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2024 Türkiye Global Money Week


  • Habitat Association, Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association, Aflatoun International, Financial Literacay and Inclusion Association, VISA Türkiye, UNDP, Turkish Capital Maket Asssociation, Bridge to Fund Türkiye, Foundation de France, Işık University, Bahçeşehir College Science and Technology High Schools, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Tekelioğlu Provincial Public Library, Sarayköy Social Solidarity Center (SODAM), Karşıyaka Aydoğan Yağcı Science and Art Center (BİLSEM), Kırklareli University Babaeski Vocational College, Pamukkale University, Afyon Kocatepe University, Kemal Gözü Vocational And Technical Anatolian High School, HUB Antalya Entrepreneurship Center, Ege University, Hakkari Yunus Emre Primary School, University Social Clubs, Woman Cooperatives, NGOs - Social Media Announcement, Local Governments, High Scohools, Primary Scohools


  • 36


  • 14 397


  • 550


  • 127 161

Habitat Association, Visa Turkey, UNDP, Aflatoun International, Bridge to Fund Turkey and Fondation de France implemented various initiatives aimed at enhancing financial literacy across different demographics during GMW2024 in Turkiye.

One of the core activities involved training trainers in the field of financial literacy, conducted in partnership with universities. This initiative aimed to create a volunteer movement where trained individuals could further disseminate financial knowledge. Through volunteer trainers, in person and online financial literacy training sessions targeting high school and university students were conducted. Students learnt about e-commerce, the risks of online fraud, and how to protect themselves, among others.

A panel discussion on "Shaping Your Future: Financial Literacy, Investor Behaviour, and Market Confidence" was organised in collaboration with the Turkish Capital Markets Association, Işık University, and Wello Money. This event focused on financial literacy, investor behaviour, and building market confidence. To engage younger audiences to engage with financial education, the "Harçlık Oyunları" board game was used. This initiative made learning about finance fun and interactive, ensuring that middle and high school students grasp essential financial principles through play.

Recognising the impact of natural disasters, efforts were extended to reach children in earthquake-affected areas with social and financial skills education to help these children develop resilience and practical financial knowledge, aiding their recovery and long-term well-being.

Foder also made significant contributions to the GMW, by organising both online and face-to-face seminars for high school and university students, focusing on various aspects of financial literacy. Foder also hosted book club discussions centered around selected financial literacy books, facilitating deeper engagement and understanding. Additionally, they conducted trainer training sessions for high school educators, ensuring a wider reach of financial literacy education. FODER offers a free digital financial literacy training module through its digital finance literacy training platform (www.finkurs.org).

2023 Türkiye Global Money Week


  • Habitat Association, Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association (FODER), Aflatoun International, Atatürk Mesleki ve Teknik Anatolian Highschool, Visa Turkey, UNDP, University Social Clubs, NGOs - Social Media Announcement, Necla Ergun Abalıoğlu Mesleki Ve Teknik Anatolian Highschool, Kırıkkale Mesleki ve Teknik Anatolian High School, Konak Çınarlı Mesleki Teknik ve Anatolian Highschool, Primary Schools


  • 22


  • 9 080


  • 806


  • 45 400

During Global Money Week 2023, the Habitat Association along with partners reached directly 9080 children and youth through several digital activities. Turkiye was hit by a great earthquake in February, therefore activities in March were mostly planned about the experiences of young people who planned their budgets in times of crisis. In cooperation with FODER, Habitat Association organised an online panel on "Youth Employment After the Earthquake" with the director of the financial research center of Bahçeşehir University, and the founder of Moneybux. Financial literacy awareness trainings on living outside the earthquake zone were organised for children and young people and teachers played the pocket money board game in their schools.Financial literacy awareness sessions both online and face to face were organised during the week through presentations, workshops and gamificiation. These included sessions on Banking System, Financial Literacy, Historical Development of Money, Personal Budget Management, Consumption Awareness, Online Fraud and Fraud, Savings, Borrowing, Investment, Inflation, Macro Economy, Service Channels of the Digital Bank, Online Payment Systems.

2022 Türkiye Global Money Week


  • Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association (FODER), Borsa İstanbul, Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education, İşbank Museum, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Bahçeşehir University, Abdullah Gül University, Kırklareli University, Nenehatun Primary School, Neyyir Turhan Primary School, Tink College, Mehmet Ali Büyükhanlı Vocational Technical Anatolian High School, Robert College, MBA Schools, Ahmet Mithat Efendi Primary School, Ibni Sina Imam Hatip Secondary School, Ibni Sina Imam Hatip High School, Habitat Association, Aflatoun International, Visa Turkey, UNDP, Turkish Capital Markets Association (TSPB), University Social Clubs, Woman Cooperatives, NOGs - Social Media Announcement, Local Governments


  • 26


  • 27,131


  • 4,033


  • 38,617

Throughout Global Money Week 2022, FODER reached thousands of children and young people. Various digital events such as online workshops, games, competitions, and webinars were organised with partners from public and private sectors and non-governmental organisations.

All events were organised under the theme of “Be Smart About Money, Build Your Future.” The campaign was launched with the Opening Bell Ceremony in Turkey, organised in cooperation with FODER and Borsa İstanbul. Children and youth visited the national stock exchange. They had the opportunity to ring the opening bell, which signals the beginning day’s trade, in honour of Global Money Week.

During the week, FODER specialists and volunteers came together with students, talking about the basic concepts of money, budgeting, needs and wants, savings and investment. The aim was to create budget and savings awareness for the students during the trainings in collaboration with the Provincial Directorates of National Education. 7,561 students were reached. Furthermore, this year, university students had the opportunity to participate in the online financial literacy trainings like “Young People Knowing Their Budget.”

İşbank Museum opened its doors to children to teach them about money and history. FODER trainers taught children and youth about different currencies and the history of money. With these sessions, FODER increased students' awareness on different currencies and old money.

A digital closing event was held as a webinar on March 25th. The programme included international guests who shared best practices from around the world. It was highlighted that it is important to work collaboratively, both locally and globally, to carry out financial literacy awareness activities and support young people to become empowered global citizens.

Habitat Association cooperated with partners in the whole month of March to celebrate Global Money Week 2022. Together they reached 23,495 children and youth through several activities such as online and offline trainings, workshops, games, competitions and YouTube awareness videos. During the campaign week, financial literacy awareness sessions were offered to children, youth, adults, teacher, families and senior citizens. Volunteer trainers of Habitat Association organised online and offline trainings for adults, students from high schools and universities. Teachers played the pocket money board game in their schools. Parents watched animated videos about financial literacy.

2021 Turkey Global Money Week


  • Habitat Association, Aflatoun International, FODER - Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association, TSPB, University Social Clubs, Norm Holding - Blue Collar Worker, Bross Textile - Blue Collar Worker, Woman Cooperatives, NOGs


  • 15


  • 700


  • 400


  • 11,000

Throughout Global Money Week 2021, Habitat Association reached 1,100 children and young people through various digital events such as online training, workshops, games, competitions, webinars with partners from public, private and non-governmental organisations. A digital financial literacy awareness training was held for children, adolescents, and for adults. The training explained the use of the digital financial system and tools to attendees and aimed empowering young people to help their parents and grandparents. Learn more here.

During the month, online competitions were held to raise awareness through fun and interactive activities for young people.

2019 Turkey Global Money Week


  • FODER - Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association
  • Habitat Association (Habitat)


  • 20 Universities, 59 Schools, Borsa İstanbul, Darüşşafaka Public Schools, National Education Directorates, Ottoman Bank Museum, UNDP Turkey, VISA Turkey


  • 123 964


  • 1 226 340

FODER - Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association
GMW2019 was launched by FODER and Borsa Istanbul at the stock exchange, with a ring-the-bell ceremony. To celebrate Global Money Week, children and youth visited the national stock exchange, to learn about its purpose and how it operates. The children got the opportunity to ring the opening bell, which signals the beginning of the trading day. Financial literacy awareness sessions were offered to children, youth and adults. Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association (FODER) also organised multiple courses in different provinces on Financial Literacy. FODER trainers traveled to schools that participated in this event. FODER trainers targeted 20,000 children in Turkey in the age group from 9 -26. High-level discussions, seminars, and other educational sessions were organised in universities and schools. Throughout the Week, youth visited the Ottoman Bank Museum to explore money and its history. As an interactive study, the students were asked to bring coins and banknotes from their homes and write the story behind that coin or banknote, aiming to increase students' awareness about different and old currencies.

Habitat Association (Habitat)
For GMW2019, Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat) organised local trainings, workshops and podcasts records on the theme “I can manage my money”. The various activities included a GMW introduction video and drama sessions. Volunteer trainers, organised trainings at local levels to increase financial awareness amongst young individuals including entrepreneurs, blue collar workers, and farmers. These training were oriented to benefit the participants in terms of financial literacy curriculums, focusing on budgeting, controlled spending, savings, investments, and debts management. Additionally, one podcast record was created to give information about the Global Money Week. Three drama sessions were organised on the theme of importance of budgeting. A workshop on financial literacy was also conducted. The teams worked on issues such as financial terms, budgeting, savings, investments, debts, and spending money, and then presented their topic to the audiences. During GMW2019, 3 trainings for trainers were also organised. A total of 65 volunteers were trained as financial literacy trainers.

2018 Turkey Global Money Week


  • Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association (FODER)
  • Habitat Association, VISA Turkey, UNDP


Borsa İstanbul, Darüşşafaka Public School, ING Bank, Interbank Card Center (BKM), Kredi Kayıt Bürosu (Credit Bureau in Turkey), Ottoman Bank Museum, Provincial National Education Directorate of Istanbul, 10 media organisations, 176 partner organisations of National Youth Parliament in Turkey, 24 universities, 465 schools


  • 171 026


  • 1 766 070

Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association (FODER)
Multiple events were organised by FODER during GMW2018. Children were invited to participated in the “Ring around the World” event at the Borsa İstanbul, opening the day’s trade. After the Gong Ceremony the students received financial literacy education, provided by FODER. Multiple courses on financial literacy were organised in schools. Trainers went to schools to teach over 15.000 children. Furthermore, a visit to the Ottoman Bank Museum was organised, to teach young people about the history of money. Trainers taught the children about different currencies. As an interactive study, the students were asked to bring money from their households and tell a story about the currency, with the aim of increasing the students’ awareness on different currencies.

Habitat Association
During GMW2018 training, budgeting workshops, trainer trainings and financial literacy quizzes were organised as part of the “I Can Manage My Money Project”, initiated by Habitat Association, VISA Turkey and UNDP. The activities took place in 71 cities across Turkey, with the participation of 21 universities, 176 youth organisations, 4 municipalities and 400 high schools, reaching more than 170,000 young people. The financial literacy project targeted young vulnerable people, including youth with down's syndrome, impaired sight and hearing, and sight-disabled youth. The project, which launched in 2009, is supported by 22 banks in Turkey. Over 1600 volunteer trainers participated in the event, each of whom were provided with GMW2018 materials to use in their workshops on financial literacy. Free training was delivered to high schoolers, university students, young adults, entrepreneurs and farmers through 15 workshops, which focused on budgeting, saving, investing and borrowing. The organisation created an introductory video for Global Money Week, which is available on their website.

2017 Turkey Global Money Week




  • 101 000


  • 91 000

During Global Money Week, Habitat Association organised several trainings, financial games, and training of trainers to celebrate Global Money Week, in 62 different cities of Turkey. 21 Universities and over 300 high schools participated in the activities.

Leading organisations, such as Habitat Association, Visa Europe, Turkish Ministry of Development , UNDP, Experian Turkey and the Credit Bureau of Turkey, provided their full efforts to expand financial awareness towards all around Turkey. Financial awareness, credit scores, financial risk management, and budgeting were the main subjects of the lectures.

Also, financial football games played into the training of trainers. At the end of these activities, Habitat Association reached 91169 people.

Indirectly, 911 690 people benefited from these activities

An informational video was created by Habitat Association to introduce Global Money Week.

The informational video is available to view through this link:

An important leading stakeholder in Turkey that also participated in Global Money Week and catalyzed collaboration was Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association (FODER). A series of activities and events were led by FODER and its partners:

  • "Ring The Bell" ceremony to open the day: Event took place on 27th of March, Monday morning with ringing the bell of Borsa İstanbul, with SPK (Capital Markets Board of Turkey), Executive Vice Chairman Emre Önyurt, Borsa İstanbul Chairman of the Board Himmet Karadağ, the Founding Chair of the Financial Literacy, and Inclusion Associaton (FODER) Özlem Denizmen.
  • On 29th of March, there was an event at Yeditepe University. At this event, Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association's Board Member and Vice-Chairman Atilla Köksal, CFA and FODER's Corporate Member S&P Global gave presentations and financial literacy courses that Yeditepe University students could attend. Additionally, other FODER Corporate Members spoke about their projects related to financial literacy and came together with University students at the conference area.

Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association (FODER) organised multiple courses at schools about financial literacy. Istanbul is the main province. Courses started on 27th of March. Trainers went to schools that take part in this event according to schedule. Through events, FODER and members hoped to target 50.000 children in Turkey within the age range of 9 to 25 years

  • In collaboration with FODER and UBS, UBS Turkey employees came together with 333 high school students at Darüşşafaka Schools. Throughout the week, UBS Turkey employees taught financial literacy courses aiming to increase students’ awareness about budget, savings and financial literacy.

Event photos are available to view through this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_kDHIrL2NaIOHIyZ3VQWURZclU?usp=sharing

2016 Turkey Global Money Week



  • Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association, SermayePiyasasıKurulu (Capital Markets Board Turkey), Bosphorus University, Yeditepe University, Ottoman Bank Museum, The Interbank Card Center, Özel Sektör Gönüllüleri Derneği (ÖSGD), Öğretmen Akademisi Vakfı (ÖRAV), Borsa İstanbul, Albaraka Türk Katılım Bankası, National Education Directorates, Beyoglu Municipality, Darüşşafaka Cemiyeti, TOG, Türk Ekonomi Bankası, VISA – “Paramı Yönetebiliyorum”, ING Bank, Akbank, Doğuş Grubu - “3 Kumbara”


  • 14 - 18 March


  • 97 000


  • 71 000

In honor of Global Money Week, the national Stock Exchange (Borsa İstanbul) hosted a “Ring the Bell” ceremony for children and youth to signal the opening of trade for the day. Schools, youth groups and universities were all invited to visit Borsa İstanbul, in order to have the chance to learn about why the stock exchange exists and how it works, as well as about money, careers, entrepreneurship and business.

Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association (FODER) organised multiple courses in provinces throughout the country about financial literacy, including Istanbul. The trainer-training started on 28 February, when trainers went to schools that would take part in the GMW event, with the aim of targeting 100.000 children and youth in Turkey ages 9 – 26. Furthermore, between 15 - 20 March, the Ottoman Bank Museum opened its doors to youngsters to teach them about money and its history, and Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association’s trainers taught children and youth about different currencies and the history of money. As an interactive study, the students were asked to bring “money” from their households and to write a story about that money. In doing so, FODER strived to increase the students' awareness about the different kinds of currencies and old coins.

The Habitat Association also organised several activities to celebrate Global Money Week, with the support of local NGOs, governmental bodies and companies. Leading organisations, such as the Habitat Association, Visa Europe, the Ministry of Development, UNDP and the Experian and Credit Bureau of Turkey joined efforts for wider participation in inclusion throughout the Week. Around 340 peer educators from all around Turkey prepared local trainings in order to have participants from 81 cities of Turkey involved in the celebrations. Total reach of the Week was approximately 27.000 young people (beneficiaries of the financial literacy trainings). In addition to this, Habitat participated in the GMW Selfie competition and photo competitions, organised financial education games, a visit to the money museum, business and financial institutions, radio talks, local media press and several plays in order to support child-centred learning on financial education. Furthermore, the participants of the “I Can Manage My Future Now!” project had free access to a credit score system in order to have wider understanding of credit ratings and future banking analysis.

This year’s GMW initiatives played an important role in the financial inclusion of young people throughout Turkey!

2015 Turkey Global Money Week


  • Capital Market Boards of Turkey
  • FODER and Para DurumuBorsa İstanbul
  • Habitat Kalkınma ve Yönetişim Derneği
  • Paramı Yönetebiliyorum (I Can Manage My Money)
  • Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat)
  • VISA Europe Istanbul Office
  • Financial Literacy and Access Association
  • Hacettepe University Department of Family and Consumer Sciences


  • 9th – 17th of March


  • 43 600

Throughout Global Money Week, Foder and its partners held different courses via their volunteers and trainers. Small pocket books were prepared and distributed to 9 – 11 and 12- 14 year old children. Hand notes of children were published on the Foder website (www.fo-der. org). The notes clearly showed the effect created by the trainings. Children mentioned that although they had not thought of savings before, they will start saving going forward.

Habitat Center for Development and Governance organised a series of activities for Global Money Week. A UNDP podcast covered the project and its Global Money Week activities. The podcast was broadcasted primarily on university radio channels. On 16 March, fashion designer Irina Tosheva from Macedonia met Socile me group from the Bahcesehir University in a special Global Money Week star talk and shared their social enterprise experiences. On 17 March, Korkmaz Yi it Anadolu High school students met CYFI staff and talked about financial awareness. A primary school teacher gave training to 11 year olds and organised a Global Money Week closing party at their school. 800 students at Manisa Celal Bayar University and 250 students at Kütahya Dumlupınar University followed a literacy training where the speakers spoke about financial awareness and entrepreneurship.

“I Can Manage My Money” (Paramı Yönetebiliyorum) is a project developed by Visa Europe, Turkish Republic Ministry of Development, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Habitat Center for Development and Governance. The project conducted 73 training sessions in 24 provinces, where they taught approximately 6800 young people about financial literacy and budget management as part of the celebrations. 300 entrepreneurs participated in eight exclusive trainings conducted for them.

Four different groups of students learnt about budgeting using the drama technique. Advocacy meetings were held with the support of local governments of Isparta, Burdur, Ku adası and Denizli during Habitat’s young friendly cities local democracy project. Local governments stated that they will develop strategies for participatory youth-friendly budgeting. The economic authorities of Turkey also gave a speech at Hacettepe University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences related to economic issues. Around 300 students were present.

2014 Turkey Global Money Week


  • Paramı Yönetebiliyorum (I Can Manage My Money)Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat)
  • VISA Europe Istanbul Office
  • Financial Literacy and Access Association
  • Capital Market Boards of Turkey
  • Hacettepe University Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Halkbank
  • Halibank
  • FODER and Para Durumu


  • 10th – 17th of March


  • 1 900

A number of organisations across Turkey planned Global Money Week events and activities as part of the 2014 worldwide celebrations. "I Can Manage My Money” (Paramı Yönetebiliyorum) is a project developed by Visa Europe, in coordination with Turkish Republic Ministry of Development, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Habitat Center for Development and Governance. The project has conducted 21 training sessions in 14 provinces, where they taught around 1500 young people about financial literacy and budget management. During Global Money Week they also promoted their online money management training module which has reached nearly 1000 people so far.

Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat) conducted 20 training sessions in 13 different provinces in Turkey with 15 volunteer trainers during the entire week.

The Istanbul Office for VISA Europe conducted face to face education sessions in several cities with an initial aim to reach 2000 people and online education sessions to reach 5000 people. They also organised a Youth Talk at Boğaziçi University.

The NGO Financial Literacy and Access Association arranged a “Learn Money Week” during the Global Money Week where they gave fun financial lessons on money, saving, investing and donation to children in the age range of 9-14.

The Capital Market Boards of Turkey dedicated a space on their website to broadcast Global Money Week’s values and Turkey’s celebrations.

Youth Talks about Personal Finance Topics were conducted at Hacettepe University Department of Family and Consumer Sciences. During these talks a Halkbank manager and Halibank financial specialist informed second year college students about financial issues, bank accounts, saving and investment, using credit card, financial instruments, financial literacy etc. This was followed by a question and discussion session. The guest lectures shared some financial materials with the students.

In the lead up to Global Money Week, FODER and Para Durumu designed a series of training materials and videos which they used to train 50 volunteers to deliver financial education workshops to schools in and around Istanbul province during Global Money Week. Additional volunteers from the local Credit Bureau and Private Sector Volunteer Association were also added to the FODER programme. All activities in schools during the week were promoted on the Para Durumu website and through local print, TV and social media. In total, 200 schools and 117 volunteers were involved in the workshops in schools, reaching approximately 20,000 children between the ages of 8 and 10.

2013 Turkey Global Money Week


  • Habitat Center for Development and Governance (Youth for Habitat)


  • Visa Europe


  • 15th and 21st of March


  • 60

“This week we had a special group from a university. Students were aged 17-20 and they were international students who are doing their Bachelor’s here in Istanbul. They were excluded from the financial sector since they only have a resident permit and so banks were not giving them cards. We had a chance to talk about this issue with bank managers.” Habitat Center for Development and Governance.

During Global Money Week in Turkey, regional training were held in Diyarbakir with the involvement of 24 young people from 8 different cities from all over the South Eastern part of Turkey. The youth had the opportunity to share their experiences with the Bank Manager.

Students also participated in a video chat with Estonian youth where they explained their activities and compared their financial educational programs.