2024 Peru Global Money Week
Superintendence of Banking, Insurance, and Private Pension Funds
77 active participants (organised and developed financial education activities), 379 participants benefited (technical institutes, universities, elder centers, and others), and 43 media organisations.
- 499
- 1 482 249
- 2 078 449
- 17 870 027
The Peruvian GMW, known as Semana Mundial del Ahorro, is carried out within the framework of the National Financial Inclusion Policy, ensuring its sustainability up to 2030, under the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund (SBS) responsibility as the national coordinator. In this edition, the SBS and 76 allies joined efforts to promote financial education (FE) nationwide, particularly among children, youths, and their families through 1 238 activities. The campaign had three components: Raise awareness about the saving culture, financial products, entrepreneurship, and financial fraud; promote financial inclusion; and share evidence and good practices in financial education and inclusion.
In 2024, the SBS launched a Peruvian GMW webpage (https://www.sbs.gob.pe/sma) as a new resource for the citizens. This centralised platform is a one-stop shop for information on activities, e-learning courses, and complementary resources. The platform allows users to filter activities by date, target group, city, and delivery channel. It also features a section for the entities, providing information on how to participate in the GMW and presenting the winners of previous editions of the SMA Awards, which recognise the partners’ contributions to the Peruvian GMW since 2022.
The Peruvian GMW inauguration and opening conference were held at the Lima Chamber of Commerce. The event was graced by the head of the SBS, the Vice Minister of Women, the President of the Association of Banks, and other high-level government officials from the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, among other speakers, as well as the allies participating in this edition. The conference had two panels: Financial Inclusion and National Policies Articulation, and Digital Financial Inclusion. For the first time, the SBS also organised other financial inclusion conferences in Lima (2) Arequipa, Piura, and Huancayo regions in coordination with local universities, and local and decentralized authorities.
This edition slogan inspired entities to raise awareness about fraud and scams providing information for online safety and identity protection, such as the Bank Association, SISE, CMAC Ica, and the SBS. The entities organised a mix of face-to-face and digital activities, such as fairs, talks, webinars, e-learnings, contests, games, videos, internal campaigns, and communication campaigns. These collective efforts directly reached 1482249 children and youth, and 2078449 adults.
Regarding face-to-face activities, the following stood out. First, the efforts to reach basic education students in rural areas from CMACs Ica, CMAC Cusco and CMAC Huancayo that promoted recycling among school children, delivered didactic rock concerts in rural schools, and implemented workshops with the bus “Educating on Wheels” respectively, while providing FE messages. Second, activities with vulnerable populations such as the social programmes beneficiaries; children in poverty; rural populations (in Spanish and native languages); students and athletes with physical and intellectual disabilities; orphaned children; LGTBQ community; and migrant populations. Third, tours and lectures at the Central Bank Museum. Forth, six fairs in Lima, Huancayo, Arequipa, and Junin regions, congregating several institutions, showcased a collaborative approach to implementing FE initiatives. Fifth, FE in alternative spaces to expand the reach to new publics, such as stadiums/gyms, Health Services Fairs, and pet contests for athletes, people doing medical check-ups, and pet lovers respectively.
Regarding virtual activities, several entities have launched new FE products. CERTUS and CMAC Huancayo launched contests where students/clients prepare virtual stories with FE content. The BCP Bank launched a game where people are challenged to decide based on their budget. The Bank Association launched a new e-learning course. Banco de la Nacion launched a Virtual Advisor, QUINA, which provides FE tips in Quechua and Spanish via WhatsApp. Finally, the SBS with Banxico implemented a transnational peer-learning initiative with school students from both countries.
2023 Peru Global Money Week
- Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrator (SBS))
- 68 active participants (56 through financial education activities and 12 through conferences and talks), 236 participants benefited (Technical institutes, Universities, Elder centers, and others), and 42 media organisations.
- 346
- 857 910
- 2 746 376
- 6 076 965
During the GMW 2023, the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund (SBS), as national coordinator, and 344 partner institutions working in financial education in the country, joined efforts to promote savings and provide financial education in Peru, particularly to children, young people and their families in non-formal learning spaces, in order to motivate them to learn more about the importance of saving, understand personal finance management and promote entrepreneurship.After two years of virtual activities, 2023 meant the return of face-to-face activities. Most participating institutions carried out activities both through face-to-face (main squares, farmer markets, fairs, schools) and virtual (digital platforms) menas.In Peru, the GMW is carried out within the framework of the National Financial Inclusion Policy (PNIF) and in line with the first priority objective: "Generate greater confidence in all segments of the population in the financial system” and is also incorporated into one of the measures of its Multisector Strategic Plan, generating a commitment within the framework of national policy. The GMW has three components: 1. raising awareness about the use of money, savings, and entrepreneurship. 2. increasing financial inclusion 3. disseminating evidence and good practices in financial education and inclusion.On March 20, Peruvian GMW inauguration was held at the campus of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). It was attended by the Vice Minister of Economy, the Deputy Superintendent of Market Conduct and Financial Inclusion and the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of PUCP, as well as by all GMW partners. Throughout the Peruvian GMW, a series of events and activities were developed at the national level, carrying out open public activities and virtual activities, such as: savings fairs, videos, contests, involving young people and adults in a multitude of games and activities to motivate them to save money. The Peruvian GMW meant a joint effort of all the partner entities to reach the entire population especially those in vulnerable situations (disabled, migrants, rural women and children), taking into account their cultural diversity. In this sense, activities were developed in Spanish, Quechua, Aymara countrywide.
2022 Peru Global Money Week
- Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrator (SBS))
- Museum of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (MUCEN), Superintendence of Securities Markets (SMV), Insurance Deposit Fund (FSD), Insurance Cooperative Deposit Fund (FSDC), National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property (INDECOPI), National Superintendence of Tax Administration (SUNAT), National Library, Municipality of Lima, Pension Standardization Office (ONP), Productive Development Programme – AGRORURAL, Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Ministry of Education (MINEDU), Congress of the Republic of Peru, Elder Center - CAM La Merced, Elder Center - CAM San Ramón, Surco Municipality, Peruvian Association of Insurance Companies (APESEG), Banks Association (ASBANC), Peruvian Federation of Cajas Municiales of Savings and Credit (FEPCMAC), Grupo BVL, Banco de la Nación (National Bank), Bank Falabella, Bank Pichincha, Bank Continental BBVA, Bank BanBif, Compartamos Financiera, Financiera Proempresa, Financiera Efectiva, Financiera Confianza, CMAC Trujillo, CMAC Cusco, CMAC del Santa, CMAC Huancayo, CMAC Ica, CMAC Maynas, CMAC Paita, CMAC Piura, CMAC Sullana, CMAC Tacna, Caja Lima Metropolitana, CRAC Los Andes, CRAC Raiz, Pacifico, Abaco, World Vision, International Plan, CEDRO, CARE PERÚ- PROJECT IGNITE, Movimiento Manuela Ramos – CREDIMUJER,ONG KALPA, Ferreycorp, NTT Data, Acomo, Cambia FX, Palgo, Tasatop, Tkambio, BIM, PUCP - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, USIL - Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, the OECD, World Council of Credit Unión (WOCCU), Peace Corps, Sparkassenstiftung fur Internationale Kooperation, DSIK Honduras, DSIK México, Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), Banco de desarrollo de América Latina- CAF, UNESCO Perú, CGAP, CERTUS, SISE, BURSEN-Centro de Estudios Financieros de BVL, Khipu Institute ABC del BCP, Finanfieras, Klaseuno, Peruvian Studies Institute (IEP), Fundación BBVA Microfinanzas, Junior Achievement Perú, OLPASA - ASPASH de Aguaytia, 100 schools, 28 media companies
- 211
- 256,140
- 5,210,964
- 7,982,803
During Global Money Week 2022 in Peru, the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance, and Private Pension Fund Administrators (SBS), in coordination with several institutions, joined forces to promote savings and financial education throughout the country. GMW is in line with the priority of the National Policy for Financial Inclusion to generate greater confidence in the financial system. It seeks to promote the financial education of children, youth, and their families through non-formal learning spaces that will help them learn more about the financial system so that they have confidence to interact with it in the future.
This year, the GMW reached 256,140 children and youths, and almost 8 million Peruvians thought the participation of 211 entities from all over the country, including public and private entities and NGOs. The main activities were carried out through a digital platform that hosted a virtual saving fair, academic conferences, talks and workshops. In addition, talks to educational institutions located in rural areas, training in financial education for migrant and refugee populations, women entrepreneurs and young professionals were also held.
The Superintendent participated in the launch of GMW worldwide on March 21. She also inaugurated the national GMW with the Minister of Economy and Finance. The Peruvian GMW had a synchronous cycle of 27 academic conferences, talks and workshops with national and international experts that reached 6,309 visitors. The academic conferences covered the following topics: Post-COVID-19 financial system, gender gaps, evaluating financial education initiatives, financial inclusion trends, financial capabilities of micro-entrepreneurs and others. Moreover, the talks and workshops for citizens and children focused on savings, frauds, budget and others.
The digital platform was used to host a fair with 56 virtual stands distributed in four pavilions. During six days, the virtual stands received 59,285 visits. The participants showed their financial education initiatives, providing downloadable educational material, videos, podcasts, games and online chat. The platform allowed attendees to take part in the "Financial Rally" that consisted of visiting the stands, playing games, participating in talks and conferences while testing their knowledge. In this section, 1,034 people entered the rally.
Additionally, many organisations, including banks and other financial institutions, shared information about the events, through video reels on topics related to GMW and savings on their closed-circuit television screens. For example, Banco de la Nacion included participants both in cities and in rural areas. Messages were disseminated through social networks, institutional portals and mailing lists. Over 244 activities were planned. Some involved virtual tours in the Central Reserve Bank Museum, talks with people with special needs, workshops, contests, and more.
GMW2022 has helped to improve monitoring and evaluation of the initiatives in Peru. In 2022, SBS explored financial education profile of the users of the SMA, which enabled SBS to improve the content based on the needs and expectations of the users. To do this, the SBS developed a questionnaire to determine the level of inclusion and financial education of SMA users, using some of the questions proposed by the OECD/INFE. The results showed that users are mostly young: 45% are 30 years old or younger, and they reach a level of inclusion and financial education well above the national average. Moreover, it is visible that the platform is an initiative accessed mostly by people with previous financial education understanding who seek to deepen their knowledge and financial opportunities.
2021 Peru Global Money Week
- Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Funds Administrators (SBS)
- Central Reserve Bank of Peru, Museum of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (MUCEN), National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property (INDECOPI), Superintendence of Securities Markets, National Tax Administration Superintendence (SUNAT), PRONABEC, Deposit Insurance Fund (FSD), Municipality of Lima, Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Banco de la Nación, Banco Falabella, Scotiabank, BanBif, COFIDE (Banca de segundo piso), Peruvian Association of Insurance Companies (APESEG), Financiera Confianza, Financiera Efectiva, Compartamos Financiera, Banks Association (ASBANC), Association of Pension Fund Administrators, Peruvian Federation of Municipal Cajas of Savings and Credit (FEPCMAC), Federación de Cooperativas de ahorros y créditos’ (FENACREP), CMAC Trujillo, CMAC Arequipa, CMAC Cusco, CMAC del Santa, CMAC Huancayo, CMAC Ica, CMAC Maynas, CMAC Paita, CMAC Piura, CMAC Sullana, CMAC Tacna, Caja Lima Metropolitana, Caja del Centro, Caja los Andes, CREDIRAIZ, Pacifico Seguros, Cooperativa Abaco, WORLDVISION, World Council of Credit Unión (WOCCU), Peace Corps, Sparkassenstiftung fur Internationale Kooperation, International Plan, CEDRO, Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros Honduras, Comisión para el Mercado Financiero de Chile, Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), Banco de desarrollo de América Latina- CAF, Banco Mundial, ONG Kallarisunchis, Acomo, Cambia FX, Palgo, Tasatop, Tkambio, Tukuy, Tunki, Yape, BIM, Comparabien, BVL Center for Financial Studies, San Ignacio de Loyola University, CERTUS, PUCP, Universidad del Callao, Universidad de Lima, Universidad Cayetano Heredia, Pacifico University Business School, SENATI, I.E.S.T.P. ‘Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, I.S.T.P. CEPEBAN, Instituto Continental, LMI, UNESCO, TGC & W Consultores Asociados, UGEL Quispicanchi, Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE), Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), Sociedad Obrera de la Unión – Huacho, Junta de Usuarios Sub Distrito de Riego – Cañete, Empresa Pídelo – Huacho , Gobierno Regional de Ancash, Clínica Ramazinni – Huacho, Fundación BBVA Microfinanzas, Movimiento con la niñez y la juventud, 103 schools and others
- 191
- 22,153
- 192,381
- 2,262,252
GMW2021 in Peru was led by the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Funds Administrators (SBS), in coordination with various public, private entities and civil society organisations. It constitutes the largest initiative in the country to promote savings and financial education. This activity is in line with the main objective of the National Policy for Financial Inclusion (PNIF) approved in August 2019, "Generating greater confidence in all segments of the population in the financial system" and aims to enhance financial education for children, youth and their families through non-formal learning spaces that will serve them for their future interaction with the financial system.
The Peruvian GMW was framed under three pillars: (1) financial education actions with children, young people and their families in order to create awareness about the importance of saving, responsible management of money and personal finances; (2) provide a space to disseminate evidence and promote best practices on financial education and financial inclusion among policymakers, private institutions from the financial sector and academia; (3) promote access and responsible usage of saving products by the opening of savings accounts by financial institutions.
This year, the GMW involved more than 200,000 people and 191 entities across the country. The Campaign started with the inauguration of the GMW on March 22nd, following with conferences on "Financial Well-being in Latin America and the impact of COVID-19". Through the platform more than 100 experts from the academia, public authorities, practitioners participated in 37 conferences. Experts discussed current issues and research regarding financial education and financial inclusion. They also gave financial education talks, reaching 40,913 visits through its four sections: "Promoting financial inclusion through research", for scholars and policymakers; “Promoting financial inclusion for implementation”, for financial inclusion and financial education actors; "Informed, we decide better", for citizens; and, “Playing, we learn about saving,” for children and families.
The virtual platform also had a dedicated channel that allocate 49 virtual stands distributed in four pavilions. In these stands, the participants of the GMW provided financial education materials, downloadable materials, videos, podcast, games and online support. During the seven days of the fair, the virtual stands had 50,343 visits.
During the fair, the participants were able to participate in the “Financial Rally” to collect points for attending the stands, participating in the presentations, review the financial education materials and videos, online orientations, and had the chance to test their knowledge. This section had 13,519 visits.
Additionally, every participating organisation disseminated messages via social network, institutional portals, mailing and virtual talks. The participants also carried out 102 different activities outside the GMW platform.
2019 Peru Global Money Week
- Banco Cooperativo del Estudiante Bartselana
- Superintendence of Bank Insurance and Private Pension Funds ( SBS)
- 29 Media Organisations, 206 Schools, 223 Colleges, 4 Financial Institutions, 64. Asociación de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones del Perú (AAFP), 7 Libraries, 9 Universities, Acción Emprendedora (ONG), Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones, Afluenta Fintech, Agroinvesting, Arellano Marketing, Asociación de Bancos del Perú (ASBANC), Asociación de instituciones de Microfinanzas del Perú (ASOMIF), Asociación Peruana de Empresas de Seguros (APESEG), Asociación Peruano Japonesa, Ayllu Fintech, Banco Azteca, Banco Comunitario "Banco de Las Emprendedoras de Vista Alegre", Banco Comunitario "Banco de Las Poderosas", Banco de Crédito del Perú, Banco de la Nación, Banco Falabella, BNP Paribas Cardif, Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL), BUSEM-Centro de Estudios Financieros de la BVL, Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito del Santa, CEDRO, Centro Cultural de Mosaj Pacha, CETPRO Génesis, Chubb Seguros, Club de Madres Santa Veronica, Clínica San Juan de Dios, Comedores Distrito de Miraflores, Comparabien, Compartamos Financiera, Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Abaco, Countdown Perú, Crecer Seguros, Cuerpo de Paz Americano, Cámara de Comercio de Lima (CCL), Departamento Centro Recreacional Ryoichi Jinnai, Dirección Regional de Educación de Piura (DREP), Entidad de desarrollo de la pequeña y mediana empresa, Escuela Técnica Superior de la Policía Nacional del Perú - EST PNP, Federación Peruana de Cajas Municipales de Ahorro y Crédito (FEPCMAC), Financiera Confianza, Financiera Efectiva, Financiera PROEMPRESA S.A., Financiera TFC, Fintech Perú, Fondo de Seguro de Depósitos (FSD), GRADE, HDI Seguros, IEP, Innovation for Poverty Action (IPA), Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Público (IESTP) República Federal de Alemania, Instituto Superior Tecnológico San Luis, Instituto TECSUP, Instituto Zegel IPAE, Insur, Interbank, Interseguro, La Positiva Seguros, Liberty Seguros, Mapfre Perú, MiBanco, Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), Ministerio de Educación (MINEDU), Ministerio del Ambiente, MUCEN - Museo del Banco Central de Reserva (BCRP), Municipalidad de Jesús María, Región Lima, Municipalidad de Tacabamba, Región Cajamarca, Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa, Región Arequipa, Municipalidad Provincial de Piura, Región Piura, Museo Numismático del Banco Central de Reserva (BCRP), Ohio National Seguros de Vida, ONG AMA, ONG América Solidaria, Open Plaza Huancayo, Organismo Supervisor de la inversión en Energía y Minería (OSINERGMIN), Pacífico Seguros, Parroquia Buenos Aires Sur, Plan Internacional, Policía Nacional del Perú, Programa Lima Lee, Protecta Security, Rigel Seguros, Rimac, Secrex Cesce, Sociedad Eléctrica de Arequipa Ltda. (SEAL), Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation, Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores (SMV), Superintendencia Nacional de Servicios de Saneamiento (SUNASS), Tasatop, Fintech de Ahorro, Tkambio Fintech, TuCambista, Unidad de Gestión Educativa Arequipa Norte, Unidad de Gestión Educativa Arequipa Sur, Vaso de leche de la Municipalidad de Chilca, Vida Cámara Seguros, VISA, Walt Disney France, World Vision Peru
- 216 042
- 4 077 109
Superintendence of Bank Insurance and Private Pension Funds ( SBS)
For the fourth consecutive year, SBS led the GMW celebration in Peru. The celebrations were part of the country’s National Strategy for Financial Inclusion, implemented according to three pillars: (1) Create awareness and educating, (2) Disseminating evidence and best practices and (3) Generating a space to facilitate access and use of formal savings, insurance and pension financial products. The first pillar entails creating awareness and educating different groups about the value of money and savings through financial education lessons and workshop, which are given to children, youth, and adults of all ages. Additionally, different financial institutions, such as the Central Bank, the Lima Stock Exchange, and Savings and Loans Institutions organised several education visits, titled “financial tours”. These visits gave students the opportunity to learn about financing from professionals. In schools, the students who had previously studied financial education, taught their fellow students, via different school projects. Furthermore, The Money and Numismatic Museum of the Central Bank organised several activities in many regions of the country, including talks and workshops at the National Museum, Universities and other institutions. With the usage of edutainment, multiple “Saving Fairs” were organised in seven regions of the country, raising awareness about the importance of having good saving habits. Many institutions set up educational stands, theaters, magic shows, and interactive games. NGOs and NPOs conducted financial education initiatives within local communities. For example, the American Peace Corps carried out several workshops in rural schools and it helped to set up savings clubs. Under the second pillar, a high-level International Conference, titled “How do young people save?”, was organised by the SBS and representatives of the academic, public and private sector. This event allowed the SBS to highlight what the youth preferred when it comes to financial services, savings habits and digital financial services, as well as local and international experiences to promote saving habits. The third pillar allowed financial institutions to promote the opening of formal savings accounts, focusing both on the responsible usage of traditional channels, i.e. face-to-face, and digital channels, reinforcing their financial education capacities. The Savings and Loans Institutions organised workshops and talks at schools, to promote saving by opening a savings account. Through these events, more than 27,000 accounts were opened nationwide, and through a digital platform, several financial institutions participated in a virtual fair “cyber saving”, which reached over 400,000 people throughout the Week. The Radio Programs of Peru broadcasted several workshops with young people in schools and saving fairs. All events and activities were shared via social media, where tips, interviews, live broadcasts, online competitions, hash tags, videos and more were uploaded.
Banco Cooperativo del Estudiante Bartselana
Once again, the Banco del Estudiante Bartselana organised events and activities for Global Money Week. This year, the Bank collaborated with the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa, the Educational Management of North Arequipa, the Educational Management of South Arequipa, and the Ministry of the Environment. The events included visits to schools, visits to media organisations and conferences on the development of financial education.
2018 Peru Global Money Week
- Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and Private Pensions Funds (SBS)
- Ministry of Education (MINEDU)
- Banco del Estudiante Bartselana, Central Bank of Reserves Peru, Central Bank of Reserves Peru Museum, Central Bank of Reserves’ Money Museum, Citibank, COFIDE, Congress of the Republic of Peru, Cooperation Fund for Social Development (FONCODES), Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Education, National Institute of the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property Protection (INDECOPI), National Superintendence of Sanitation Services (SUNASS), Plan International, PRONABEC, Scotiabank, Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Funds (SBS), Supervisory Organisation for Investment in Energy and Mining (OSINERGMIN), World Vision Peru, 1 public institution, 13 banking institutions, 13 municipal savings and loan institutions and cooperatives, 2 EDPYMEs, 3 media outlets, 3 municipalities, 4 international organisations, 4 Libraries, 4 private pension funds administrators (AFP), 4 schools, 5 financial institution associations, 5 municipalities, 5 Technical Institutions, 6 financial institutions, 62 Schools, 7 insurance Companies, 8 Other institutions, 8 Universities
- 29 392
- 5 494 265
Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and Private Pensions Funds (SBS)
In line with the National Plan of Financial Education and Financial Inclusion, the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and Private Pensions Funds (SBS) and the Ministry of Education (MINEDU), coordinated all the efforts that made it possible. GMW2018 was launched in the Congress of the Republic, emphasizing the importance of enhancing saving culture through financial education. During the ceremony, a student and a teacher gave a speech on how financial education helped them reach their saving goals. Multiple events were organised for all ages, including workshops, educational fairs, financial tours, interviews and media and social campaigns, all to create awareness. Libraries and the Numismatic Museum of the Central Bank also organised several activities. The SMA organised a debate between representatives of academia to debate the importance of saving at different stages of life. During the debate, the SBS presented the results of a study from 2017 on long-term saving, based on the results of surveys and focus groups. The results of this event will allow policy makers and the industry to delineate policies and strategies to better serve citizens at different stages of life. Throughout the week, several financial institutions and the National Bank held special campaigns to promote savings, by opening saving accounts for youth across the country. Financial tours were organised in different regions of the country, making it possible for students to learn about how financial institutions and regulatory agencies work, as well as learning about their rights and duties as an informed consumer of financial products and services. These tours gave them the opportunity to interact with officers of the financial institutions and ask questions regarding financial education matters.
2017 Peru Global Money Week
- Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS)
- El Banco del Estudiante
- Fondo de Seguro de Depósitos (FSD)
- Financiera Proempresa
- CMAC Cusco
- CMAC Trujillo
- CMAC Piura
- Fundación Alemana
- Federación Peruana de Cajas Municipales de Ahorro y Crédito (FEPCMAC)
- Colegio Green Gable, San Borja
- RED AFLATOUN - Visión Solidaria
- Asociación de Ccorao, Cusco
- I.E. 7057 Soberana Orden de Malta, Lima
- I.E. 0086 José María Arguedas, Lima
- I.E. Juana Alarco de Dammert, Lima
- Colegio San Juan, Cusco, Colegio Von Humboldt, Cusco, Colegio Jorge Chavez Chaparro, Cusco Colegio La Merced, Piura, I.E. Andrés Avelino Cáceres, Piura
- 7 426
- 37 422
The Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS) invited 80 institutions, including NGOs and public and private institutions, to participate in the GMW 2017 celebrations through various activities at the national level, in order to spread the message proposed by CYFI to children and young people.
Several associations of the financial, microfinance and insurance systems, together with their partners, joined in the activities of the Week. Unfortunately, just days prior to GMW 2017, torrential rains and floods hit several areas of Peru, including the provinces of Lima. For this reason, many of the planned activities had to be cancelled. However, despite the disaster, many financial institutions still arranged plans to carry out activities in areas not affected by the floods, in order to raise awareness about the importance of saving. In this sense, the efforts made by “Fundación Alemana” and “Cajas Municipales” (FECPMAC) in the inland of the country were very meaningful.
During GMW 2017, the Cajas Municipales de Ahorro y Credito (CMAC), a financial institution from Cusco, together with the support of Fundación Alemana, an NGO from Germany, held a finance education workshop in three different local schools, while high school students were involved in Skype interviews with other students from the Netherlands and Colombia. Thanks to these activities, more than 470 youth were reached! Furthermore, Federación Peruana de Cajas Municipales de Ahorro y Crédito, Financiera Proempresa and Fundacion Alemana held many workshops and talks all around the country, from Lima to Piura, passing through Trujillo and Cusco. More than 300 children and young people from schools attended the workshops and had the opportunity to learn about responsible money management and the importance of saving.
In the city of Cusco, CMAC and partners planned tours around the city. The first financial tour was held in the street markets of Cusco, wherein 1500 people joined the activities. Another tour was carried out inside the Corao community, an ancient indigenous community of Cusco, which allowed for 500 children to learn and exchange insights about financial inclusion with Corao members. For the closing event, 1500 people joined the big Financial Fair held in Tupac Amaru square.
To assure that the message reached as many people as possible, the SBS involved not only children in financial workshops, but adults as well, in order to train the staff to be able to work and prepare activities about financial inclusion aimed to people of all ages. On Tuesday 28 March, another Financial Fair was held at the Congress of the Republic, carried out by SBS, with 230 participants, both children and adults, taking part.
Furthermore, during Global Money Week, El Banco del Estudiante, participated by providing valuable information about savings and finances to students through various financial talks in Arequipa. The talks were motivational, focusing on savings and how to manage financial resources. Moreover, GMW 2017 consisted of workshops led by El Banco del Estudiante about the importance of savings, financial games looking at how to create a savings plan and participation in local television and radio stations to further emphasize the importance behind savings.
2016 Peru Global Money Week
- Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP
- Ministerio de Educación
- 14 785
- 3 800
- Public Institutions: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS), Ministerio de Educación ( MINEDU), Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF), Banco Central de Reserva del Perú (BCRP), Banco de la Nación (BN), Comisión Multisectorial de Inclusión Financiera (CMIF), Programa Nacional de Becas y Créditos Educativos (PRONABEC), Municipalidad de San Miguel
- Private and civil society: Banco de Crédito del Perú( BCP), Fondo de Seguro de Depósitos (FSD), Caja Sullana, Rímac Seguros, La Positiva Compañía de Seguros, Mapfre Seguros, Pacífico Seguros, Sura Compañía de Seguros, Protecta Compañía de Seguros, Finanzas Prácticas - Visa, Fundación Alemana, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP) - Proyecto Capital, ONG Visión Solidaria - Aflatoun
- Associations: Asociación de Empresas de Seguros (APESEG), Federación Peruana de Cajas Municipales (FEPCMAC), Centro de Estudios Financieros de la Asociación de Bancos ( CEFI de Asbanc)
- Schools: Colegio San Pedro (Chorrillos), Colegio Virgo Pottens (Lima), Colegio Abraham Lincoln, La Punta (Callao), I.E. 31501 Sebastián Llorente (Huancayo), Colegio Nacional de Ciencias (Cusco), Colegio Divino Maestro, Sullana (Piura), Colegio San Jose de Tarbes (Piura), Colegio Teresa González de Faning (Lima), Colegio Jesús Obrero (Lima), Colegio María Parado de Bellido (Lima), Colegio Serafín Filomeno (Moyobamba), Colegio José Antonio Encinas Franco (Moyobamba), Colegio I.E Arequipa Primaria (Arequipa), Colegio Héroes de Angamos, Colegio Nuestra señora de Lourdes, Colegio Sagrados Corazones, Colegio Micaela Bastida, Colegio Juana Cervantes
- Universities: Universidad Privada del Norte, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
- Caja Arequipa
- Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa
- Consejo de Participación de la Juventud Arequipa
- Thunderbird School of Global Management
- Papelera Panamericana
- 16th - 19th of March
- 14 785
This year for the first time in Perú, Global Money Week involved both the public and private sector, schools, universities, civil society organisations, associations and more in financial education initiatives at the national level in the pursuit of a common goal: to encourage the population, especially children and youth, to create a culture of savings. Global Money Week is in line with the actions of the National Strategy for Financial Inclusion Peru, within the framework of the development of awareness campaigns to promote savings as a means to achieve short and long term goals, as well as a means to reducing vulnerabilities in the population.
Peru launched the celebrations of this year's Global Money Week on 16 March with activities in Lima, San Martín, Piura, Huancayo, Arequipa and Cusco. Activities in Peru not only focused on children and youth, but also took the involvement of parents and teachers into consideration when striving to develop financial capabilities at a younger age. The Ministry of Education and the Superintendence of Banks and Banco de Crédito de Perú initiated activities at the national level, making this the first Global Money Week of national outreach in Peru.
Activities in Peru included three days of school visits and various recreational activities and celebrations, in which children and youth learnt about savings, the importance of a stable financial system and, of course, had a lot of fun. Torito, the mascot of the Superintendence Financial Education programme, took finances to the classroom and shared his best advice with children all over the country. Global Money Week was an incredibly busy week for Torito.
Additionally, radio stations helped spread the message of saving and value for money to children and youth by conducting various programs. Global Money Week closed with an impressive Savings Fair on Friday 19 March in the capital city of Lima.
Global Money Week 2015 en Peru
- Superintendencia de Banca
- Seguros y AFP (SBS)
- Banco del Estudiante – Arequipa
- 9th - 17th of March
- 2 800
As per the traditions, Global Money Week 2015 celebrations were spearheaded by the congregation consisting of the Superintendence of Bank, Insurance and Private Pension Funds (SBS) and Banco del Estudiante in Arequipa. Talks on savings were organised in three primary schools and two secondary schools, reaching approximately 2,500 students. Students were urged to inculcate the habit of saving, a fundamental tool especially for those looking to become entrepreneurs.
Additionally, a seminar-cum-workshop on Financial Education was conducted for the children and youth, in the company of the Superintendence of Bank, Insurance and Private Pension Funds (SBS); and various financial institutions. Around 300 children and youth benefitted by this initiative.
A commission of the Superintendence of Bank, Insurance and Private Pension Funds, also joined the Global Money Week celebrations in Guatemala by accepting an invitation extended by the Central Bank of Guatemala to participate in that country’s Financial Education Fair.
During the week, children participated in various recreational activities in their schools. Radio stations helped spread message of saving and value for money to children and youth by conducting various programs.
2014 Peru Money Week
- Superintendencia de Bancos
- Institute of Peruvian Studies
- Banco de Crédito de Peru
- Visa International
- National Congress
- Ministries of Education
- Ministries of Economy
- 13th – 16th of March
Global Money Week celebrations were framed by the commemoration of the Consumer Protection week in Peru. One of the lead Global Money Week activities was the combined effort of multiple national authorities in redrafting the National Curriculum Design (DCN) to include Economic Citizenship Education.
During this year’s celebrations the Superintendencia de Bancos (SBS), the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), Banco de Crédito de Peru (BCP), Visa International, the National Congress and the Ministries of Education and Economy joined efforts to ensure that the experience was unforgettable for children and youth who took part in it.
Children and youth learnt about finances by playing the most popular sport in Latin America: Football. Visa International’s Financial Football puts child and youth financial skills to the test in a fast-paced, multiple-choice question game. The game tested players' knowledge on financial management skills as they advance down the field and try to score.
The National Congress organised a series of activities that allowed children and youth to share experiences about the financial issues that most concerned them. This activity included financial education games, workshop and hand-outs which explained the importance of the appropriate management of resources. Under the motto “The Progress Route” partners in Peru also organised a financial education fair for children and youth and their families. Together they walked the ‘route to progress’ in the 2 day long fair that focused on personal and family finances.
Learn more:
2013 Peru Money Week
- Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
- Banco de Credito de Peru
- Secretariry of Social Promotion
- Participation of the Municipality of Arequipa
- 15th - 21st of March
The celebrations in Peru took place for the duration of the week. Primary and secondary students celebrated the Week in the Municipality of Arequipa and in the Capital of the country in two main events, coordinated by the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos and Banco de Credito de Peru and the Secretariry of Social Promotion and Participation of the Municipality of Arequipa.
These events brought together several financial institutions, local education authorities and welcomed Dr. Marco Falconi Picardo, Deputy President of the Peruvian Congress.
One of the activities was a fair, which fair was focused on giving information to children and youth on existing financial products and services. Additionally, the programme “Bodeguita Ecologica” was launched. This programme allows children and youth to acquire credit for school material, food and house appliances.
Meanwhile in Lima, children and youth working together with the IEP and BCP participated in a global call with other youngsters from Colombia, exchanging ideas and talking about why savings are important to accomplish their life goals. They also participated in theater plays focused on financial education and consumer protection.