutati , MP. The Minister’s speech was a call to action to all citizens to get involved and utilize the week to acquire valuable skills and knowledge in line with their personal financial management. The Minister further called on the financial sector to utilize the week by engaging the public irrespective of age, creed, socio economic status or gender.

On Tuesday, the Minister of Finance, The Bank of Zambia Governor, the Registrar of the Pensions & Insurance Authority, CEO of the Securities & Exchange Commission who together constitute the Regulation of the Zambia Financial Sector, led an audience of 500 participants in the official launch event to kick start the 2017 Week. This event was attended by over 70 Chief Executives from various financial institutions, who attended the event in demonstration of their symbolic support of the campaign. In the audience consisted of approximately 300 learners drawn from primary, tertiary and secondary schools, as well as members of various NGOs, professional bodies and the general public. As part of the agenda the learners had the opportunity to ask questions to the high table regarding financial matters.

In preparation for the Week, all financial institutions (banks, microfinance institutions, insurance, pensions, securities & commodities firms) were requested to conduct community outreach and open doors for the entire week in all their branches across the country. Throughout the week, financial institutions shared information on radio, TV, and through their branches.

Furthermore, the financial institutions went to schools and shared information about how the learners and parents can plan for their financial future.

Each of the 9 provincial capitals hosted public exhibitions on Wednesday 29th March. Lusaka which is the national capital had a huge fair at the Manda Hill Shopping Mall on 1-2 April 2017. The art exhibition and the rap contest that involved a nationwide partition where new unique activities of 2017 Week, that deserve a special mention, were presented.

2016 Zambia Money Week


  • Bank of Zambia
  • Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Ministry of FinanceMinistry of General Education
  • Pensions and Insurance Authority


  • AB Bank, Banc ABC,Barclays Bank, Bank of China, Cavmont Bank, First Capital Bank, Finance Bank, Investrust Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Stanbic Bank, Eco Bank, Zanaco, Natsave, Lusaka Stock Exchange, Madison Assets, Restless Development, Child Fund, Children International, Finca, JA Zambia, EFC, ZSIC, Laurence Paul & Associates, Indo Zambia Bank, First National Bank


  • 10th - 19th of March


  • 50 000

The Bank of Zambia led the Global Money Week celebrations across the country. Zambia commenced it activities four days ahead of the official opening of the week, with a televised address by the Minister of Finance, Hon. Alexander Chikwanda. The Bank of Zambia coordinated a massive Global Money Week kickoff event at the Olympic Youth Development Centre in Lusaka. The kick-off event was attended by more than 30 executives from the financial sector and 1000 pupils from 40 schools.

Zambia’s Financial Sector Development Plan (FSDP) Secretariat coordinated Global Money Week activities in all provinces across Zambia. The provincial activities included ‘Open Days’ at banks and micro-finance institutions, an essay competition on savings, Youth-to-Youth Talks, Saving Accounts Opening for children and youth, and theatre and drama productions. Other activities involved job shadowing, career workshops, financial literacy roadshows and sports tournaments. The week-long celebrations provided the opportunity for Zambia’s financial sector regulators to have interactive sections with the general public, particularly children and youth, on their social and economic rights and responsibilities.

2015 Zambia Money Week


  • Bank of Zambia
  • Pensions and Insurance Authority and Securities and Exchange
  • Zanaco Bank
  • Plan International


  • 9th - 17th of March


  • 200 000

Zambia kicked off 2015 Global Money Week (GMW) with a launch of its nationwide activities on 13 March at the Olympic Youth Development, Lusaka. Global Money Week in Zambia was held under theme: ‘A better Life through saving, every penny counts’’. Activities implemented included provincial exhibitions, film productions on savings, production and distribution of literature, media outreach programme and school engagements.

The Deputy Governor of the Bank of Zambia performed the official launching of the week. More than thirty (30) Executives from the financial sector and 1000 pupils from 40 schools attend the launch at the Olympic Youth Development Centre in Lusaka.

Zambia’s youngest commercial pilot, Kalenga Kamwendo spoke at the official opening of the GMW in Lusaka. The launch of the Week in Lusaka was followed by GMW celebrations across the country - all 10 provinces of Zambia. An estimated 200,000 children and youth were directly reached during the GMW campaign in Zambia.

2014 Zambia Money Week


  • Bank of ZambiaPensions and Insurance Authority
  • Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Barclays Bank Zambia
  • National Savings and Credit Bank
  • Zambia National Commercial Bank
  • Children International


  • 13th – 20th of March


  • 2 million


  • 5 million


Zambia had another great line up of activities for this year’s Global Money Week. Bank of Zambia led Global Money Week celebrations along with Pensions and Insurance Authority, Securities and Exchange Commission, and other financial institutions and non-governmental organisations.

Zambia used the theme ‘A Better Life Through Saving’ to kick-off Global Money Week celebrations and they combined their Financial Literacy Week with Global Money Week. On the 4th March, a media briefing on the Financial Literacy Week took place. The Governor of the Bank of Zambia launched Global Money Week on national television on the 13th March, while on the 4th March was the public was invited to attend the fun-filled Global Money Week kick-off event which included an educational dramatic performance by a group of students and testimonies from VIPs in the financial sector on the benefits of saving. The rest of the week was filled with exhibitions and workshops of financial products and services that are available to Zambian youth. The workshops were conducted by trained facilitators and local financial service providers. On the 16th March there was a special national television broadcast of a film with a strong ‘learn to save young ’ theme and Global Money Week was wrapped up with provincial radio programs discussing the events of the week.

Children, youth and teachers from Aflatoun clubs in five different schools participated in an Aflatoun Club sharing experience in which they discussed the five core elements of Aflatoun, shared their experiences in the Aflatoun programme and displayed the crafts they had made during their financial enterprise activities. In total, 12 school teachers and 82 children and youth participated in this event.

During the International Aflatoun Skype calls, 15 Zambian children exchanged their experiences in Aflatoun with children from Mozambique.

2013 Zambia Money Week


  • CareersExpo Project (Image Promotions)


  • Financial Sector Development Plan Project
  • Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Pensions and Insurance Authority
  • Bank of Zambia
  • FINMARK Trust
  • Ministry of Education


  • 15th – 21st of March


  • 4500

“We did have hair raising moments when children came up to us to simply say thank you for caring. From the survey conducted you can see the hunger for information and participation not just in learners, but everyone including teachers and business houses. All in all, Zambia was one big unique experience that was 7 days of impact.”

Global Money Week Zambia started on the 15th March with a kick off activity at Kabulonga Girls School in Lusaka. The Week was marked by a number of classroom based activities by First National Bank, African Life, Madison Insurance, Zanaco Bank, Citi Bank and an outreach by professionals from the financial sector to discuss money matters. CareerExpo Project also organised a career/financial exhibition, a conference with the participation of school pupils and tertiary students at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre.

Global Money Week and International Aflatoun Day were celebrated with the ringing of the bell from a child at the Lusaka Stock Exchange. Furthermore, the Governor of the Central Bank of Zambia was interviewed by a 10 year old pupil.

In order to ensure financial inclusion for children and youth the Regional Director for Copperbelt hosted a Stakeholders Meeting in Kitwe. Again in Kitwe, an interschool activity was held with the intention to create financial literacy awareness. In Lusaka, the CEO of the Securities and Exchange Commission hosted pupils.

“In future we will invite not only pupils but our parents as well." 16 year old girl

GMW countdown 8

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