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2024 Tunisia Global Money Week


  • Financial Inclusion Observatory (OIF)- Central Bank of Tunisia, Tunis Stock Exchange, SOS Children's Village, MIM Production "Tymoo TV", NGO "ADA Microfinance"


  • 5


  • 80


  • 15


  • Not reported

The Financial Inclusion Observatory (OIF) organised on the occasion of the GMW2024 a financial education programme focused on young people in need of social and financial inclusion. Furthermore, the OIF also organised an awareness-raising and training day in person on the topic of financial education for SOS village educators, to empower them to effectively impart this knowledge and financial habits with the children and youth they supervise. SOS village middle and high school students also took part in a guided visit to financial institutions (Central Bank of Tunisia and its currency Museum, and the Tunis Stock Exchange). Finally, educational and entertaining shows on financial education with the famous character Tymoo were organised, including interactive games and activities aimed to impart fundamental financial concepts to children like saving, budgeting, digital payment, and security in an enjoyable and suitable manner.

2023 Tunisia Global Money Week


  • Graines d'entrepreneurs


  • Graines d'entrepreneurs; Banque National Agricole; Caisse des dépôts et consignations; Vermeg;  Université centrale | Honoris United Universities; Musée de la monnaie de Tunis; Bourse de Tunis


  • 400


  • 800


  • 400

From March 20th to 26th, 2023, Graines d'entrepreneurs partnered with Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) and Banque Nationale Agricole (BNA) to celebrate Global Money Week with exciting activities for children and youth. Global Money Week is an annual event that focuses on financial education for kids and young adults, and Graines d'entrepreneurs joined thousands of organisations worldwide in marking the occasion. During the week, Graines d'entrepreneurs organised a series of activities for children and youth aged 8 to 16. These included visits to local financial institutions such as the Money Museum, the Tunisian Stock Exchange, BNA, and CDC. The organisation also hosted an interactive webinar titled "From Barter to Crypto: The Evolution of Commercial Transactions" and conducted workshops on financial education and investment culture. The visits to financial institutions gave young people the opportunity to learn about how banks and other financial institutions operate. An interactive webinar covered the history of money and banking, as well as modern payment methods. Children and parents from across Tunisia were able to ask live questions to the co-founder of SQOIN, a startup specialising in blockchain and cryptocurrency. A quiz was also held after the webinar to reinforce the information shared and give participants the chance to win prizes. Finally, experienced professionals conducted financial education workshops to equip young people with the necessary skills to become financially responsible entrepreneurs. The workshops focused on creating and managing a budget, saving money, and investing wisely.

2019 Tunisia Global Money Week


  • Enda inter-arabe


  • 4 Soliman Nurseries, Aflatoun, Amor Ben Khatab Primary School, Aouija Primary School, Bassatine Primary School, Bledi Association, Dar Blockchain, El Amen nursery, Enda Tamweel, Enda Tech, Joker ESEN Club, Manzel Bouzela Nursery, Marja Nursery, Nursery Gabes, Regional Commissary for Education of Kasserine, Saad Eddine Primary School, Sidi Harth Primary School, Sidi Tlil Primary School, Startup Haus, Takelsa Club, Technopole Manouba, The Higher School of Digital economy


  • 342


  • 22 000

Enda inter-arabe
Enda inter-arabe organised several events in 4 regions across the country to celebrate GMW2019. The first event was the second edition of the Global Money Week Hackaton, with the theme “Learn.Save.Earn”. The workshops were on Financial Education and Financial Inclusion for people living in marginalized and rural areas. The teams presented their ideas to a jury and 5 innovative projects were chosen that would have a positive impact on people living in rural and remote areas. The members of the teams won scholarships for coding training. Furthermore, two editions of Cha9a9athon (pronounced "Chakaka", meaning piggy bank in Tunisian Arabic) were organised. The event introduced children to the notions of saving and its importance in our lives. Later, they worked on presentations, shows and tools to promote saving culture amongst their friend and their low-income families. Additionally, Enda participated in the celebration of International Aflatoun Day, where children in the country had a chance to talk to their peers in Egypt and Senegal, about what their learnt regarding financial education and the social projects they had been working on. The members of the Aflatoun club also visited a school in a remote area, where they shared best practices regarding saving and controlling expenses. They also participated in the planting of olive trees in the school, as a symbolic gesture to emphasize the importance of not only the protection of the environment, but also of investing and saving. The final event was a 6-day workshop for children to learn about the different components of computers and how to assemble them. The children worked on assembling functional computers using components of broken computers. The workshop was closed with children selling their repaired computers at a small fair. This event was aimed at raising the awareness of the importance of recycling amongst young people and to help them generate money.

2018 Tunisia Global Money Week


  • Cambridge International School of Tunis
  • Enda Inter-Arabe


  • Aflatoun International, Central Bank of Tunisia, Central Bank of Tunisia Money Museum, Enda Tamweel, Express FM, GoMyCode, Jumia, National Television Wataniya 1, Nessma TV, Radio Jeunes, RTCI Radio, Tuniscope, Zitouna Bank, 14 educational institutions


  • 168


  • 71 040

Enda Inter-Arabe
GMW2018 marked an outstanding celebration of financial literacy in Tunisia with 149 children and youth participating directly in celebrations and a further 70,000 reached through media and social media coverage, thanks to the innovative and creative events organised by Enda and its partners. This year, Enda organised the first worldwide Hackathon to celebrate the Week, under the theme ‘Money Matters Matter’. Thirty young people from poor suburbs took part and received 30 hours of mentoring with the Enda team to create technological solutions for two challenges: Financial Education and Financial inclusion of people in marginalized and rural areas. At the end of the second day, seven teams presented their ideas in front of a jury, which included Enda’s General Coordinator of Enda and Deputy CEO, the Country Manager of an international donor, and the CEO of a multinational e-commerce company. The creativity of young participants impressed the jury. The three winning projects included a video game to inform children on the importance of saving, a mobile app to help people in rural areas save through mobile payment, and a platform to help consumers save money. The members of the winning teams were rewarded with scholarships to GoMyCode School and the opportunity to continue developing their projects with Enda. Inspired by the Hackathon, the Enda team designed and organised the first edition of Cha9a9athon (pronounced "chakakathon"), named after the Tunisian Arabic word for ‘piggy bank’. Fourty children from Aflatoun clubs in disadvantaged areas in Greater-Tunis joined the event. During the Cha9a9athon, children were introduced to the importance of savings. Divided into five groups, the children made an artwork to promote a saving culture among their community. The art was later presented in front of guests including journalists and professionals from the Ministry of Education. To reward their efforts, a saving account was opened for each participant to encourage them and their families to adopt wise financial habits. On Aflatoun Day, 49 members of Enda’s Aflatoun clubs in Greater-Tunis and Kasserine participated in Skype calls with Aflatoun clubs from other countries. These talks were not only an opportunity for the children to discuss the importance of saving, but also to meet their peers from different countries. Our last offline events were two visits to financial institutions. 29 children had the chance to visit Enda microfinance company branch to learn about entrepreneurship and the financial services offered to support them. They had also the opportunity to visit the Money Museum of the Tunisian Central Bank to learn about the history of money and currencies and their evolution throughout time. Enda also engaged many media this year to talk about GMW2018 and to raise awareness among the general public on the importance of financial education of youth and children, particularly in marginalized areas. In addition to over 15 articles published, Enda team was invited to dedicated shows on National Television, National Radio and the top radio on economics in Tunisia, Express FM.

Cambridge International School of Tunis
During Global Money Week 2018, the Cambridge International School of Tunis, in partnership with Zitouna Bank, gave their seventh and eight graders the wonderful opportunity to acquire extensive knowledge about the banking system during a two-day event. The first day consisted of a classroom-based session with the objective of introducing students to the purpose of banking, different types of bank accounts and associated fees suitable to different individuals' financial situation. Furthermore, students were introduced to online banking, which gave them the opportunity to see firsthand how to perform financial transactions via a computer and a mobile device.On the second day, the children had the amazing opportunity to visit the Zitouna Bank Headquarters where they were welcomed by several department directors. Following the presentation given by a professional banker reinforcing and clarifying knowledge gained during the first day, the children were excited to witness some of their classmates conduct their first cash deposit and ATM withdraw. Lastly, the students had the chance to visit different departments and see firsthand what happens behind the scenes. Thus, recognizing how individual employees in different departments contribute to the bank.

2017 Tunisia Global Money Week



  • 57

Global Money Week 2017 was very happy to welcome the Money Museum of the Central of Tunisia and AIESEC Tunisia in joining GMW celebrations for the very first time. The museum opened its doors to host a group of youth from AIESEC Tunisia, a completely student-run, non-profit organisation, present in over 125 countries and in 2600 Universities worldwide, to tour the museum.

During the tour, AIESECers had the chance to see the trend of the Tunisian currency throughout 25 centuries of history displayed in 43 glazed closets.

Furthermore, Mercy Corps Tunisia organised four trainings in the Jendouba region (Tabarka, Fernina, Jendouba, Bousalem) with youth centers and associations. These training sessions helped youth to gain specific and practical knowledge for savings practices. The trainings included practices, savings, and debt management.

2016 Tunisia Global Money Week




  • 14th - 20th of March


  • 160


  • 100

This year, to celebrate Global Money Week, Mercy Corps organised several trainings for students from the Psychology Master’s degree. These training sessions helped students to receive the specific financial services adapted to their financial needs and gave the students principle knowledge for savings practices. The trainings included topics such as women’s crafting, young farmers and youth in general. There were also trainings and workshops that were conducted in relation to budgeting practices, savings and debt management. Students were able to play financial education games that were aimed to making children aware of their saving habits and financial goals.

2015 Tunisia Global Money Week


  • Mercy Corps Tunisia
  • Tunisian Stock Exchange Market
  • Tunisian Business School
  • Voice of the Rural Child Association
  • Student Entrepreneurs Club "ISAEG"
  • Primary School road of Gabès
  • Ecole primaire abou el kacem el chebbi
  • Ecole primaire cité Azzitouni
  • Foyer universitaire pour les filles
  • Association régional d’occupation des vieillards « AROV »
  • Club Entreprendre FootPrints
  • Agence Française de Développement
  • Silatech
  • Tounes Tekhdem
  • UKaid
  • Medenine youth leaders council
  • Bagbag School
  • Football academy Medenine
  • Development Association in Boughrara – Medenine
  • Club Entreprendre “LEADERS” (CFA)
  • Conseil des jeunes leaders Medenine


  • 10th - 15th of March


  • 1 096

organised by Mercy Corps, Tunisia, Global Money Week 2015 celebrations activities in Tunisia covered different regions around the country reaching 1,096 children and youth participants around Tunisia. Intensive financial education awareness campaigns on the national radio channels and social network were arranged during Global Money Week celebrations. In addition, an intense financial education video about budget management, savings and debt management was also broadcasted. Financial education training sessions on savings for youth and children took place in southern Tunisian regions. Several field visits to local banks also were conducted. In addition two entrepreneurship clubs were officially inaugurated during Global Money Week.

Within the framework of Global Money Week, Mercy Corps Tunisia launched two innovative financial products supporting them financially and technically in Tunisia. The first product was “crowd Investing” and the second promoting savings through “mobile micro savings”. These initiatives are aimed to stimulate financial inclusion in the country.

An open day at the Tunisian Stock Exchange Market for Tunisia Business School’s students was organised. Students were exposed to the operations of stock market and attended a lecture on the activities. A radio talk show on the importance of financial education for youth was also organised.

organised during Global Money Week in primary schools and kindergartens to teach students good savings practices at an early stage. In Tunisian cities of Medenine, Gafsa and Kasserine many workshop sessions were organised in primary as well as secondary schools on topics such as concept of savings. These included strong examples along with interesting activities such as making handicrafts producing piggybanks and painting exercises on financial topics. Universities in Medenine also participated in Global Money Week celebrations by conducting financial training sessions. Participants gained more awareness about the importance of savings and expressed their interest in expanding their knowledge about the topic. The training sessions were carried out for 16 women entrepreneurs located in the rural areas. In Kasserine, Club Entreprendre “LEADERS” (CFA) organised a training session under the theme “Lui est un entrepreneur, et toi c’est pour quand?” on ’how to start a business!’. Panel discussions were also organised on “success stories by young entrepreneurs” and financial education training session under the theme of “savings”.

The Voice of the Rural Child Association also celebrated Global Money week in Tunisia. In collaboration with its local partners the week was celebrated colourfully with different types of activities like discussions and debates about financial matters, workshops on financial education, song making, and financial awareness campaigns.

Few outstanding youth were also awarded to support their education and further promote financial education into the national curriculum. The Voice of the Rural Child Association is one of the active members of the Anna Lindh Foundation Tunisia Network (FALTN) and Euro-Mediterranean Network for Citizenship Education and transculturally (REMECT).

2014 Tunisia Global Money Week


  • Mercy Corps Tunisia
  • Enda Microfinance and Tysir Microfinance


  • Department for International Development
  • Agence Française de Developpement


  • 10th - 17th of March


  • 300

“Tunisia Works” (Tounes Tekhdem) project.

“Tunisia Works!” (Tounes Tekhdem) is a Mercy Corps Tunisia run project that is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Agence Française de Development. Their aim is to contribute to the economic and professional education of marginalized youth in the governorates of Gafsa, Kasserine, Tataouine and Medenine through activities that:

  • Increase financial inclusion of youth (18-30 years old), by improving access and the quality of financial instruments such as savings, credit, remittances, payments, micro-insurance and financial education, and development of appropriate delivery mechanisms of financial services for the youth.
  • Increase entrepreneurial knowledge and practices amongst youth, targeting the improvement of entrepreneurship training, business development support and mentoring services for entrepreneurs during each stage of the entrepreneurial cycle.

Mercy Corps Tunisia certified 10 new financial education trainers in the south of Tunisia as a part of the “Tunisia Works” (Tounes Tekhdem) project in the lead up to Global Money Week. These trainers then facilitated 38 financial education sessions during Global Money Week. The topics covered during the educational sessions were budgeting, savings and debt management, and they reached at least 300 people over the course of the week. This activity is part of a range of activities that aim to create a network of qualified financial education trainers across Tunisia. This network will include staff from Microfinance Institutions (such as Enda and Taysir); government-owned employment and business centers; local associations who are engaged in economic development; and from commercial banks.

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GMW countdown 8

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